As we near Election Day and the removal of those darn signs, we were discussing the choices this year. It’s not that one Party is better than the other although each Party will say they are, but it’s all about the candidates. This year it happens that the Democrats have the better candidates running for office.
You can’t top Joanne Yepsen, she was our rep on the County Board of Supervisors and throughout her tenure did a very good job and was an excellent partner along with Republican Matt Veitch.
Shauna Sutton on the other hand has a record that is mostly bad. Why? Well for starters she is not well liked by those who work with her in City Hall (there has to be a few exceptions), she is not liked by many people she meets and even quite a few Republicans won’t be flying with her. One of the things she said in the paper and at the debate is that she saved the City $32 million dollars with settlement of contracts this year, heck our whole budget is $38 million dollars. She was part of the biggest cover up in Saratoga ’s recent history. Hiding public information when the City built the Woodlawn Parking Garage and then you had to FOIL any public information that you, a citizen, had the right to have. Playing games with 2 or 3 building inspectors when they wouldn’t name her tune, that’s right games. Hiring a City Planner that was dismissed from Wilton (could she be a friend)? Spewing along with the Mayor that the money for the Garage was a combination of public and private money when the lot was owned by the City, the City financed the garage along with the downtown merchants. The downtown merchant’s money came from the business district taxes which in fact is public money. Where is the private money?
Sutton is also anti small business, ask the small businesses on the West side that Sutton is trying to close. It seems if your name is not Bonacio, Roohan or Julie Bonacio you can forget about getting a building permit in the City or cooperation or a CO, which by the way the Rec operated for quite a while without a CO and that was just dandy with Johnson and the wannabe Mayor. It seems that some builders can get fast tracked and also the Planning Board rules have changed to facilitate these large contractors, just look at who is contributing to Sutton’s campaign. It is the right of the Mayor along with his Deputy (Sutton) to mould very important Committees but during their tenure every Democrat was replaced by a Republican, so much for equal representation,
Nobody knows John Arpie, so not too much can be said about him except he doesn’t know squat about paint (inside joke John).
We know the job that John Franck does and he does it well. He does not play political games in his capacity as Commissioner and has even started programs during his tenure to
help citizens understand how to go about lowering their assessments if the
committee sees a reason to do so.
Skip Scirocco just doesn’t get it. The City looks a mess. Broadway is always dirty, Congress Park
is a disgrace and the final straw was the back room deal he made to sell water
to Wilton when we do not have enough water for Saratoga . What happens when the Weibel Ave. project is done and Sonny
buys more property out there and they start sucking water? When you go by our reservoir on 50 take a
look at how many inches the water level is down. Skip keeps telling us that we have all the
wells we need but where’s the water? We
need a change.
Dick Wirth had his chance and didn’t get anything done. If he did he never spoke about it at a
Council meeting. Tony Izzo spoke more in
a month than Wirth did in 2 years. Mathiesen ran on a platform and won; he also
has carried out his promises and has gone above and beyond expectations.
The Supervisor race should be an easy one to pick. Veitch has the experience and the know how to
get things done. The race will be
between Martin and Ivins. Martin is far
and away the better candidate. He has
worked with the Supervisors in his capacity as County
Clerk and can solve and articulate the
problems not only as a representative of Saratoga
Springs but as a County rep as well. We also feel that having two smart and well
spoken Supervisors one a Democrat and a Republican on the Board will represent
all of Saratoga Springs