Skippy's Help Wanted Poster
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
There will be a new post soon about the moves Skippy and his counterpart Madigan have pulled in City Hall lately i.e. the hiring of 'Hot Dog' Eddie Miller a Political Party leader who endorsed the two and worked on both campaigns. Also below is a Help Wanted poster that Skippy has put up inviting any of his family and friends to use his connections to get a job. More in the next installment of 'why isn't he in jail?' stay tuned, 'Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel'
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AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...
We have several projects going on by Public Works that are questionable by City residents. The residents are not concerned about the proje...
The 3 Commissioner’s (Madigan, Scirocco & Matheisen) have to stop not only embarrassing themselves but also the citizens of Saratoga. ...
First of all I’d like to start the article stating that the Republican Party has to be a little off. Announcing that Mark Baker is running...
ou can not make this stuff up!!
ReplyDeleteRusty Skip Scirocco has now hired Fast Eddie Miller for an open job at The City Water Department. Fast Eddie is also The Saratoga County Independance Party Chairperson. How will this work in November? Will Eddie Miller now endorse Skip now that he his skip's report at City Hall. Eddie is nearly broke! Eddie has his property on Bowman Street for 1 MILLION dollars and the city has listed it via accounts office at 288,000.00. I wish we all had this kind of profit margin.Skip and Eddie ran against each other in 2009. Eddie was pissed off because Skip had closed down his Hot Dog Stand in 2008. Joanne Foresta is Eddie's girl friend. Joanne is drinking buddies with Michele Madigan, so I know how this cozy situation happens. Scirrocco is a crook
Skip Scirrocco also hired his campaign manager to an 85,000.00 post in DPW. A special job was created. Mike Veitch brough no skills to the job other than his campaign background.
ReplyDeleteSkippys brother heads the conservative committee. DPW buys all of its plumbing supplies from Skippy's brother's firm.
Skippy is spending you tax dollars to protect his election results.
Maybe he can hire Charlie Brown from the Dems to do some painting.
Hot Dog Eddie & Skip The Fees are two peas in the same pod. They are both dishonest & willing to con anyone they can. Eddie is nothing but a bottom feeder. He lives off his girlfriend's money, and has had more failed business ventures than you can count! Hot Dogs, Taxi Service, Horse Trainer, Stable Owner. Hell, he used the McTygues for all they could do for him. Unsuccessfully ran against Skip & if he could only be honest with himself, he'd tell you what a looser he believes Skip to be. For him to now become employed by Scirocco is proof enough for me to vote for a new form of government for are city.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the deal with the fire at The DPW garage. Skip should be ashamed of himself. He is joke. The guys think he is a fool.
ReplyDeleteRide off into the sunset while you have a chance.
Skippy alone will defeat this charter BS he knows mctied is the real power behind it that's all his little brain needs to know and as far as "hot dog eddie" goes well he just loves the smell of napalm in the morning!
ReplyDeleteSkip himself can't stop himself from farting let alone defeat the Charter and McTygue realizes how screwed up this government is (you can hear more of his and many other's testimony on the website), in fact if it wasn't for Madigan writing his material he would be like a deer frozen in place by car headlights at Council meetings, oh wait he still looks like a deer frozen by car headlights. Alone, he can't think for himself.
DeleteJudging what you write and how skip handles himself my money is on Skippy and besides he's beaten the Mctieds twice at the polls not bad for a deer in the headlights.....ever think about turning this blog into a cooking cause you're cooked!
ReplyDeleteFirst lets hope that Scirocco's sues the pants off of you. He has disclosed his Brother has worked at Security Supply since he was a Supervisor. And it is only around 40,000. dollars of business in 9 years. Security Supply has done business with the City when the McTyuge's were in office. Now to Miller, how many elections has Scirocco won? Miller and his party only gave him the nod once, Scirocco doesn't need him to win. And I do believe Miller took a Civil Service test. Look close to the vest to see where the real crooks are.
ReplyDeletewas the last nod given to Skip in exchange for the water dept. position?
DeleteI guess Eddie Miller and his wife and bankroll Joanne Foresta will have to step away from the Saratoga County Independence Party.
ReplyDeleteNYS Election Law is clear. Once Eddie starts working for Saratoga Springs!
Yes Little Skippy Scirocco is a power house. He has as much leadership as a FART in a Windstorm.
Mark please read the Hatch Act. The team of Miller and Foresta both violate it. Can you say CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!
ReplyDeleteBe careful when farting in a windstorm. Sometimes the wind can change direction.
ReplyDeleteYes, this is meant to describe general.
Cap how did? Foresta get on the Saratoga Housing authority
ReplyDeleteSeems poor Hot Dog Eddie can't seem to make it to work on time. He's been late for work three out of four days last week, & let me tell you, NO ONE here @ DPW is happy.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's the information I got out of City Hall, pretty sad for Skippy to give this guy a free reign. The 'Hot Dog' man must have something on Skip & Madigan.
DeleteIt is Presidents Day! Eddie Miller Needs a day off. He had a tough week last week. With his special start time. He starts his day at 8:00 vs 7:00 like everyone else. Even then he was late every day last week. Eddie is once again setting the world on fire! I am sure that Skip Scirocco will get the Independence Party endorsement this November hiring this deadbeat. I am sure the entire Independence Party is so proud of the leadership.
ReplyDeleteHe may well get the Independence Party nod as well as Madigan (considering her close personal relationship with Hot Dog's girlfriend), however, if I not mistaken Hot Dog will have to give up his position of 'leadership' if he hasn't already.
DeleteDonna Buckley is on the republican committee and she has not given up her leadership role. Why should Eddie?
ReplyDeleteIs Donna the Chairwoman of the Republican Party or on the Republican Committee? There is a big difference.
DeleteFLASHBACK FLASHBACK!!!!2013 Times Union article.
ReplyDeleteSkippy has a HISTORY
SARATOGA SPRINGS — The city's Public Works Commissioner did not violate ethics rules when he selected his son for a job in the department over two other eligible candidates who scored higher on tests, according to the Saratoga Springs Civil Service Commission.
Commissioner Anthony Scirocco hired his son, Mark Scirocco, off a civil service list, and Mark Scirocco started working as a full-time water meter service worker this week, said Patsy Berrigan, secretary of the city's Civil Service Commission.
The younger Scirocco makes $15.71 an hour, or more than $32,000 a year. He's filling a temporary three-month position, but could fill a vacancy after May 11.
Under the city ethics code, public officials may hire relatives so long as they do not reap financial benefits from it, Berrigan said.
More Information
The city employs four water meter service workers. The younger Scirocco placed third on a list of eligible candidates who met the requirements of a civil service exam for the temporary job. A city resident named Kyle Brooks scored 95; a non-city resident named George Hebert got a 90; and Scirocco scored an 85, Berrigan said. The commission certified all three for the position, meaning Anthony Scirocco was entitled to select any of them, she said.
Scirocco, the Republican commissioner, did not return a call seeking a comment on Friday. He told The Saratogian that he did not interview the top two candidates.
In an interview on Friday, Charles Brown, chairman of the city's Democrats, said there was some concern among party members that Anthony Scirocco did not interview the higher scoring candidates.
That's the way the Republican Party operates - NEPOTISM RULES!
ReplyDeleteJust ask the Mctieds!
ReplyDeleteGee Mark, this must really be getting to you.
DeleteYea it is! My father told me you'll turn on the Mctieds like you turned on him for no reason!
ReplyDeleteWho said we turned on the McTyge's? They knew what they were doing.
DeleteNepotism is rampant in city hall, police dept., fire dept., DPW, county and state. Been that way forever. Just check out the last names. Pretty easy to figure out, unless somebody is married like Emmanation to a Dryer, A Dryer to a Mullen or Mitchell or a Cogan, Clark, Dejonka, Murphy, and on and on and on.
ReplyDeleteRepublican's all or at least 99%. Hence, Saratoga Springs Republican Party = NEPOTISM RULES!
DeleteOoops, forgot to mention the School system.
ReplyDeleteMarilyn Rivers says $400,000+ damage at DPW garage/
ReplyDeleteCap, I'm watching the Council zoo on the internet. My take on this meeting so far is that this Council does not want the people to vote on the proposal until Nov., the excuse is that more time is needed to educate the citizens. I have some news, the public will never take the time to be educated. Next, Madigan went berserk again when the Mayor wanted to have the City Attorney to come to the microphone to explain what the direction should be for the Charter Committee and Madigan did not want Izzo to inform the public, it also appeared that Scirocco was afraid to have Izzo give an opinion also. Scirocco's explanation of Charter change 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' explaination made no sense. When Matheisen was explaining that the number of Police is getting low and he would like to see a few new hire's in the future, Madigan looked aghast about hiring new Police. It looks like she appreciates a low number of Police (maybe she feels that less police means there will be less cars on the streets when she is through partying at night.) The last observation is when Skippy said Marilyn Rivers knows more about the fire than he does. Skippy you and Madigan show your ignorance every meeting.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess Frank, Madigan & Scirocco think the voters are stupid. The 3 said we need more time to understand the outline of changing the form of government after the Committee has met since early last year in open meetings. They think we need 9 months to understand something so simple? It may be them who can't understand it. These are the birds running the City
ReplyDeleteWhy is the Commissioner of DPW so blank? He wants the public to be well informed about the Charter (not that he understands it himself) but keeps citizens in the dark about the City Garage fire for almost a month. Commissioner I think you do believe we citizens are stupid, why keep us in the dark about the dangerous situation at the garage? Also, you are saying that 17,000.00 per month is better than the safety of the new homes and the school in the area of that dangerous garage? MOVE to Weibel Ave. the garage may have been in a good site 80 years ago but (now get this) times change, it's like one of your idiotic sayings 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Commissioner Scirocco, 'it is broke, so fix the situation'
ReplyDelete5:26 AM
ReplyDeleteUp pretty early aren't you?
What an idiotic statement. Yes, the committee has been meeting openly for months. Big freakin deal. Have they produced a document yet for the citizens to read? What would I be voting on in May had this thing passed last night? Do you enjoy spending my tax dollars for this crap every four years? Give me a break.
Native: have you been to any meetings? Probably not. I don't mind voting on it in May. I don't think you care if it is May or November. The last 'official' Commission was called by Valerie Keehn in 2016. The Charter states that one must be called for every 10 years, no money out of your pocket. The last one was a citizen led movement that actually could be done every year if a group wanted and that wouldn't cost you any money either. So smarten up and educate yourself but from your tone you already know everything.
ReplyDeleteI am a Saratoga Springs native myself. This is an idiotic government.
ReplyDeleteI have watched for the last 30 years and it has gotten worse each election cycle. All 4 of my children were very sports oriented. The facilities owned by the city are non existent. Unless you play on the school team you have no option. our kids were on travel teams and went to many towns of must less stature and those communities had fantastic facilities. The Racino allowed us to play there, but their plans have changed now. If I hear one more politician say "we are the en vie of NY" I may throw up. Another thing..Our city is not well maintained either.
This is why we need a new commissioner of public works.
DeleteDid you mean 2006 not 2016 in your 9:14 post?
ReplyDeleteI stand corrected, you are right, it was 2006 not 2016, wow ten years went by like a keystroke. Thanks.
DeleteCap just heard Pat Kane lost his job at the GE,I know this is a long shot but he is one talented man any chance we could hire him to manage the City?
ReplyDeleteThis smells of 'fake news'
DeleteCap, this is fake news at its best spread around by an anti Charter member. I know Pat and he still has a great job at GE and has no desire to take any management position in a new form of government. So to Anon2:18, some advice. Stay away from the Racino and the Schenectady Casino.
ReplyDeleteOk,but I work for GE,just trying to put you all to the wise...but go your own way what's done is done,I know the truth I'm happy with that!
Deleteok, be happy
ReplyDeleteI really like Pat Kane too. But he is with GE and would be the first to tell you that the city manager needs to come with special skills and accreditation. ICMA is the national association of City and County managers. They are the group that oversees the ethical conduct and training of city managers.
ReplyDeleteSaratoga Springs will have no trouble attracting top talent for it's city manager position.
Gee poster, 4:45 seems to think he knows everything, he's starting to sound like Skippy or Madigan.
Delete9:28am thanks Pat you put that to rest but we both know that's not the way it is!
DeleteScirocco has shown exactly how ignorant he is regarding the recent DPW garage fire!!! His concern is the $16,000/month National Grid pays the city instead of the safety of the residents in the area including 400 students @ the school!!! Instead he wants to HIRE NO PERSONNEL for night dispatch!! Explain to me How that will prevent another fire?? How about a container to dispose of the linseed oil rags for a starter??? This from the DPW Commissioner that gave away $900,000 to Sonny!! Why do we keep re-electing this idiot!!!
ReplyDeleteThe previous director told Skippy that having a carpenter shop and welding shop in the same building was a bad idea. He also told Skippy about a bunch of other stuff that Skippy ignored.
ReplyDeleteI still am wondering why a $400,000 fire escaped the attention of the media? Did Skip really believe he could hide this? The commissioner of public works has a responsibility to the public....this escapes the Skipper.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is Marilyn Rivers job? She's gotten extremely high pay raises in recent years & still does nothing in regards to safety. I believe it's time for the Department of Health to step in & investigate the safety & cleanliness of every DPW building including the dispatch office & tool room!!!
ReplyDeleteMark Baker for Mayor? That would be like a fox in a hen house. His statement "Once groundbreaking occurs, or if he wins election, he will no longer work for the City Center." This is not nice of you Mark. The current Mayor went through somewhat of a similar situation and the Republicans wanted her to resign the position. You have announced your intention of running for Mayor and the Republican Chairman said "Hogan and some committee members met with Baker on Wednesday. Hogan said he expects Baker to get the full 50-member committee’s endorsement in March.
ReplyDeleteAs an announced candidate Baker should immediately cut his ties with the City Center and not receive anymore money from them. This would be a serious offense if he continues and if he doesn't cut ties with the City Center the Republicans will be the ones to take the heat for him not doing so. We'll talk more about this soon.
Mayor's a winner,yepsen won't win the primary....oh what primary????..She's gonna have one...beeeeeliiiieve it!
ReplyDeleteOk hotshot, let's hear your predictions on who will stay on the Council in Nov.
DeleteOk hotshot, let's hear your predictions on who will stay on the Council in Nov.
DeleteTrump is the prez, and still continues to get income from his biz.
ReplyDeleteBaker is the new king maker?
assets of a President Elect, sitting President, or any other executive branch member are often put into a 'blind trust' to be managed by others. They cannot make any other income while President, that's why after they are out of office they can then command large sums of money for speeches.
ReplyDeleteIs this Mark Baker the same guy that has been on trial in family court?