Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Some have said that Joe Dalton has spread nothing short of untruths & scare tactics in his anti Charter Change speeches.  We feel he might have a background in mumble jumble tactics in the past that he could be using in his position in SUCCESS.  Below are some pieces from an article written in the Washington Post in 1997.

By Nick Madigan, The Washington Post - September 1, 1997

“For those with a taste for the grand manner -- from thundering hoofs and pheasant hunting to mineral baths -- Saratoga appeals much as it did a century ago, when members of the high-living elite first rested on their laurels here.

But blemishes lurk under the perfect facade. As the summer racing and social season draws to a close, attention has turned to the upcoming trial of three Chamber of Commerce officials accused of trying to blackmail a developer.

The scandal sent shock waves through this placid city of 27,000 people in the hills south of the Adirondack Mountains.”

“Saratoga County citizens, Levinsky [Developer Bruce Levinsky] wrote, "should not be led around like bovine animals" and ought to hold a referendum on whether to allow gambling away from the legendary Saratoga Race Course.”

"Until legitimate votes by the people are tabulated," he concluded, "I believe all we have heard and will read from the grass-rooters is pure Shakespearean sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Such language did not sit well with the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President Joseph W. Dalton Jr. was incensed but, according to a report in the Albany Times Union, was persuaded by his colleagues to meet with Levinsky like a "gentlemen."

“But after digging into Levinsky's past, chamber officials allegedly threatened at a July 2, 1996, meeting to reveal damaging facts about him unless he ceased criticizing the establishment. The officials were alluding to Levinsky's 1978 conviction on a misdemeanor count of Medicare fraud, for which he served two months in jail, and a brief suspension of his driver's license in 1995 over an insurance matter.

Levinsky surreptitiously taped subsequent meetings with chamber officials and gave the recordings to law enforcement authorities. A special prosecutor's investigation led to Dalton and chamber Chairman Brian Cumming being charged with coercion and conspiracy. Chairman-elect J. Thomas Roohan was charged with coercion. A trial is scheduled for Oct. 9.”

“CAPTION: Developer Bruce Levinsky's sharp criticisms angered some in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where three officials now are accused of trying to blackmail him.”

Remember this when Joe Dalton speaks of what’s best for Saratoga, if a person stoops to this level how can you trust anything he says?

-Our What About Skippy Section-
We hear tell that not only is the Skipster not moving the DPW Garage with it’s dangerous materials across from a school but he is installing a rec room with a gym, lockers & showers for the workers in the current site.   What can you say, a workout station for his Dept. and a $750,000.00 toilet for Madigan.  It’s a wonderful City to work for.

Speaking of Skip, why does he have the crew trim the hedges and mow the lawn on Circular St. just before the track opens?  The same hedges and lawn that looks like crap during the rest of the year, many are asking –What about us Skip?  We live here year round and you can’t even keep this City clean.

Enjoy summer


  1. Captain...you are amazing! I had forgotten the Joe Dalton blackmail cases. What a dirt bag. I am always hearing how washed up he is.
    I guess we now have Lying Joe Dalton.
    "In this corner from from swamp in New Jersey Lying Joe Dalton".
    My father knows him and calls him Dalton the Drunk.

  2. Why does the SUCCESS group rely on lies?
    I am voting for the city manager this time. We need it.

  3. a $ 750,000.00 bathroom for Madagain? I thought she was leaving to rent from her buddy Frank Parillo at the old Saratogian building?
    How much will that cost.
    The City budget lost over ONE million dollars last year. What gives?

    1. Please,please if you are going grouse about something, get your facts straight. The 750,000 total is to overhaul an unsafe, outdated finance office - one where if you have a personal question on anything, you are asking it in front of everyone - one where the floor is literally falling in - where there is no place for the may staff to have lunch other than in full view of the public and the only department that doesn't have a bathroom for staff and they have to use the public bathroom that is way too often disgusting. This is much less of Madigan's use and for the comfort and safety of her staff. So easy to make something into what it truly isn't just to make a point! Poor form!

  4. No one I know trusts Joe Dalton. Never have never will.
    With Dalton on the SUCKSESS team. They will lose in a landslide.

  5. Oh come on. This seems petty and trivial to pick on Former Chamber guy Joe Dalton. Dalton has contributed much for the city of Saratoga. Hardly anyone could apply for sainthood although you could still fill out the application. But...would your references check out? hmmmm. No, probably not. This 'news' is old news and I am sure even Bruce is OVER IT! You can do better than this Captain.

  6. If the shoe fits wear it. Lying Joe has a ring to it.
    Steve Sullivan sainthood YES
    Lying Joe Dalton HELL NO

  7. To all who comment, if you would like to discuss problems with water pressure in the city and development, please feel free to call me at the Times Union 518-454-5445.

    1. It is not just about water pressure anymore. You will have to dig deeper to get this story. Just remember the man in charge said "If it ain't broke why fix it."

  8. Lead was found in water of 7 homes in Saratoga!!! I think it's breaking Skip The Fees!!!!

  9. Well, well, it looks like a letter to the editor by Robert Turner, chairman of the Charter Commission, pointed out some more fibs and fear tactics used by Lying Joe Dalton while showing his real stripes which is how he operated over the years in Saratoga.

  10. Joe Dalton is a has been.
    The chamber was thrilled to see him go!
    Please joe .....GO away again

  11. Letter to Editor from Bob Turner

    I have not been a longtime supporter of changing the city’s form of government for many years, as Joe Dalton’s letter suggests. I have never taken a position on any of the previous charter reform efforts. I have hosted and moderated public debates on the 2001, 2006, and 2012 charter measures. When it comes to local politics, I am nonpartisan. I am not affiliated with either the city Democratic or Republican party. I have never endorsed a candidate for local office.

    For the record, I voted against both of the 2006 or 2012 charter reform efforts.
    Mr. Dalton also paints a misleading picture of the 15 member citizen Saratoga Springs Charter Review Commission. While it includes Pat Kane who supported the 2006 and 2012 reform efforts, it also includes Gordon Boyd who cofounded SUCCESS and was one the leading opponents of the 2006 and 2012 efforts. After moderating the 2006 and 2012 charter debates between those two, I can tell you that there was no love lost between them.
    However, after studying the charter for the last 15 months, interviewing City Hall employees and former officeholders, and talking to countless citizens and businesses who work with the city, we have come to realize that it is time to update our antiquated form of government. We kept the best parts of our current charter, the conservative financial and budget provisions in particular, and changed the parts to increase the representation of the citizens and take the politics out of the day to day administration of city services to save money. Saratoga Springs is a leading 21st century global city. We can do better than an antiquated system that has been abandoned by every city in New York other than Mechanicville.
    Bob Turner
    Saratoga Springs Charter Review Commission chairman

    1. If Charter Change does get voted in, then where will Mr. Turner's office be in City Hall?

    2. The paragraph below is taken from the job description in the new Charter. I'm surprised you would make a statement like this when almost everyone has seen or has a copy of the Charter, it's easy to get online, hmmmmmm.

      "The City Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of education, professional credentials and experience in the accepted competencies and practices of local government management. The City Manager shall be qualified by possessing a Master’s Degree with a concentration in public administration, public affairs or public policy and five years’ experience in an appointed managerial or administrative position in municipal government."

      Since Mr. Turner has been a teacher for many years I doubt he has five years’ experience in an appointed managerial or administrative position in municipal government.

    3. So that means Turner is doing all this charter work just for the heck of it? I think teachers retire and double-down for another retirement package somewhere else. Lawyers become judges, firemen become contractors, etc.

  12. Heard that Lying Joe has an angle. He wants to stay on the city center board where is term expires in December. So
    he is pushing Mark baker and fighting charter change.
    Always and angle?

  13. Labor Day approaches ..... the beginning of the Saratoga Springs election season.

    The signs will be everywhere, on lawns, etc.

    Charter change will be the topic, and Skippy will slide into another term.

    But will Dalton emerge as the spokesman for Mr Baker?



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...