Friday, August 2, 2019


The Democrat Party in Saratoga Springs as everyone knows by now is imploding.  The culprit who is behind  the ‘rats jumping ship’ is none other than the big RAT, Commissioner Madigan and those lemmings that worship at her feet and have resigned from the Executive Committee and today the other resigning Party traitors have done the Democrats a huge disservice.  The Democrats who cast their ballots in the June primary spoke with their votes to replace Madigan, now Madigan cried foul because voter turnout was low and she only lost by a handful of votes shows what a sore loser she is and what kind of character she possess.  A primary decides which person will be the Party’s standard bearer will be in the Fall election.  The former Executive Committee after being told what to do by Madigan wouldn’t make the call to back the winner and instead took the childish way out and resigned, and then Madigan worked her magic and had her friends resign today.  This shows Party loyalty? These people should be ashamed of themselves and registered Democrat voters should be embarrassed by those that represent them.  The person they should be embarrassed by most of all is Michele Madigan who planned this show from the beginning.

Madigan as the renegades said is the only one that can run the Finance department.  This statement is a slap in the face to any qualified person, (which Morrison is)  to run for office.  Is this the way Saratogians want elections to run?  We are once again moving to the back room deal making days which ignore the voters’ wishes when those wishes don’t agree with the Party leaders.

Those who resigned most likely shouldn’t have been on the Committee in the first place, most are political hacks who cry foul if they don’t get their own way, so their jumping ship was probably coming for a long time.

This is a great time for Morrison who can use this debacle to her advantage.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...