It was writer Richard Wright who famously stated that 'all literature is a form of protest.' It was his friend James Baldwin who famously replied to him by saying, 'perhaps, but not all protest is literature.'
It is James Baldwin's retort that resonates with today's dysfunctional culture.
The pithy retort of Baldwin's 'not all protest is literature' reminds me of a one Adam Rupeka.
Mr. Rupeka is the individual that most recently drove his car up from Troy to Saratoga Springs to bait a Saratoga Springs police officer by giving him the finger. Of course the officer was offended (and who wouldn't be) and pulled Mr. Rupeka over and pepper sprayed Rupeka in the face. And then Rupeka was arrested.I think he got what he asked for. I liken it to ordering a well-done steak and then complaining that the steak is too tough.
It used to be that alpha-males punched beta-males like Rupeka in the face when they behaved inappropriately. It was a perfect Darwinian arrangement. Assholes like Rupeka got a beatdown for their anti-social behavior. As a result, our law enforcement personnel could attend to more important matters and our court systems wasn't clogged with petty issues such as this.
In my humble opinion, Mr. Rupeka is a reactionary pretending to be a revolutionary. This is absurd to those who are paying attention. He is merely part of the lunatic fringe trying his hand at activism. He is no James O'Keefe. Rupeka's behavior is uncivil and is an affront to Henry David Thoreau's Civil Disobedience.
Truth be told, Saratoga Springs has always been known for having a rogue police force. The problem with having some bad apples on the police force is with their union which is one of the most powerful in the country. It is exactly why I have advocated against unions for a long time. All unions seem to do, regardless of the industry is to protect bad employees.
I do not think that officer Nathan Baker should fired for pepper-spraying Mr. Rupeka. The problem that law enforcement faces is that so many citizens (especially in the black community) not only do not respect those in law enforcement, they no longer fear those in law enforcement. Therein lies the real problem. Police officers are killed in the line of duty everyday in this country. Are they killed by people who are afraid of them? No they are not. They are killed by people who have no regard for human life and no regard for their fellow Americans.
Our culture is broken and is in need of fixing. Too many nowadays think it's okay to break the law, disrespect others and are practitioners of being insulted and outraged merely for the sake of being insulted and outraged. Gimme a break.
Giving law enforcement the finger isn't protest. It is immature and stupid. Immature male behavior has always been a component of American life. There are way too many Adam Rupeka's taking up space in the culture. They should be shunned and not celebrated. We need to bring back respect, civility, and the idea of civic duty back to American culture.
Does Mr. Rupeka have a job? What does he do? Is he yet another adult-man-child living in his mothers basement and as a result, has too much time on his hands? Does he volunteer in his community of Troy? I am guessing he doesn't. He is a fraud and an imposter in a culture that seems to idolize such idiocy. I believe his fifteen minutes of fame is mercifully over.