Thursday, March 17, 2016


Some think I haven’t written because I am licking my wounds over the last election, nothing could be further from the truth.  After the election “You Asked For IT You Got IT” said it all.  It’s not that I don’t see what is going on here in Saratoga, it’s just I don’t care anymore.
Saratoga Springs has one of the lowest voter turnouts in the State.  Most of the so called” Native Saratogians” could care less about what is happening in their own City.  Let’s look at a few items.

The biggest political beach ball since the Casino is the City Center parking puke of a garage.  Now we won’t say who has her head up the wazoo of Mark Baker but I’ll give you a clue, she sits to the right of the Mayor.

This woman should have a blood alcohol test before entering the Council Chambers.  She not only looks buzzed at the table but totally disregards citizen rights.  I watched in horror yes horror, oh, the humanity, the meeting on 3/15  as the public hearing for the lease took place.  I even had to go back and watch the dialogue of the hearing again, Madigan had berated a citizen because she (the citizen) wanted to talk about finances and here was where the fun began for everybody except the lady at the mic.  Madigan went off yelling her that she was not to speak of finances (this was part of the lease) and Madigan also screamed ‘it is my public hearing and I’ll run it my way’, clearly she hasn’t seen the light of day between the vino and the wazoos, but it was doubly disgusting that an elected official would treat a citizen in such a way, she is publicly, an embarrassment as representative of the City.  Many of Madigan’s friends and owners of Broadway businesses paraded to the Mic decrying the benefits of a multi-use concept.  Ms. Sellers would be likely to say, ‘burn the non-conformers and all non-Native Saratogians’. 

We must look at the view of the DBA (Downtown Business Assoc.) and Chamber of Commerce as one of chicken crap.  These entities do not want anyone shopping off Broadway, period, whether it helps the economy, creates jobs or any businesses benefitting due to off Broadway business.  The DBA & Chamber should give free memberships to those businesses off Broadway or the City should take away their higher tax rate.  Today, it looks like the vote for the City Center to get its way may be a reality (thanks to wobbly Madigan & the wide eyed Scirocco, everyone is saying that Matheisen is the wild card and is still evaluating which I sincerely hope he is doing.  Commissioner, it is not a law that you have to vote with Madigan & Scirocco, keep an open mind and make the right decision to go into the RFP’s a little more (selfish me).  Also worth noting, Madigan’s appointment to the High Rock Park Technical Review Committee was none other than Larry Novick (a Bonaccio front man, Scirocco’s pick, Rod Sutton and Tom Roohan from the City Center plus the other picks.  Novick, Sutton and Roohan have nothing in common, right?  

You know you are in trouble as a citizen when a majority (hopefully not) would settle for $50,000.00 per year when with a multi-use garage you could have a business 1st floor that could generate about $2 million dollars a year, create new jobs and tie Broadway into the High Rock area, now that is great leadership from a Council, again check the blood alcohol level.

The Skipster, what to say about him?  The citizens should chip in and purchase a new pair of glasses for him, it looks like he can’t read or see what goes on around him.  If you were at or watched the Council meeting from March 1st Mark Lawton (a man who knows and can interpret the Charter) informed Skip that he was not following the Charter because he should be presenting his water & sewer plan at budget time instead of in March.  Scirocco admitted he didn’t know this and then corrected himself with a shaky excuse.  This is scary because by not knowing your Constitution (Charter) you are bound to fail.  

Wait, according to Skip, if you go against the Charter just change it to suit your needs.  Point in case, Donna Buckley, Deputy Commissioner and puppet master of Skip hires a Director of Public Works then fires him when a Veitch family member wants the job, only he can’t pass the exam.  So what does Donna & Skip do?  Why create a new position of Business Manager.  Who was taking care of business for the Department all these years?  Now that we have a Business Manager the department’s employees whose duties are going to this new position should have their salaries reduced.  Skip, you’re a nice guy I guess but you are way out of your league in your position as Commissioner as you were as Animal Control Officer (PC for Dog Catcher).

This is what happens when apathy sets in at election time.  Most people don’t care enough about what goes on in their City but boy can they complain about everything and a case of electing the good old boy’s choices (yes it still runs rampant in Saratoga, although the old guard are dropping away quietly)


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...