Sunday, October 16, 2016


We have several projects going on by Public Works that are questionable by City residents.  The residents are not concerned about the projects but how they are being carried out.  The City is paying (1) City Engineer a salary of $109,039.00 + benefits (health ins., retirement, etc.) also (1) Assistant City Engineer a salary of $109,039.00 + benefits (health ins., retirement, etc.).

Keeping the above figures in mind the DPW Director; yes Skip Scirocco hired an outside engineering firm to plan a water & sewer job on Woodlawn Ave. for a figure of $60,000.00.  Remember we have 2 City Engineers who could have done this job and it wouldn’t cost the City a penny.  Well the code says that a water line must be at least 5 feet underground and 10 feet away from the sewer line. I can see our 2 engineers not knowing the rules but an outside firm?  they should have known this when they submitted the plans ($60,000.00) for the project.  However, the water line sits 3 feet underground and is only 5 feet away from the sewer line which is one of the old clay sewer lines.  This is incompetence at its best and another one of Skippy’s not understanding or the City Engineers understanding of the codes.

The next best thing about this project is that the job must be overseen by one of the City’s 2 engineers, so if this is fact are they as blank as most think or is a pocket being lined?
I would also like to know what plan DPW & DPS has for car, truck or equipment replacement yearly.  I remember when a 19 year old fire truck went to put out a fire and the fire truck caught on fire.  DPW has quite a bit of trucks, cars and dump trucks that need to be replaced and I hope Scirocco does not give the money back to Madigan to make her look good and put the good of the City in jeopardy by not having enough vehicles on the road or having to replace many at one time as I have heard he might have to do.
Having been following the Charter Commission( which had to be assembled by our Charter) via the City website, citizens can learn much about our form of government if they only open their ears and listen to the pros and cons of our form vs. other forms.

In a letter to the editor today written by none other than the mummy of Bonnie Sellers, Richard Sellers, this is a person that is blank and understands nothing about the Commission form or other forms.  Richard, the partner of Bonnie Sellers who make up the Abbot & Costello team in Saratoga Springs have no clue about many things and in the Commission vs other government types.  This duo, along with their uninformed friends use scare tactics not information when discussing these topics.  They offer nothing valuable to the discussion other than ‘look at other cities using another form of government and see how bad they are as compared to Saratoga’, well my friends the form of government did not make Saratoga what it is today, the business people, volunteers, to some extent City officials and having 2 race tracks and Skidmore College in our City along with the Northway led to what Saratoga is today.  If people open their eyes and look around the State there are many good Cities and since we are not #1 in great city’s in the country, there are thousands and thousands that are doing good.  I think one thing that Saratoga Springs does have are people like Dick & Bonita Sellers who spread fear and will not even listen or educate themselves to other ideas, now that doesn’t mean they can’t have their own opinion but stop the fear mongering.

I listened to a local radio show Saturday morning as Commissioner Matheisen was the guest and he spoke on various City topics that made sense and one of the topics he spoke on was form of government, he was the first City official to call for a different form of government (back in January).  You will have to speak with him about the benefits of a possible change and his ideas of why it may be better to do so. BUT NOTE, this current Commission is looking at ways to streamline our current form as well as having guest Mayors and City Managers speak so maybe we can incorporate some of their ways into our Charter to improve it.  The Sellers and their bunch have to get out of the 1920’s and realize we are in 2016 and things change and we need to do what is best for Saratoga and its citizens.  Change it or update and streamline it either one. 

What do you think of Change the form of gov't?  Stay or Change and put a good reason why you think one way or the other.


  1. At least we know the Sellers....who are you,why are you hiding...your blog is nothing more than a barrel of sour grapes any attempt to change this form of gov't we be trounced.

    1. Glad you know the Sellers and if you think this form of gov't we be trounced so be it, sour grapes, I don't think so. You have to use your noggin instead of being a sheep instead of the shepard's Sellers.

    2. Doesn't make sense.

    3. While I frequently don't agree with Bonnie Sellers, she does attend all meetings and develops her opinions based on what she sees and hears there. Since I don't know who you are I have no way of knowing what - other than what appears to be rather biased and agenda driven thinking, I have no idea what you based your opinions on.

    4. Yet, instead of voicing your concerns and ideas in the public eye, you choose to hide behind an anonymous blog where you don't have to take real responsibility.

    5. Your right, I choose to be an anonymous bloggger.

  2. thank God we mentally ill have a spokes' person like you cap'

  3. "Keeping the above figures in mind the DPW Director; yes Skip Scirocco hired an outside engineering firm to plan a water & sewer job on Woodlawn Ave. for a figure of $60,000.00."

    DPW Director Rasmussen did not hire the outside engineer he was opposed to cutting corners on this project, and look what happened. Commissioner Scirocco and Manager Veich did hire the outside engineer, over the objections of the city engineers.
    These lines will freeze and people will get sick. Has anyone contacted the health department?
    The city engineers told Commissioner Scirocco and Veich about these issues and that it does not meet code. Scirocco and Veich came up with the plan to hire an outside engineer and pay them a lot of money to do what is politically expedient not what is good for the people of the city.
    This is the problem with this form of government. Politicians and political leaders who are only interested in their own political appearances and careers overruling experienced professionals. I guess that answers your question about why this form of government has to go.

    1. Well you should voice your complaint with the City Council,,,they meet tonite can't wait to hear from you...see if this form of gov't will listen to you!

    2. Why? Skippy is the teflon kid, he gives away 1 million dollars and nothing happens, you think anything will be done about this? There are also sidewalk issues that he is playing with against code. The man is a walking code bomb.

  4. 4:57am,in the name of God man,if you have all these facts you should contact the NYS Health Dept and give them the info on the Skipster!

  5. Speaking of sidewalks, who is paying for the new sidewalks on Congress Ave.???
    The city DPW is doing the work, and the home owners pay nothing. A fact.

  6. What needs to change is the town or city where pat kane can live...there is no interest is this community to change this form of gov't,they only thing that will be accomplished by the "Yepsen Commmittee"is the destruction of Prof Turner''s reputation.....3 times in ten years....really?? MADIGAN FOR MAYOR>>>A PROVEN LEADER

    1. You really do need a brain transplant! However long this Commission has been around (all Commissioners named people to the Commission) it has been stated that the Charter must be looked at every 10 years by a Commission appointed by the Mayor or as in this case the Council. Keehn's in 2006, Yepesen's in 2016, get it every 10 years as the Charter mandates. Now, wrap your head around this, there have been 2 citizen (not Council) initiated Charter Change attempts. These 2 do not count as in the 10 year rule because they were initiated by citizens. Pat Kane led a group to get donations and gather information for one attempt and he and other people started another attempt, Kane was the spokesperson. Now, I hope you understand and if not go see Bonnie or Dick Sellers for some of their Kool Aid. Mad Madigan for Mayor ... a proven wine imbiber at meetings.

    2. "....a proven wine imbiber at meetings." Really? Where's your proof? It's totally irresponsible to make such comments even on your own blog and not provide the proof you say you have.

  7. clueless....15 members on the Committee correct?...FACT! Yepsen chose 11 of them,I'd say that makes it her can't spin cap because you spun out}}}}}}}}....MADIGAN FOR MAYOR a PROVEN LEADER...check out the latest Comptrollers report...other than trying to feather her own nest what has yepsen really done...even the hospital threw her under the bus....a PROVEN unethical person enjoy the muck captain!

    1. Kool Aid Kid, the Mayor appoints the Commission and this time she had each Commissioner appoint a representative. Now your glamour girl Madigan appointed all 21 members to her Smart City Road Map Committee, so there you go. As far as the City score from the Comptroller kudos for the Finance Dept. Lynn Bachner and staff do a great job in helping the Commission. A good Deputy Commissioner makes the Commissioner look good, just take a look at Skippy's, part of the problem he has. He can't rely on a Deputy that also knows anything about the department. Now go back and keep trying to spin great about Madigan, as a Commissioner she is an embarrassment around the Capital District. She has to give up the sauce before, during and after meetings and not berate the citizens at meetings, don't feel bad about you being clueless, it might help if you attended some meetings or watch them the next day on the internet.

    2. LOL!,nice try clueless..MADIGAN THE PROVEN LEADER!

    3. Some people are born blind and some stupid, you are both blind and stupid. No more posts about this thread for you. Blind and stupid people can not carry on a debate so goodbye chump.

    4. The Smart City Road Map was put together as a committee of professionals who can guide an important improvement for the city. When you load a committee that will likely recommend a new form of government that will benefit the Mayor specifically - we all know she can't afford to run again on the current salary. She is the only one to really benefit so yes, she gave each commissioner one appointment and she picked the other 11 to support HER agenda.

    5. The Smart City Road Map Committee was appointed by non other than Madigan. If you look at the mandatory Charter review Commission yes she did have Commissioners appoint 1 member but she didn't have to do even that. This Commission is Mayor appointed unless the Council initiates the mandatory review. The members are every bit if not more professional and experienced (except Elio, a Madigan appointee), one of the appointed is Gordon Boyd who was one of the original founders of SUCCESS the anti group against change who spread fear not facts about how our City can be better managed.

    6. Oh boy! The Mayor did something she didn't have to do? That is certainly a rarity but don't think she did this without some benefit to herself. I'm sure she gave them their big 4 appointments (to her 11 so she can have people like you say how generous she is). She doe NOTHING without some benefit to herself!

    7. So, you must think that there is something in it for Madigan for appointing all 21 people to her Committee without any feedback from other Councilmen?

    8. Gosh I just with you would think beyond your own agenda. The Charter commission's can have a huge impact on the future of this community and on the Mayor - this Mayor in particular who cannot afford to stay Mayor at the current salary. It is so clear that her personal benefit is at play. The Smart Cities is completely different. Commissioner Madigan has NOTHING to lose or gain by the outcome of the Smart Cities committee. Considering that the mayor has already been determined to be unethical you'd think she'd be more careful. The only transparent thing about this mayor is her obvious personal agendas.

    9. Sorry, but it is not just my agenda and to your point Yepsen has nothing to gain by Commissioner (or Department heads) salaries increasing. This is so you can understand, whatever form the Charter takes, any increase in the Charter would have to be approved by the citizens then whoever runs for office after a possible Charter Change or an update to the current one would run for office after the vote for the Charter. So you see, no sitting Commissioner can benefit for any salary increase in any new Charter until after a general election, so you don't have to vote for Yepsen. Also, if you think the part time salary is enough for these 'part time' Commissioners you have rocks in your head. This Charter 101 should do it for you, if not go back to sleep. Now, Madigan has everything to gain with her Smart Cities Committee appointments. You don't think she stands to gain from some of those she appointed? Think about it. Now that's what you should be thinking about instead of your own agenda.

  8. Can we please go back to the person's question about the new sidewalks which were installed on Congress Av? I remember seeing a city DPW crew there this summer. I asked the worker about them and he said that some state department was paying the DPW to put in the new sidewalks. I asked one homeowner, and all he said was that he didn't care who paid for it as long as he didn't have to pay anything. What is going on there? Why are taxpayers paying for somebody else's sidewalk?

  9. If the area is designated as run down area and need help like new sidewalks, Skippy can ask the Community Block Grant for money in a designated area but he has used monies in other areas before. The sidewalks are also illegal as code says they must be 4'x4' which many are not and they must also be a certain distance from the road because if they are too close they will be plowed in with snow. However, this is what happens when you have someone who has many friends in the City voting him in office but knows nothing about running his department.

  10. Have you noticed all the leaves in the storm drains causing all the flooding this weekend throughout Saratoga great job skip.

  11. This is what is wrong with our form of government.
    "When you teach a man to hate and fear his brother, when you teach that he is a lesser man because of his color or his beliefs or the policies he pursues, when you teach that those who differ from you threaten your freedom or your job or your family, then you also learn to confront others not as fellow citizens but as enemies, to be met not with cooperation but with conquest; to be subjugated and mastered. We learn, at the last, to look at our brothers as aliens, men with whom we share a city, but not a community; men bound to us in common dwelling, but not in common effort. We learn to share only a common fear, only a common desire to retreat from each other, only a common impulse to meet disagreement with force." RFK
    And so the city of Saratoga Springs employees and citizens are met on a daily basis against one another with this form of goverment.

  12. Any news about Skippy being ill?

    1. No, I haven't heard anything about that. I hope it isn't serious, politics is one thing but outside of politics is another world.

  13. The Captain's production is at an all-time low.
    Looking at your archive list today, I couldn't help but notice that you have dropped dramatically in the number of postings.
    From a high of 52 in 2013, to a predicted low of only 7 in 2016. What gives?

    1. nothing really gives but thank you for keeping score. It warms my heart that some out there cares.

    2. nothing really gives but thank you for keeping score. It warms my heart that some out there cares.

  14. Did you see Skip agenda for tonight? One item. That item is to spend another 35K on his buddies in engineering. Not construction or buildings or materials or vehicles. This is for the Casino again, because the cities engineers could not get it right the first time.

    1. It’s the same thing from the ‘man’. He supposedly runs the largest department in the City with the help of Comm. Madigan and he can’t even start his car. He spends so much of our taxpayer dollars on outside engineers (we have 2 highly paid city engineers) that it is laughable. He knows nothing about his department, yet Saratogians still elect him every 2 years. This goes to show you that you can have the brains of a gnat and get elected in Saratoga Springs, it’s no wonder he is not in favor of a government style change. He and Madigan have their heads up each other’s butt they can’t see the light of day. Also, speaking of gnat brains, what is the deal regarding Aletta Street? This is at least the 2nd time it has been dug up, did you get it wrong the first time? Another sign that (a)-he knows nothing and (2)- he loves spending our money for nothing.

    2. Well at least he doesn't put a bunch of garbage in his agenda just so he can look like he's doing something and get extra time to speak as the Mayor does!

  15. Ha ha, if she can stay off the vino. She will make Skippy her Deputy and he will be her lap dog and nuzzle her neck.

    1. Can't you get a point across without being crude? I now it's your blog but it also demonstrates your inabilities.

    2. Have you ever been around Yepsen when she's drinking? Not a pretty site! Yelling, screaming at people at other people's parties. Threatening them! Someone should put a breathalizer on her phone so she can't drunken text.

      Maybe that's why she's ALWAYS late. Too much the night before.

    3. Crude you say? Truth it is. And as for Yepsen I have been around her when she is drinking and never heard her scream or threaten them. You must be standing close to Madigan. Also I heard that twice now Madigan ran off the road from too much scotch, wine and champagne only to be driven home by police.

      As Madigan says in her tweet "Finance Commissioner for Saratoga Springs, Librarian, Scotch and Champagne lover" All you have to do is stand by her when she walks by to go to the Council table and you could fall down from the smell, this may be the reason she is so rude and screams at citizens when it is the 15 minute citizen remarks portion of the meeting. Crude? Never

    4. Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 7:13 AM, you say "Maybe that's why she's ALWAYS late. Too much the night before."
      I always thought under our current Charter that all the Commissioner positions were PART TIME, so why can't she come in anytime she wants and are you her personal timekeeper?

    5. Too bad you clearly have a one way perspective and refuse to print things that can show another side or the reality of your bias and desire to protect those who don't deserve protecting. Reality is not so fun when it doesn't support your agenda. So, OK - have it your way. There are other much more reputable methods for getting the truth out. One thing I can say is I can support with actual FACTS anything I've offered to your site. Can't say that about the imaginative BS you put out. Say hi to the Mayor and her minions (McTygues, Ray Watkin and Ms. Lidig) - You certainly seem to be on there payroll - if not for actual money there must be something in it for you. Or perhaps since we don't know who you are - may be you are one of them.

    6. Let's see if you have the guts to print that one or this one - it takes a lot of guts to deal with reality and very little to promote lies to support your own agenda.

    7. Only cowards are afraid of the truth or an opposing position. The only stupid thing I've done lately is think that I could actually have a real conversation with someone as myopically blind as you. So, I'm thinking being called stupid by you is actually a compliment. I'm sure I won't see this posted. You are either too fearful of the truth or are being paid to put out this fodder. Either way - I now realize what a total waste of time using logic with the illogical is. Bye-bye!

    8. I am not on a payroll, I have guts no lies her just reality and I'm not one of 'them', I am not opposed to an opposing position but when I'm right, I'm right. Thank you for being stupid and taking it as a compliment as I meant it that way. So please take this as a big compliment BYE BYE

  16. Cap,admit it right now pound for pound Madigan has it all over Yepsen...Madigan is very popular despite her--------------?????????? and besides that I believe she is just smarter....Yepsen continues this fight she loses...source??,smart money

  17. I think you are right, Madigan is pound for pound equal to the weight of the entire Council. I don't think she wins the Mayoral primary if Yepsen runs again. Madigan's popularity is not what she thinks it is. She is known as a nasty person to both citizens at meetings and to those who oppose her. The City will gain nothing having her as Mayor. Smart money says a popular Republican can take the seat and a popular Dem can oust Skip.

  18. I'm for ousting skippy...he should already have been gone.

    1. This is what happens when people personally like someone, they don't figure in the fact that the someone is as blank about the political position he or she holds and the damage they cause the City. Well that's Saratoga Springs politics, will we ever get it right?

  19. I’d vote for Madigan in a heart beat. The Captain’s snide comments aside.

    1. Snide you say? All true, but you're entitled to your vote no matter how silly it may be.

  20. Ha ha Captain. you are a funny person.
    A year from now....Skippy (rino) will be voted out, and we may see a brand new council. Yes, things are indeed that bad.

  21. Skip looks very tired. I heard Skippy is tired and thinking of not running next year. He has his ten years in. The republicans should ask him to step a side and put up someone with real qualification that Skippy can support. If not the Democrats are going win.

    1. Yes he does and he is getting worse at reading his answers and/or announcements from scripted notes undoubtedly written by Madigan or as some put it Mad Again. Also, if memory serves me right there are no more benefits associated with the 10 year rule, I think Johnson eliminated it. Skip already gets his pension and insurance from the City from his tenure as dog catcher extraordinaire.

  22. Any bennies coming Skip's way from his years as a Stupidvisor?

  23. Skippy been living off of Mctygue he says!

  24. OK
    So every day we sit and write our complaints about Skippy. What can we do as a group, to get him out of office?
    This blog has a lot of followers, let's get together. The elections are only a year away. Time flies.
    This guy is a joke. Has to go.

  25. First of all who are potential candidates,that would be a good start.

  26. The republican party and Donna Buckley will never endorse anyone other then Skippy. The only way is to primary Skippy but who wants to do that for $14K. The democrats are stuck on McTygue, who can't win. I think that two parties need to endorse other people.

  27. As I have before, this form of government only allows the rich, those that own their own businesses or retired men & women to run for office and especially those that own their own businesses have to take time off every week (Commissioners have to put in a certain number of hours in City Hall to do work) which hurts themselves. If new people do not come forward which doesn't look good because if someone losses they run again. If I were a group of people trying to change up things either change this silly form of government or find someone that will run let's say Skippy and have him or her run as an Independent (God forbid, not the Independence Party which Hot Dog Eddie Miller is in control of). You need a certain number of signatures from both Republicans & Democrats and yes there are enough that want Skippy & Madigan out. The Republican's had a fellow last year but Skippy put the kibosh on him because as he said 'I work well with Michele'. Those are the only 2 ways to do it, bypass both Party's. If you are against changing the form of government please don't follow the haters of change, listen to the interviews the Commission had and will have, Saratoga Springs could be in a tight position soon with the Casino opening and the Convention Center in Albany which will have amenities to entice groups to have their conventions there.

  28. There must be someone,has to be!

  29. I'm sure that Donna Buck-Buck reads this blog faithfully, so it might be best to discuss strategy privately.

  30. See my reply to Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 7:11 AM above .

  31. See another reply to Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 7:08 AM above.

  32. I put the comments from earlier posts above because readers have said they don't go back to see if anybody replied to an earlier comment.

  33. I have answered a current comment by Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 7:02 AM in my answer Captain America November 10, 2016 at 8:35 AM

  34. Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 7:13 AM - I have responded to a current post by this poster above.

  35. Holy Shit Marilyn Rivers just got a 25k raise at the last meeting from 85,000 to 110,000. Here is the link 13:00 to the end.

  36. This may come as a shock to some of you.
    Saratoga Springs is the yuppiest, so if you still think you can't afford a person like Rivers.....move to Amsterdam or Gloversville.
    This is the Utopia, the sweater-around-the-neckiest place in America.
    The benefits that are continually awarded to our city's "civil servants" are not sustainable in the future, but what the hell, this is Saratoga Springs.
    We pay them all a nice salary, and when they retire, we pay them again, forever and ever. Makes sense?

  37. New replies to October 20th at 12:47 am

  38. Cap, is it yruce that Skip The Fees just lost his Deputy, Tim Cogan? I heard he's retired for the 2nd time in his city career! Should b interesting to c who Skippy names as his replacement!

    1. Yes it's true that Cogan is calling it quits. He may have had enough of Skippy's troubles or cannot work for someone who doesn't know his job.

    2. Donna Buckley is been considered because she does the job anyway. Gives her another boost in salary from 35k to 47k at the last meeting courtesy of madagain to 70k as deputy. She is the only one as she will retire when Skippy does not run next cycle.

    3. Many inside City Hall are perplexed by Skippy's refusal to hire more help. This Fall's leaf pickup has been horrible and on every City street there are still piles to be taken away. There just aren't enough help to do the job and they say DPW staff is at its lowest point. What will winter bring? Skip has to get his head out from Madigan's butt and stop giving money from his department and start using it to hire more people instead of making Madigan look good? We also wonder why working supervisors are still riding around the City in their pick up trucks. These people should be either driving the pick up machine or driving a truck so they can be with their crew at a time like this. The City is in sad shape and I want to say kudo's to Skippy for making it look this way. He keeps taking some luster off of Saratoga Springs reputation and it won't end until he is out of office.

    4. Many inside City Hall are perplexed by Skippy's refusal to hire more help. This Fall's leaf pickup has been horrible and on every City street there are still piles to be taken away. There just aren't enough help to do the job and they say DPW staff is at its lowest point. What will winter bring? Skip has to get his head out from Madigan's butt and stop giving money from his department and start using it to hire more people instead of making Madigan look good? We also wonder why working supervisors are still riding around the City in their pick up trucks. These people should be either driving the pick up machine or driving a truck so they can be with their crew at a time like this. The City is in sad shape and I want to say kudo's to Skippy for making it look this way. He keeps taking some luster off of Saratoga Springs reputation and it won't end until he is out of office.

  39. New reply to Anonymous October 20, 2016 at 12:47 AM, he/she just doesn't get it. They must be someone out of Madigan's office or Skippy's.

  40. Very confusing, trying to bounce around to see new comments. Why not start a new post instead.

  41. I had many people ask how the can find earlier replies to earlier posts because they want to comment. This is the way that I let people know that someone posted to an earlier date. I'll be writing another post but that won't help those interested in this one. Sorry for the confusion.

  42. You have to read the 3 replies from the same joker at Anonymous November 9, 2016 at 7:13 AM He/She brings a new meaning to covering up the truth with denial and childish bull.

  43. By the way the above Anon, made the 3 replies within 10 minutes. Must have hit a nerve.

  44. Anybody ever think of following some of the DPW trucks/workers(employees) to see where they go and what they do??
    In a normal winter, we would be seeing snow plows, but this year we have to drive around huge piles of leaves. And some branches from the October storm are still in the streets. We taxpayers are sure gullible jerks for voting for Skippy the rino (republican in name only).
    Does he ever leave his office to see what's going on?

    1. He could care less. What went on last winter when most of the whole winter was above 50 degrees and we had 2 storms of 2-3"? Will he be reelected again, yes because Saratogians have very short memories. He will spend money like water hiring outside engineers & companies to do the work that City employees should be doing.

  45. Capt. You should look at the Thanksgiving’s day fire and whose buildings did not have sprinklers in them as required. Connected ex city officials.

  46. The new six story building that will take the place of the one being tore down will have sprinklers. It will be called Bonacio's Bar and Grill. Go have a drink, a coke, a toke, strippers, R*gg*s, R**hans, S*tt*ns, M*d*gans, Sc*rr*cos, Y*ps*ns, and maybe Fr*nk can do one of his dances he is so famous for. Poor Math*s*n will be outside in his pajamas with his decibel machine to rate the amount of noise within. Merry Christmas, a new space for a big building just appeared, but the old one could have been saved...just sayin.

    1. merlin agrees and yepsen knows,lol!

    2. I don't have many 6 year olds comment on the blog but yours is as dumb as a 5 year old.

    3. So true anon 1;16 yepsen doesn't know we really need a second string minister as mayor....the council meetings have turned into the village "Freak Hour",not much will change until tommy decides it's time for her to go!

    4. Cap, it looks like the 6 year old's are playing with themselves. Madigan, Skippy and Matheisen lovers all. It will be interesting to see if Madigan will give out her hand jobs for election votes.

  47. Somebody sayin there are no tokes, or cokes goin on downtown?

  48. Happy Holidays Captain
    The city council continues to plod along. What has been getting done lately? Any word back from the State officials investigating two big screw ups. Colimere Lot and Water Connection fees.
    I guess the parking garage by the City Center is in a state of disarray. The City Center Board thought they "had it in the bag" in court. BUT NOOOOOOOO the judge said no!!! New trial in February. Mr Baker had a "sweetheart" deal with CC Board in retirement. Now that deal may be over.
    Did someone say that Skip Scirocco was buy 100,000.00 worth of plumbing equipment from his brother's firm? he finally has come forward to "disclose it"
    Did Ms Madigan get her potty project started yet? No local firms involved? Why not. 750,000.00 for a potty and kitchenette. I took the tour. A giant joke.

    1. I heard on a local radio show today the sorry state of snow removal in the City, it was never like this, it is very bad for shoppers who are lucky enough to park on Broadway and don't want to walk all the way down to a corner in oncoming traffic to get on the sidewalk. Also the benches are still on Broadway which would be fine if you didn't have to walk through snow banks to get to them. The 3rd floor of the parking Woodlawn Garage can't be used for parking (during the Christmas season) because for 10 days after a snow storm they still haven't removed the snow. What the heck is going on with DPW and it's 'leader' Skippy? Merry Christmas Cap'

  49. I am totally surprised how we continue to boast about our City Government's financial operation. Every finance commissioner including the latest tool.. madigan claims to have the secret sauce when it comes to budgeting. About the only good part of the current charter is the financial requirements. Yes it is required by charter that they operate according to the requirements. Thank you 2001 Charter Commission.
    Since 2004 we have achieved top ratings from NYS in 12 of the last 13 years.
    The bad year was when the governor pulled VLT horse racing money.

  50. Yes, you are right, Madigan is a figment of the 2001 Charter and certainly not from her doing.

  51. The roads are terrible. The new deputy has proven she has no idea what she is doing. The plowed piles have now frozen in place and will be there all winter.
    Thank goodness that Skippy is not running again next year. That is a nice Christmas present.

  52. cap,what's going on in city court?...seems Pinot Yepsen is giving judgeships to a lawyer who defended her unsuccessfully I might add in the infamous Hospital scandle,looks like another state investigation into Ms.Pinots'unethical behavior....any updates cap?...welcome back.

    1. I think Wait was a City Court Judge who won his term during the Great Republican Debacle when long time Judge Doern was going to run for the open full time City Court Judge position and the Republicans backed Matt Dorsey. At the time Doern would have taken the seat with no trouble but by the Republicans backing Dorsey many Republican voters upset with the handling of the backroom deal voted for the Democratic Wait and he beat Dorsey handily. So, by appointing Wait she put someone in that held the seat already. Now, one can argue about the choice but he does have the experience (not that I am a Wait fan).

  53. I had friends in town for Christmas and took them on Broadway Christmas Eve day. Boy, what a mistake, we found a parking spot on Broadway but my guests couldn't even get out of their side of the car because the snow banks were blocking the door and even after they got out on my side and my wife's we had to walk in the road to the nearest intersection to cross the street. This is another example of how Mr. Scirocco handles the snow removal when a four or five hour removal in the very early morning hours for 2 days could have Broadway snow-less and convenient for shoppers and those who want to walk on both sides of the road.

  54. Shades of Brian Dwyer, the DPW commish who decided to wait till the next day to clear the roads of snow. It all froze up overnight, and the temperatures stayed below freezing for weeks. Needless to say, that was Mr Dwyer's last term.
    People had to literally stay in the ruts in the roadways. You could not drive over the ruts, so lane changes were very challenging, or impossible.

    1. Let's hope the madness that is going on because of Skippy & Donna's actions will be the end of their term.

  55. Front page of the Saratogian. Feds investigating Saratoga for violation of ADA. Marilyn Rivers and the city attorney Vincent Delonardus had to step in and take over because Skippy is not doing his job of maintaining the sidewalks. Donna is not doing Skippy's job either.

  56. Cap,you must be getting tired of looking the other way....Mayor Pinot Yepsen appoints a woman from the law firm of beach&harris to a very lucrative one term term as city judge,by the way cap this law firm unsuccessfully defended yepsen in her unethical behavior case with the to play??...SS is calling for a investigation

    1. The December 6th council meeting at 62:10 and Harris & Beach is the law firm retained at least as far back as Mayor Johnson.

  57. So......who is the new DPW Deputy Dog?

    1. Well Donna will always be first in Skippy's heart but the job as I heard goes to one of the working foreman with the provision that if we get a new Commissioner who appoints his or her's Deputy, the fellow can go back to his working foreman status and whatever the pay grade is at that time. Cushy, no?.

    2. What's the big secret? It's after the first of the year, Cogan retired. Who is the new deputy?

  58. The City is not under contract to remove snow from Broadway sidewalks. It is not up to the City to take care of any sidewalks, that is up to the owners.

    1. Well that's not a top secret bomb you dropped but the banks should be cleared (Skippy, I don't mean Adirondack Trust) and a little back off the curb or do the merchants have to take care of that also? Skippy does as little as possible downtown and you can see the results, bad shape. The luster has been wearing off the last 8 years or so.

  59. I remember 20 years ago that the merchants claimed that is was the job of DPW to clear their sidewalks. When did that change? I agree with you that it should be the shop owners job to remove snow and make the sidewalks safe. Too much hand holding in this town and always for the wrong people.

  60. Happy New Year Captain, and all his faithful followers.
    I just heard that The Donald will be the mascot for Syracuse University. Ya know, The Orangeman representing the Orange-men.
    As Tiny Tim once said "God bless us, one and all"

    1. Thank you and Happy New Year to you and everyone. good Syracuse line. I hope everyone has a healthy and happy year and we need to vocalize what is to be done in our City, even when we disagree your comment is respected but mine is always right (just kidding). I also hope to have a new post when I start feeling better and am able to get around again.

    2. I hope you feel better soon. As to getting around Skippy has done such a bad job at managing the snow removal that it will not be until next May that any of us can get anywhere.

  61. Hey, what's going on? My street was plowed today and there were 2 plow trucks following with their blades up. I thought this was strange and since I was going to the store I followed them for about 5 minutes and they kept plowing the streets that way. I couldn't figure it out can you?

  62. At the council meeting tonight Skippy gave away $76,000 dollars to an engineering firm because the city traffic engineer did not notify national grid of the Balston Ave project. The city traffic engineer must be an idiot to not have done this and they still get paid $109,000 per year with benefits. What a great big pay off by Skippy with tax payer dollars to some more of his supporters.

    1. This man has to go. He should be prosecuted for dealing against the law with taxpayer money like this. The citizens had better pass Charter Change or get rid of this guy, there are no checks & balances in this form of government and he is living proof of how a dummy can get elected without knowing a thing about what he was elected to.

  63. City only paid 3,000. on Ballston Ave, the State and Federal government paid for it. Listen to the meeting. The hold up was National Grid.

    1. The Federal and State government get their dollars from the TAXPAYERS. Skippy is still wasting the peoples money because he can not get it right the first time.

  64. 2:43 pm
    The Captain said it, and I say it. Taxes are still taxes. We taxpayers are the ones paying for these federal and state "grants". So anybody who says that "we didn't have to pay it, the state paid it," is just out of touch, oblivious or both.

  65. Is it true the DPW buys parts from Skippy's brother? Heard that tha city had purchased over $50,000.00 worth of products from that company before notified the city that he was doing so?
    Where is the ethics panel on this?

    1. B&B is the name of the company, I think. You can FOIL the invoices.

    2. B&B if I am not mistaken is owned by Bonacio & Benton. It's a new slant on the 1 million dollars that Skip gave back to Bonacio a few years back.

  66. Hey Ms Madigan! what is your prediction on 2017 VLT Revenue? With The Real Casino opening next month there is a good chance we will have a greatly reduced VLT pool to split. Hotel occupancy total are flat and costs at City continue to rise. The costs are rising rising like the toilet seat in you new private $750,000.00 bathroom.
    Ms Madigan???????

    1. Crickets......Crickets.......Crickets......Slurp (of wine).....Crickets

    2. Someone can run and beat her very easily.
      Most of the Democrats can not stand her
      Her outbursts are embarrassing. She better that both Skip and Dr mathuiesen run in the fall or she will have alot of crow to eat.

  67. I heard Skippy may b looking at another gender discrimination lawsuit. This time file by no other than Deputy Dog Donna Buckley. She desperately wanted the true title & pay but Skippy told her it wasn't a job for a woman! My how the tables turn!

    1. With what Donna has on Skippy in terms of dirt he will not contest the lawsuit. It really is time for both Donna and Skippy to go before they wreck more damage

  68. Hey Cap did you notice they are having a special council meeting at 1pm today to award a bid of $398,000 to fix the plaster in the Canfield Casino. kind of flying under the radar?

    1. As far as I know even if it is a special meeting a legal notice has to be published for citizens to be aware of the meeting although since this is a DPW request, unlawful or not it could happen. The sick part about this is that a regular Council meeting takes place in 4 days, I'm sure it could have waited until then. Follow the Money.

  69. How come no posts about the Thanksgiving fire? Don't you think it is strange that an faulty extension cord was allegedly the culprit? Isn't it illegal to have an extension cord in a commericial kitchen? Now there are plans for a five story building downtown is the rumor. What do you say Captain? Something smells fishy.

  70. No post since October. Captain moves at his/her own pace. Maybe the wait will be worth it. Speaking of the fire on Caroline/Putnam, think of the other things that have gone without notice, like maybe the election of a dimwit.

  71. It is interesting to note that the only business, that was not destroyed, that is not yet open after the thanksgiving’s day fire, is Sperry’s. This is owned and operated by none other than Scott Johnson, the city of Saratoga Springs previous mayor.
    Isn’t he the one that fire three building inspector because they stepped on projects because of safety concerns? Funny thing is the building that burned 26 Caroline was supposed to have a sprinkler in it. This would have been a minor water damage fire, with $25k of damage, if the sprinkler had been in place. The damage now is $2.5 million with physical, lost wages and lost business. The ironic nature of this is probably lost on the previous mayor. Any thoughts Captain?

  72. Do you think madagain should cancel her pee project? We do not know if there will be a commissioner of finance in 2 years. The office will have to be reconfigured then so why are we bonding and spending $750,000 of tax payer money on madagan's office for 2 years. The green belt grants were not a sure thing and madagain did not want to waste taxpayer money for bonding that. Why bond money for the finance rehab?

    1. Madigan decries the use of spending money for the momentous change of the form of government to a representative and one more efficiently run. A survey of City Hall employees show that 75% say this form is a waste of time as did many former Mayor's and Commissioners and [people that deal with the City, however whatever Madigan wants she gets. She'll spend $750,000.00 of taxpayer money to sit comfortably while she toots but screw the citizens. She can make herself look good all she wants but everyone is getting to know the real Madigan and its not pretty.

  73. Cap,have you heard about the petition going around wanting yepsen to resign because of her continous unethical behavior and the legality of this charter committee and one other thing cap it's common knowledge you teach at skidmore so finding out this shouldn't be hard,does turner really have a no show job there?

    1. Ha, you are a funny one. You will have to wait for the election this November to get rid of Yepsen if you wish, a petition just won't do it. A petition could also be signed for removing Scirocco for removal because of the shady deal with Bonacio if that were the case. The Charter Committee is 100% legal because it is called for in the Charter so you may not like it but again don't vote for it. Turner is a real Professor at Skidmore, he teaches Political Science which any simple minded person can check out by going to Skidmore and search by Departments. Easy things to find out if you use your noggin.

  74. Thanks Cap I knew you'd know but I just signed the petition.

    1. You did what you thought was right and that's not a bad thing.

  75. Rusty Scirooco is trying to pull another fast one. He is moving a guy from the water department so his son ( Rusty Jr.) can have the job.
    He wants to promote the water guy to deputy. The only problem is that the water guy does not live in Saratoga. I guess his mother does, so Rusty Scirocco will lie and say his deputy lives in Saratoga.

    1. Yes, from inside City Hall that is what's going around and Buckley is seeing red. However, I don't think Scirocco's plan will work. The fellow has to have his permanent address and live in Saratoga Springs to be an official. I think that T. McTygue was the last person that could do this.

  76. Cap.....Billy Mctygue was seen at a very popular nite spot with DB don't know if they were together but their talk appeared to be very casual and cozy.....probably nothing,please keep us up to date on the budding affair.

    1. I don't think casual conversation as you said it was counts as a torrid love affair. Maybe she was giving him some dirt on the Skipster.

    2. She has always played both sides, this is how mctygues always on know what is going on. Billy gave her her start at the city when he was director.

  77. Cap did you see last night's city council meeting.
    Skip Shirocco is just about the most foolish person ever to sit at the council table. he speaks in half sentences and uses " ya know" in every on of his half sentences. It is very clear when he does put a full sentence together, he is reading from a document produce for him by Micelle Mad again. He sounds very fearful of losing his little world.

  78. How do you get copies of the video of city council meetings?

  79. Why would Frank take the deputy job? He know there is so much pot stirring in city-hall by Donna and her crew. It is only going to last 10 months when Skippy does not run in November.

    1. could be ego or just Skippy's pushing to get his son the water dept. job before he leaves office.

  80. Captain A guy named Frank Capolla is going to be passed off a city resident so he can be passed off as a candidate for Deputy in Saratoga Springs. He must be a resident. Not using his mother's address as his.

  81. Bonnie and Dick Sellers are stuck in the past

    1. True, it's very sad to see two people like them be so negative about things even when they hear so much information to make sense. As negative as Madigan & Scirocco & the Sellers are the Soap Opera continues 'These are the Days of Saratoga'

  82. As of 2012 60% of the residents agree with the Sellers,don't think that will change Yepsen is wasting taxpayers money and besides her unethical behavior and the fact members of HER OWN party voted to censor her.....time for you to get a new horse you beat'in this one to death!

    1. Yes, but this time at least 1/2 of SUCCESS have left and agree it's time to change and quite a few are influential people and have friends who can educate about the benefits of change. Education is a key ingredient in this process and there are many that don't care about facts like Bonnie & Dick Sellers. This time it may be different, with most past Mayors, past Commissioners and City Hall employees wanting a change and giving their perspective on how inefficient this form is especially with what is coming down the road with massive revenue losses we need some professionals running departments. Sorry, you lose this horse race.

    2. What's a benefit for,you mean division right?

    3. a benefit for change? Didn't you watch any of the Committee meetings? You are talking from stupidity. We are using an archaic form of government that does not run efficiently. We need people running departments that know what they are doing and a Council to oversee that government is run like a business, we need true representation not a 5 headed beast that has no leader but has 5 unequal parts. Get up to speed, we are in the year 2017 not 1918 and a lot has changed since then or are you still riding in a horse and carriage?

    4. yepsen is not a leader??? she's been leading your sorry ass for years...being a idiot has it's disadvantages right cap?

    5. I don't know but your tone sound like you do.

  83. Cap,DB and Bill Mctygue? why not?,according to city hall insiders she has him on speed dial and Scirroco said just the other day he'll spend as much as it takes to keep the Mctygue's out of city hall.I'd say he better start spending cause it looks like one of them is already inside...keep us updated Cap!

    1. I don't think Scirocco has that much money to spend unless he got some of that million dollar give back to Bonacio.

  84. Try calling Buckley at 587-3550 Ext. 2561.
    Always "away from my desk".
    Like 99% of the rest of City Hall.

    1. yea right that's why they want a change in the gov't they are just soooo stressed out especially ms.rivers



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...