First Mark Baker the head of the City Center
wanted the City to be Lead Agency for the Racino expansion project. The
expansion project is a force of evil for Baker and the City Center Board and
now he does not want the City to be Lead Agency but wants the City Center
to have that designation. I guess Baker
wants to decide who does what in Saratoga .
The big piece of information Baker has
not let out of the bag is ‘how many conventions and conferences Saratoga turns away every year that the City will now be
able to host with the proposed Event
Center . The City is becoming home to more and more
hotels and the City
Center is probably near
its maximum rental capacity as Baker points out in his annual reports to the Council
that convention days are increasing to the limit.
Baker is one of the highest paid City employees and the next
bit of news may earn him the top spot on the list. Have you noticed that the parking garage the City Center
is proposing is slated to start construction in September? I think that since the time between now and
Labor Day is so crazy in Saratoga and many of the citizens who live here are
either on vacation or have rented their houses or just can’t get downtown, it
is a stretch to have all the preliminary work plus the open public comment
periods during this time. However, the
information spinning out of City Hall and the Convention Center is that if
Baker gets the parking garage rushed through and gets started in September he
gets a nice fat bonus and a raise in salary, could that be why Mayor Yepsen
wants a few more Director’s on the Board?
Maybe the current Board caves in to easily.
The new racing poles downtown look good, I wish they would
get rid of the ballet butts though and get the horses out but we can’t have
everything. I was walking downtown the
other day with some friends and we were crossing Broadway from the Downtowner
side when we noticed the grass on the corner under the sign was high up and
touching the bottom of the sign. Hey its tourist season, tidy up Broadway. There also have been many complaints to DPW
about the state of the Woodlawn Ave. Parking garage. The place stinks and the residents do just about
everything in there except take a bath.
Skip, it should be cleaned once a week.
Get Petunia over there to clean it when her crew is done watering the