Sunday, January 26, 2014


Anyone getting the Gazette or the Times Union knows what is going on in Saratoga Springs.  The Saratogian it seems always leaves out some key articles that we have to be made aware of by an out of town newspaper. 

Case in point:

Scott Johnson made some 20 or more appointments to various Committees and Boards while walking out of City Hall New Year’s evening.  When a Mayor makes appointments, instead of appointing under a cloak of secrecy he/she will make a public announcement, most of the time at a Council meeting.  However, Johnson did not even mention the appointee’s names or even name the positions filled.  The main point of this post is that WE STILL HAVEN’T READ ABOUT THIS IN THE SARATOGIAN.  I will put parts of the Daily Gazette and the Times Union articles here:

Times Union editorial:
“During her successful campaign for mayor of Saratoga Springs, Joanne Yepsen vowed to better engage residents by holding community forums and creating citizen task forces to address the needs of the city’s 26,000 residents.
Her refreshing openness was a sharp contrast to the man she replaced on Jan. 1, Scott Johnson, who often shunned the public’s involvement in the business of the city.
Ms. Yepsen’s community engagement is the right approach for a city on the verge of a population boom fueled by major economic development. Add to that the thorny issues surrounding the possibility of the Saratoga Racino becoming a full-blown casino in a community that voted against a state ballot measure to legalize Las Vegas-style gaming.
But this new spirit of openness has had a setback. Just hours before he left office New Year’s Eve, Johnson arranged a surprise for Ms. Yepsen: He filled 20 vacancies on a host of panels, including the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and an advisory committee on open space. The open space group hadn’t met in five years, raising the question that has to be asked about all these appointments: What made filling them so urgent that Mr. Johnson couldn’t leave it to his successor?”
…”Even if Ms. Yepsen finds she has no authority to undo Mr. Johnson’s last-minute packing of these boards and committees, there’s a civic-minded way to resolve this. The appointees should volunteer their resignations and let the mayor decide who stays and who goes. And we would look to Ms. Yepsen to give those candidates fair and full consideration.
Here’s a chance for Mr. Johnson’s appointees to renounce what by all appearances was a crassly political move, and an opportunity for Ms. Yepsen to show that she is ready to work with people from different political backgrounds. That’s the spirit of collaboration and bipartisanship the city needs as it confronts its future — a spirit both sides can show with their actions, not just words.”  Along with the editorial was a political cartoon of mini Johnson’s in a corner.
The Daily Gazette-
Story by Justin Mason
“Mayor Joanne Yepsen is questioning 20 political appointments made by her Republican predecessor during the last hours of his term, including several made to alternate positions on the city’s land use boards that were left empty for eight hours before she officially took over. Though all of the appointments were to volunteer positions, she said the timing, manner and shear volume gives cause for a legal review of what transpired during the closing hours of the Johnson administration.
   “It’s not transparent, and it’s never been done this way — at least not in a long time,” she said. “This was unprecedented as far as I know.”
   Yepsen said the appointments included posts on the Heritage Area Program Advisory Board and the Open Space Advisory Committee — an entity that hadn’t convened in roughly three years. Other appointments included alternate positions on the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals created by a City Council resolution in September 2012 but never filled.
   “Based on some of the appointments, they are clearly political appointments,” she said.
   Yepsen said she had a cordial transition meeting with Johnson prior to the holidays and that he only mentioned appointments she’d have to the city’s Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Recreation Commission. She said Johnson’s administration wasn’t forthcoming with a schedule of appointments and made no mention of the flurry that came several weeks later.
   “It was always curious why they wouldn’t share the appointment book with us,” she said. “I couldn’t get clarification from them about which appointments were open and which needed to be filled.”
…..“Yepsen said former Mayor Scott Johnson announced the appointments by memos issued to the commissioners at City Hall at 4:31 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, less than. She said the city attorney’s office is now reviewing the appointments to determine if they were made properly.
   Appointments to such boards and advisory committees are at the pleasure of the mayor, but Yepson said they're ordinarily disclosed at council meetings or by a public announcement.”

Though both papers questioned Mayor Yepsen not releasing the names, it may be because since they have not been publicly named by Johnson and some or all may resign.
This looks like any political gains Johnson and his Deputy made in 6 years if any will be wiped out by the 6 years of secrecy and his attitude of leaving citizens out of the loop when they should be in the know.  Also included was a cartoon of mini elephants in a corner with Yepsen holding a broom ready to sweep out the corner.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Given the fact that the previous Council passed a resolution regarding the Casino and that over 40% of Saratogian voters cast their ballots in favor of Casino gambling, I think the red shirts should calm down and wait until the facts are known before they storm  Council meetings.  The next scenario will be the group that is for a Saratoga Style Casino to be located in our City do the same and we will have dueling opinions at the microphone.  I don’t think debate is bad but can’t we wait until we can debate on known facts?

I know many voters who have expressed the opinion that they voted against Casino’s in New York State but since the bill passed they worry that if Saratoga is not a site and we have one close by, then Saratoga will take a negative hit on business in our downtown corridor.

The year ended on a sour note for Mayor Johnson.  Johnson, who at the 11th hour on New Year’s Eve, made over 20 appointments to land use boards and filled the expiring positions of alternate zoning board members.  The appointments should have been made by incoming Mayor Joanne Yepsen.  This game they played must be remembered if either Johnson or Sutton ever runs for any political office again.

Speaking about Sutton, it was nice to see the job given to her by John Herrick in the County Clerks Office for $65,000.00 & benefits, if the budget reads right and Herrick threw Mayor Johnson’s Executive Secretary Theresa a bone as Executive Secretary to Spencer Helwig the County Administrator, at 47,000.00 & .  What two employees did Herrick leap frog to give jobs to these two girls?

Well, hopefully we are over the Johnson games, now maybe we can get back to some honest 2 Party representation on Boards and Committees, wouldn’t it be nice to work together than 1 Party be under the control of a little Napoleon? 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Well 2014 is starting out with a bang.  Snow and cold for a 36 hour period.

Inauguration of all elected officials were held today (Wed.) and all went well.  Congratulations to all, especially to new Mayor Yepsen who didn’t wait 2 weeks to install Code Blue.  She took the bull by the horns and put a plan in place, although I wish the 10 degree mark could be higher by at least another 10.  However, this should have been done years ago as other communities around the State took the proactive step.  Unfortunately, Saratoga Springs is a reactive City and it takes a death or a proactive politician to make things happen.

I was pleased to be wrong and see that Shauna Sutton has left the building.  I was not pleased however, to see that John Herrick gave her a plum job in the County Clerks office.  I would think that she would have to take a civil service exam to have the job but was told that they could delay the timing of the exam for a long time.  So, here we go again, full time County employee and full time cemetery Director, don’t you just love patronage jobs? 

I was surfing channels tonight and happened to catch the comment period of the televised Council meeting of 12/17, you know the one where Dave Bronner spoke about the proposed fire station (he repeated the same 4 sentences for at least 10 minutes and was never cut off by the Mayor).  Then when the Commissioner of Public Safety corrected some of his misconceptions, Bronner started yelling from his seat.

Cliff Ammon spoke as Cliff does about the 300 Save Saratoga that met to hear some information about the Casino and how we need to keep gambling out of Saratoga, could someone give Mr. Ammon a little history about what made Saratoga famous in addition to it’s water?  I read in the paper where Moreau would like to have the Casino at Mt. McGregor.  The site fits snug by Saratoga, Glens Falls and Lake George.  Moreau having a long shot at getting the Casino would certainly send customers to Lake George in the summer (yes, Lake George has a very long history as does Saratoga) which would be detrimental to us.  Also, they would not have to be restrained by our downtown businesses or City Center and would compete for both business and conventions/concerts, as a matter of fact if any other community around us gets the Casino, we would lose.  Horse racing attendance is down, SPAC cannot survive unless it has concerts that destroy the park and over burden our emergency rooms, where is the Ballet and the Orchestra, for which was the main reason SPAC was built?

The information night at the City Center gave me a few chuckles.  The head of the local Holiday Inn said that building the 135 room hotel on the Racino property, hotels downtown would suffer greatly; does she care about the 3 new hotels that are being built now as having an impact?  I also wonder if she feels that she is taking advantage of tourists when a room you can get from September thru June for $126.00 per night goes up to $356.00 (same room) for July & August with a minimum 2 night stay, this is standard for the hotel industry in the City.

This will be an interesting 3 months for this topic.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...