Sunday, March 7, 2021



Robin Dalton, the current Saratoga Springs Commissioner of Public Safety has no ‘home’.  Ms. Dalton, whose job performance has been terrible since being sworn into office last year has been a dismal failure.  OK, we’ll give her a bit of slack for it being a COVID 19 year but some things have been very lax in her job duties.  However, she sure does like getting interviewed.

Last year when the City had whatever you want to call those protests which caused major problems and counter protests against a march backing the police and BLM troublemakers laying in the road at 10 at night, Dalton didn’t back up her department at all and for a few of the protests was even out of State on vacation, yes during a time we were all told not to travel

However, this doesn’t address anything about losing her ‘home’.  In 2019 Dalton ran as a Republican and won the race defeating Kendell Hicks.  She then bypassed any Republican who wanted the Deputy’s position and instead gave the job to one of the top Democrats in Saratoga Springs.  Also, it is worth noting that the Republican Dalton ran as a trifecta along with Democrats Kelly and Madigan.

In the 2021 election Kelly and Madigan have announced they will not run for election but I don’t trust Madigan not to run for another position as an Independent.

Dalton has announced she is running as an Independent saying she has nothing in common with Republicans and hasn’t for years.  The truth is the Republicans were likely to primary her and the Democrat Party won’t touch her so if she wants to run it has to be as an Independent.

So, the question is will the lack of Party support and a dismal job performance be enough to win with Independent (No Party) designation?   The fastest growing political affiliation of registered voters in the City and the County is the Independent or No Party line.

The other question is, will she even run for Public Safety or is she waiting for her fans to talk her into running for Mayor?


As your Captain, I say throw her overboard.


  1. The Truth about Robin Dalton
    She said
    “I am leaving the Republican Party because ………they are all racists.”
    The truth
    When she asked for the endorsement for the upcoming election, she was told by the Republican Party that they were not endorsing her based on:
    1. Her poor performance as Commissioner of Public Safety.
    2. Combative dialogs with citizens at City Council Meeting
    3. Inappropriate and unprofessional use of Social Media. Facebook etc.
    4. Complete incompetence in the handling of the protests on Broadway during the summer of 2020
    5. She is completely out of touch with the citizens of Saratoga Springs.
    6. Lack of support for Saratoga Springs downtown business community
    Most recently the Democratic Party has loudly expressed no interest in her either!!
    She is waiting on the shore waiting for “her ship to come in.” Start rowing Robin.
    Robin Dalton is the biggest Two-Faced politician we have ever had in Saratoga Springs.
    She is a contradiction waiting to happen.
    At a recent Peace Rally held in Saratoga, Robin shows up totting her expensive Louis Vuitton handbag and other hyper rich accessories.
    She drives around town with children and their nanny in her Cadillac Escalade! Generally dropping them off at the Golf and Polo Club, so she can strut Broadway in her super expensive high heels and expensive accessories.
    I think you have the picture!

    The biggest loser in our City Government is THE TRUTH!

    1. Oh, dear! You have taken quite some liberty in telling what YOU think happened.


      “I am leaving the Republican Party because ………they are all racists.” NOT! She clarified and said a whole lot more but go ahead take it out of context. So intelligent with great integrity (sarcasm in case you don't recognize it)

      The Republican party did not tell her she would not be endorsed. There was one woman (and perhaps a few of her minions) - who, by the way is from Wilton and doesn't even vote in Saratoga Springs" who posted this in the very open-minded (sarcasm again) Conservative Chicks page. I'm sure if you talked to the leadership instead of believing everything you read (or maybe you ARE one of the minions)...

      Let's see: You say she has a poor performance but no specifics. More quality information from a know it all!

      Combative dialogs - you mean when she informs them of rules of the council? Or perhaps when she asks not to be interrupted AFTER they asked her a question? How many council meetings have you attended or watched?

      How is complimenting the men and women in Fire and Police - or congratulating them on good work inappropriate? Again, no specifics - just innuendo! Good form there.

      The Dems did NOT express no interest. Those that lead the Dem committee do NOT represent a large portion of the Dems in Saratoga Springs. They know that they cannot control her they way they did Yepsen, tried to with Kelly and likely can again with Kim. So, NO - she is not their candidate.

      As for the rest - WOW are you either the most superficial person - judging someone on their possessions or the most envious. It is good that Robin and her husband can afford quality child care so she can do a job that is supposed to be part time yet takes many hours a week to do well. It is good parenting to be able to go home and spend time with your children instead of cleaning house and other chores. And, this past year, in particular, has taken extraordinary effort. What the hell difference does it make what car she drives or what king of shoes she wears? I'll bet despite that she's done more good in her life than you have in week. Take about drivel!

      Oh, and Robin is always on the move and I've rarely if EVER seen her wearing high heals ANYWHERE - much less trotting down broadway.

      You,lady(using that term loosely) are an ass who spews hate with no facts to back up your nasty claims. Apparently a person - a woman, no less who has the backbone to stand by her beliefs, even knowing the potential backlash of people like you - is very, very threatening to you. For that, my dear, I am sorry for you.

    2. Thanks for the reply but I will correct you and will have to agree with Mary's comment on March 8th. I also know and am not a minion that you were informed that you would not get the Republican or Democrat backing so you decided to go Independent as the Republicans already knew they were throwing their support to an Independent mayoral candidate Heidi Owen West, so you will have 2 candidates Ms.
      Dalton to run against and you do have a dismal record.

    3. WOW - assume much? This was not written by the Commissioner but of course you only believe what you want to believe. And, I don't know who you are but you are so myopic and uninformed - intentionally or unintentionally.

  2. The Truth about Robin Dalton
    She said
    “I am leaving the Republican Party because ………they are all racists.”
    The truth
    When she asked for the endorsement for the upcoming election, she was told by the Republican Party that they were not endorsing her based on:
    1. Her poor performance as Commissioner of Public Safety.
    2. Combative dialogs with citizens at City Council Meeting
    3. Inappropriate and unprofessional use of Social Media. Facebook etc.
    4. Complete incompetence in the handling of the protests on Broadway during the summer of 2020
    5. She is completely out of touch with the citizens of Saratoga Springs.
    6. Lack of support for Saratoga Springs downtown business community
    Most recently the Democratic Party has loudly expressed no interest in her either!!
    She is waiting on the shore waiting for “her ship to come in.” Start rowing Robin.
    Robin Dalton is the biggest Two-Faced politician we have ever had in Saratoga Springs.
    She is a contradiction waiting to happen.
    At a recent Peace Rally held in Saratoga, Robin shows up totting her expensive Louis Vuitton handbag and other hyper rich accessories.
    She drives around town with children and their nanny in her Cadillac Escalade! Generally dropping them off at the Golf and Polo Club, so she can strut Broadway in her super expensive high heels and expensive accessories.
    I think you have the picture!

    The biggest loser in our City Government is THE TRUTH!

    The Truth about Robin Dalton
    She said
    “I am leaving the Republican Party because ………they are all racists.”
    The truth
    When she asked for the endorsement for the upcoming election, she was told by the Republican Party that they were not endorsing her based on:
    1. Her poor performance as Commissioner of Public Safety.
    2. Combative dialogs with citizens at City Council Meeting
    3. Inappropriate and unprofessional use of Social Media. Facebook etc.
    4. Complete incompetence in the handling of the protests on Broadway during the summer of 2020
    5. She is completely out of touch with the citizens of Saratoga Springs.
    6. Lack of support for Saratoga Springs downtown business community
    Most recently the Democratic Party has loudly expressed no interest in her either!!
    She is waiting on the shore waiting for “her ship to come in.” Start rowing Robin.
    Robin Dalton is the biggest Two-Faced politician we have ever had in Saratoga Springs.
    She is a contradiction waiting to happen.
    At a recent Peace Rally held in Saratoga, Robin shows up totting her expensive Louis Vuitton handbag and other hyper rich accessories.
    She drives around town with children and their nanny in her Cadillac Escalade! Generally dropping them off at the Golf and Polo Club, so she can strut Broadway in her super expensive high heels and expensive accessories.
    I think you have the picture!

    The biggest loser in our City Government is THE TRUTH!

  3. I don’t know how I ended up on this page, but i’ve lived in Saratoga springs for 57 years & have seen some nasty politics play out, but had no idea we had devolved this much in our local political discourse. Whoever you are Captain America and Mary Mulqueen, at a minimum, comments about someone’s children should not be permitted, ever. And Mary Malqueen, you sound like you stalk this woman or have some personal vendetta/jealousy issues to work out... I t

    1. I don't know how you stumbled here unless you've been here before or were drinking. Politics in Saratoga Springs can be nasty as you have seen in your 57 years and "She drives around town with children and their nanny in her Cadillac Escalade! Generally dropping them off at the Golf and Polo Club" is not a statement attacking the children and if you think it is, have another drink.

  4. Capt'n, what do you think the chances of Dalton being elected Mayor this November?

    1. Hello, well I am not a fan of Dalton's and really don't think she did a great job as head of the DPS. That being said, she is a socialite in Saratoga and spends a large amount of outside money and big players in Saratoga and as everyone knows you can be a dud but spending a ton of money will get you whatever you want. In the last election she ran as a Republican and took in a huge sum of money from the likes of Roohan,Waite,Dake and other big money people. This time around she couldn't get support from the Democrats or Republicans (both Party's have their own candidates this year)so she is running solo. I say solo and not as an Independent because she is trying to start her own Party 'One Saratoga'. I guess if you can't get endorsements you start your own Party. So, with many qualified candidates and Dalton having big bucks I am sad to say incompetence will get elected again which happens all to often in this City.



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