Sunday, October 29, 2017


Many City residents, both for and against Charter Reform are dismayed at the behavior of Michele Madigan & John Franck both at the Council table and in the newspapers.  Both are elected City officials voted into office by those for and against the change.  Both represent all Saratogians not just those against the Charter change.  They should be the voice of reason at the Council table, they can state their vote of no confidence of the new form of government but the way they have been acting this year makes me wonder if they have just lost their minds and have been overcome by so much hate that they can’t control themselves and both have looked that way in the media and especially the eyes of the citizens of Saratoga.  

Why didn’t Commissioner Franck disclose when a Commissioner his CPA firm was hired to do a study in Mechanicville and he himself was paid thousands of dollars to do this study and told the City (who happens to have a Commission form of Government) that the study and he were recommending that Mechanicville switch to a City Manager form of government. This is a quote from his recommendation “It is the team’s view that a City Manager per se, may be unaffordable in Mechanicville’s present financial situation.  Alternatively, a city administrative officer, accountable to a Mayor and City Council, could be established, rationalize administrative functions, be affordable and be accountable to the elected officials of the city.  In either case, a significant revision of the City Charter is warranted.”

This revelation should have been disclosed by Franck, his professional credibility was put on the line as it is now.  He should have at least disclosed this information to the citizens of Saratoga instead of making himself one of the embarrassments of our government. 

He now raises questions about the Commission of trying to buy the election.  He should know but because of his actions this year that the City through an approved budget to the Commission HAS to pay for informative mailings, the Commission does not have to get Council approval to send out these mailings as another brilliant Council member (Scirocco) indicated and tried 3 times to make a motion without success and have the Asst. City Atty phrase it in the form of a resolution that the Council had to see everything and approve any literature before being mailed out, WRONG.  The Council cannot interfere with a Commission.

The bottom line is this, 3 unopposed Commissioners thanks to the inept Democratic and Republican Party’s, are insanely opposed to change while 2 outgoing Commissioners want the change.  The whole thing smacks of keeping power and   don’t believe Madigan’s promise not to run in 2019.  She has been one not to be believed and I wouldn’t take anything she says ‘to the bank’.

Flip your ballot over and vote YES for Charter Change, it is one of the only things that makes sense along with keeping Mark Baker out of City Hall.

Talking about Skip and our great water supply.  Do you think the taste of our water has gone down the last few years?  I have been told by many that they can’t stand the taste of the drinking water.

Both images below were provided by Property owners in Gyser Crest.


  1. Yeah, Captain, a good comparison: Mechanicville and Saratoga Springs. They are so much alike.
    Like your other comparison of Watertown and Saratoga Springs. But Watertown is underneath five feet of snow for six months a year.
    Good work Captain.
    p.s. Are those photos of the inside of your arteries? Must be blocking the flow of blood to your brain.

  2. I am so glad you answered as you did, with using the comparison of Mechanicville and Saratoga Springs being the only 2 cities using the Commission form of government you sealed my argument. The form of government did nothing to make Saratoga Springs what it is today or Mechanicville would certainly be where we are. Watertown is used as a comparison because it is a City with a larger population than Saratoga and is renovating the City. They just received $10 million dollars (that's 8 million more than Skip gave back to 4 developers) to renovate their downtown. They also have great activities for families such as: Burrville Cider Mill, New York State Zoo at Thompson Park, Roswell P. Flower Memorial Library, Salmon Run Mall, Dry Hill Ski Area, River Rafting & Tubing, Jefferson County Historical Society, Yellow Barn Winery, Sci-Tech Museum of Northern New York, Art & Antiques Stores, Gift & Specialty Shops, 2 Golf Courses, Kayaking & Canoeing and Watertown Farm & Craft Market among other things. Hardly a dead area. Also 6 months of snow creates a good economic boon for Ski resorts and brings in snowmobile clubs from the area who patronize the restaurants and bars.
    Thanks again for the comparison and my arteries are a lot cleaner than our pipes that carry our drinking water to us. Squeeze out a little water from these and drink it like the people in the Crest have to. Drinking Saratoga Springs water is what made Franck lose his hair,

  3. Captain is it possible for you to post Skip The Fees letter to the editor that was posted in the Saratogian?

  4. Why is last weeks city council meeting off the city's website?

    Mrs Madigan is up to her old tricks

    Her department is responsible for the video

  5. I live near these?

    We drink from these?

    I bet Skippy keeps the water system up better over on his side of town.

  6. Why is there a vote no on the charter change sign on the Water Treatment Plant property? Is Skippy using city land for political purposes

    1. Of course he is, and it is not the only piece of City property he is using for NO signs but remember both he and his wife belong to the NO group.

  7. Fickle Captain, changes colors like a charter change chameleon.

    1. OK, but I have no clue what the heck you are talking about, but in your mind be happy.

  8. Vote YES for Charter change. The commission form of government only benefits those who simply don't care or who have never attended a city council meeting. End of conversation.



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