Tuesday, March 25, 2014


A few years ago Commissioner Franck wanted to look into an earlier closing time for downtown bars except during our ‘season’ from Memorial Day through Labor Day.  Needless to say the rest of the majority Council at the time brushed his idea aside.

Public Safety Commissioner Chris Mathiesen ran on a platform with one of the planks being rolling back the closing time of bars because of serious late night problems.  He was intent on doing something about the problems and police overtime especially that which is focused on Caroline Street.  However, again he met with resistance, this time from the Board of Supervisors whose job it is to approve any earlier closing time for the County as a whole not just 1 town or 1 City. Because of Commissioner Mathiesen’s diligence, Washington and Warren Counties looked at what the cutback in hours would mean for them and the 2 Boards of Supervisor’s did establish earlier closing times.  I think it is time again for Saratoga County to listen to our Commissioner because it is a real problem downtown and not just blow him off because he is from the minority Party.

This brings me to another big problem.  I was at the Council meeting Tuesday night and heard Tom McTygue ask Commissioner Mathiesen what the cost to the City was when SPAC hosts the Phish concerts.  Normally there are 2 per year but in 2014 there will be 3.  Phish fans destroy the State Park rendering it a filthy mess taking Park staff 2 days to clean up.  I also put Dave Matthews in this category but at a slightly lower level of destruction because of their fan draw.  Saratoga pays our Police to handle the crowds and parking, we pay Saratoga County Sheriffs double pay to do the same and we also pay off duty State Troopers double pay and pay for their hotel rooms while they are working here, this year it will be a two night hotel stay.  Saratoga Hospital is also over flowing with legal aged and underage kids who are so drunk that some have almost died from alcohol poisoning drug use.  These fans remind me of the Deadheads who followed the Grateful Dead from venue to venue.  I am glad they love the music but they add nothing to our community for these 2 or 3 night concerts.  They camp out at State Parks or anywhere they can without being roused by the Police or go back home, only to come back the next day.  They do not frequent our hotels or restaurants nor do they shop downtown.  The little we do make is the small amount of sales tax from Burger King or McDonalds and the like, if you want to find out where they spend their money on food, visit the park the day after a concert and you will get an idea.

My question is first of all, why do we use Saratoga Police?  I thought Routes 9 & 50 were State roads, why our ambulances, shouldn’t SPAC have their own?  If they do use Saratoga’s Police and Ambulance shouldn’t SPAC reimburse Saratoga for each call?  SPAC should pick up the tab for the pay and hotel rooms for the State Police, after all it is in a State Park and the Park has its own Police force, why should we pay?  It’s about time we demand SPAC pay its share to Saratoga Springs, with the possibility of no Casino, we will need every penny we can get from wherever we get it from.  I hope the Commissioner provides us with the information he promised us he would and Commissioner, I applaud you for walking downtown to see first hand the late night problems and hope you take a drive on Rt. 50 about 6 the night of one of these concerts and a walk in the State Park the day after to see the problems and junk left by these concert attendees.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


These have been slow times but I have a bit of information from an inside Republican source.  David Harper, the City Republican Party Chairman will serve his last day this coming Thursday.  He is upset that he has gotten word he will not be considered to replace District Attorney Jim Murphy.  Murphy’s replacement looks like it will be Karen Heggen, First Assistant District Attorney.  It seems that the game of musical chairs between Judge Scarano, Jim Murphy and a DA replacement have been in place for a few years.  The source also indicated that as a segue to the DA’s chair Harper accepted the Chairman’s position; (don’t trust John Herrick).  It was also relayed that the City Republican Committee has asked Executive Committee member Andrew Jarosh to take the reigns and that he is deciding if he can fit the position into his schedule.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


In a 5-0 vote the City Council Tuesday night voted against the State gambling law, leaving the door open for the State to still have Saratoga Springs as #1 on their list to put in a Saratoga style Casino after the bidder for a casino builds community relations.  I’m sure the Destination Saratoga group will bring to Albany past Mayors, Commissioners, Supervisors and current business owners who would like to see a Saratoga style casino placed here, to pressure them as well.

This vote holds no water with many as last year the council (except for Yepsen, who was not Mayor) voted 5-0 in favor of expanded gambling in Saratoga Springs and if Destination Saratoga does indeed go to Albany for talks, I am sure they will bring a copy of that resolution with them.  The leader of the no vote was none other than Commissioner Skip Scirocco, who if you remember pulled a circus act against having the Racino in Saratoga when he was a County Supervisor which contributed to his ouster from County politics.  Commissioner Scirocco will soon have his own problems when a story of epic proportions comes to light in the very near future, which may contribute to his ouster from City politics, but that will be played out another day.

Regarding the casino, Mayor Yepsen has called this the issue of the decade.  While I agree, there could be a part (b) that will be an issue of the decade and that is what will happen to Saratoga Springs if a casino is placed as far as 25-35 miles away?  We would be crazy to think that we could keep our same status as the destination city of NY.  A speaker at tonight’s meeting said that NYRA already owes the State $17 million dollars that it can’t pay  and without casino money the thoroughbred industry can’t even turn a profit.  The Governor wants NYRA to make money without the casino money and if it can’t, then our flat track will follow the trend of lower attendance and handle that has happened over the last few years and then we ask what then Commissioners?   We have 2 new hotels going up now and 1 on the board (I think) and that doesn’t count the numerous hotels built in the last 6 years.  The City will have more non occupied hotel rooms as it has empty condos.   Saratoga Springs lost its City in the Country charm years ago and our officials can’t accept this, we are becoming an over built city with no controlled growth (something I don’t think we ever had).  We need to do something to bring more people to Saratoga and the flowers on Broadway aren’t going to do it.

 PS:  Remember 43% also have a voice and can tilt an election.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...