Sunday, November 12, 2017


Well, the election season is almost over.  There are 3 races left to be determined, the Commissioner of Public Safety post which if Peter Martin holds onto his lead will be the biggest upset in Saratoga Springs voting in years.  The second position will be that of the 2nd Supervisor post, Tara Gaston currently holds the lead and the third is probably the most important vote in Saratoga Springs in the last 100 years, yes Charter Change.  In a surprising vote at the end of election night The Yes vote had a slim 48 vote lead over the No voters.   With over 500 absentee votes to be counted on Tuesday it will be nail biting time for all those involved with the outcomes.  If I am not mistaken most of the absentee ballots are from senior housing and nursing homes so this will be an indication of how or aged population is up to date with the goings on in the City.

Again, it is very sad that our Democratic & Republican Chairmen cannot handle their jobs.  One of their functions is to make sure every position has someone from their respective Party running for office.  In a City as great as Saratoga Springs that can’t be too hard of a job, there must be many people that want to take part in keeping this City great, right?
One of the most notable and pathetic things that came out of this election was to show how bad of a job our unopposed Commissioners are doing especially one that was highlighted throughout the campaign season and that is Commissioner Skippy Scirocco, not only can’t he do his job but it seems there is no direction coming from the Deputy position.

It was highlighted during the season that the water in Saratoga Springs tastes terrible, some areas had lead in the water and low pressure was a problem in many areas of the City.  Pictures showing the disgusting shape of our water lines were shown by groups with the hope someone in DPW would get it.  Well some revelation must have happened election night.

I want to start off by saying that the picking up of leaves and lawn debris has come down to once every 4 weeks, Skippy has sheared off staff to help Madigan keep her budget deficit under 2 million dollars this year, so he hasn’t got the staff to work the streets and has to pull them off that job and put them on other jobs.

That being said, Skippy is feeling the heat for the condition of water pressure, and of the water lines which I had showed you in pictures in previous posts.  I’ll put one up here.  

Now, at this time of the year, with freezing temperatures, Skip, Donna or his Deputy has decided to FLUSH the hydrants.  The problem with this is, it’s the wrong time of the year, not only is it freezing out but the water will pick up and carry the leaves that haven’t been picked up by DPW workers (as they now have to flush the hydrants) will be floating and will cover the water  drains.  What type of leadership do we have here and how can this Commissioner sit at the Council table saying how much worse off we will be under a new form of government?  This man in incapable of doing his job and has been for the last 10 years.  This is what we get for having Party leaders giving someone a free pass at election time.

Flushing of the hydrants will begin Nov. 13th and will continue through, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING, November 24th. 

Anyway, we wait to see what shakes out Tuesday.

Just one other tidbit, on election day, candidate and loser Mark Baker stopped in to most voting places handing out apples, something I don’t think was kosher for a candidate to do.


  1. Well, there you go again.
    "Some areas had lead in their water" is a lie. And you never admitted it in your other posting.
    The only lead in the water is from the home owners old pipes that have leached lead in their own home.
    Admit it Captain.

  2. The DPW is run by an idiot. He continues to show his lack of leadership. But that is what you get when you have a career dog catcher in charge. Flushing hydrants in freezing temps, while leaves are still in the road. Brilliant!

  3. I heard Skip continues his political patronage into 2018 hired Mark Baker on Wednesday, Matt Hogan on Thursday, Don Braim on Friday and John Safford on Saturday. Way to go!!

  4. Why did John Franck call for a 'special Council' meeting for Monday at 12? Is that his lunch hour and how many people can attend to voice their opposition at that hour. He is still playing games. He wants to discuss hiring an election law attorney to defend the City’s right to have all proper absentee ballots counted. The City has no standing in the ballot counting. What is his hidden agenda if Charter wins? the City already has two attorneys, Vince DeLeonardis, and Assistant City Attorney, Tony Izzo, who can observe the proceedings. Why cost the taxpayers more money and add to the already anticipated 2 million dollar deficit?

  5. I am most disappointed in the 3 council members decision to hire an attorney at the tax payers expense. What a horrible display of ego and power at its worst. I can't believe that I actually respected these people. I will not be voting for them in the future.

  6. You lost by 7 votes. Take your bags and get out of Saratoga and stay out.

    1. Just who are you referring to when you stay to 'take your bags and get out of Saratoga'? I live here and I'm from here.

  7. The city of Saratoga Springs will lose so many valuable employees over this. The cost to replace those employees will be astronomical. The people with 5 10 15 years of experience in the political environment of Saratoga will be lost. New people coming in will not understand the political environment in Saratoga as it is like no other and not standardized. How sad that the populist listened to the naysayers.

  8. It appears as if the old guard, anti charter change, in Saratoga has been visiting the nursing homes and collecting votes from incompetent or dead people. Wesley is a gold mine.

    1. sour grapes - you should have won with ease. your arrogance continues to do you in.

  9. Hey Captain,
    You’re a fool. The biggest fool of them all. I laugh in your face. Hahahahaha!
    Signed, Giddy with Laugher

  10. The proposal should be brought up again in 4 years by the citizens group. If the vote holds up as a 10 vote loss, that is a sign that the times are a changin'

    1. Just give it up. Four years and more wasted money.
      Boyd and Kane will be too old by then.

    2. Why 4 years, next year would suit me. The document is done, getting 11 people to change their mind shouldn't be too hard.

    3. 11:02 is the one who said the proposal should be brought up again in 4 years.
      If you think 11 people need to change their minds, then you missed the point. Like 1:27 said, just give it up.
      Real Saratogians don't want the change.

    4. 3:39, just who in your opinion are "Real Saratogians"

  11. Three items for Skippy

    1. Why haven't my leaves been picked up since 3 weeks ago? You said your budget was fine. Hire more part time employees if you can't get the work done genius.

    2. Why are the hydrants being flushed this time of the year?

    3. Why are you considering giving yourself and the other Council members a raise?

  12. The current Mayor went to polling places and bought coffee for the workers. So, not a new behavior.

    1. The current Mayor was not running for election, big difference especially when Baker put his name on every apple.

  13. Captain, change the headline on the blog.
    Election Over.
    You lose. Gotta love it.

    1. I think I'll leave it up for a while and if it does eventually lose after losing by 1500 votes in the past and losing by 10 votes of over close to 9,000 votes cast this is the time I have to say I love it. This will be a good number to overcome next time.

    2. I hear the sound of "grasping at straws" coming from the Captain's computer keyboard.
      Keep up the good work, Captain.
      With your support, you can help make it four defeats in a row.
      Actually, there was a charter change vote back in the 1980s too. Yep, that went down in flames also.

  14. DPW is a mess

    Card games everyday at the City Garage. Stop by at anytime, as it is public property. Generally there is a good game going at the Water Treatment Plant too. Stop by and join in the fun

    Will Hot Dog Eddie Miller still be employed at DPW much longer? Two years is a long time to carry him? Skip has already said that he will not run again, so he does not Hot Dog Eddie Miller and his band of independence endorsements. Michel Madigan will cause neither the Democrats or Republicans want her.
    The Tree Crew was on 9P the other day cutting down trees. Sounds fine right? The property does not belong to the city. HMMMMMM
    Skip is losing another deputy. The last deputy was constantly complaining about how stupid Skip is. We agree!
    Flushing random hydrants in freezing conditions, before the leaves were picked up.. 8 years on the job and still messing it up. Our leaves are still sitting in the street for 3 weeks.

  15. The water treatment plant is in deep trouble. There are no shut offs to the lake and Skippy has been filling it like mad to get reelected. There are also no operating shut offs in the plant

  16. The pipes that you are showing have been removed from the Geyser Crest water treatment plant in 2009. The Commissioner has been down men from the lay offs in 2009. We don't nee leave pick up every day. I even think that oncew a month is enough. And the hydrads are being flushed because they are coating the pipes to prevent the lead from getting into your house. Now instead of throwing stuff out there why don't you just call DPW to find outthis information like I did.

    1. The pipes shown were taken by a homeowner 1 1/2 years ago, the Commissioner has been down manpower through his own fault, if he didn't give Madigan money back to make himself look good he would have the workforce to keep the City looking as good as it once did, once a month pick up is an asinine idea, it should be at least once a week during the summer months and twice a week during Spring and Fall. Again this Commissioner does not know how to run a department. The flushing of hydrants should not be done in freezing weather, only an incompetent person would have this done and I'm sure you are one of the people that said lead was only found in 10 homes, changing your tune now? Happy Thanksgiving, now I can take my kids out ice skating since they flushed my hydrant yesterday.

    2. Keep kicking that can down the road Cap.
      Your credibility takes a hit, every time you kick.

    3. 8:02, the can was kicked down the road by 9:13, facts are facts and you just can't accept that so be it.

  17. If you read the City web site all leave are to be put in bags. I think instead of raising taxes we should have pick up twice a year. No one else does it. More money to fix the pipes. This is an old City and there is a plan for the fixing of the pipes. Please do me a favor and foil your information because it isn't close. Go back and see what the McTuyges put in the ground, not much. At least Scirocco is addressing this problem. This flushing is a special one to coat the pipes so t won't allow the lead into the homes. Now I no that you don't understand alot of this, so let me tell you that you have to follow State laws, Civil service laws and the Unions, some thing just are not as simple as they seem.And yes they only test so many homes. Please be careful and don't fall.

    1. This is another way for Skippy to make the City look worse. Your quote " I think instead of raising taxes we should have pick up twice a year. No one else does it." First of all we are Saratoga Springs and are unlike any other City in the country, isn't that what most people say? If pick up is the deciding factor for raising taxes we are in a heap of trouble and this just goes to show how much trouble Madigan & Scirocco have gotten us in to. Please don't cry about fixing pipes, Skip eliminated a very large source of income from new development that was directed to be used for infrastructure only and there are no excuses there only incompetence by these 2 for even letting that happen. State laws, Civil Service laws and Unions have nothing to do with Skip's incompetence and if there are more pipes with lead in them they should have been flushed and coated in the warmer weather not in freezing weather.

  18. So 7:34 you admit there is lead in the water. Why else would DPW have to coat the pipes to keep the lead from getting into our homes?

  19. The Scirocco Way "Blame others and make excuses"
    They are still blaming the McTygues for everything.

  20. I watched two DPW employees open hydrants. I asked what this was for? They both said "it is so the commissioner can cover his ass"
    They had no special instruction, just open and close and to put signs in areas so the public think that they opened them all.
    Asked, "Did you check the pressure of the water flow? Nope!
    I asked Do all of the work?
    They both laughed. "You better hope you do not need them, cause most barely work.

    Now there is good taxpayer money at work
    Skip is an Idiot

  21. New Flash

    Skip hires
    Baker, Braim, and Safford to his DPW collection of political patronage jobs.
    Matt Hogan the disbarred attorney will soon become legal council for DPW.

    The Magificent Seven ( Boys of DPW)

    Mark Madigan-Baker
    Donald Disco Braim DPW Dance Manager
    Hot Dog Eddie Miller DPW Cafeteria Manager
    Matt "Look the other way" Hogan DPW Legal Eagle
    Mike "No skills" Veitch Manager of Skip
    Joe " I do not live in town" O'Neil What the Fu>> did I get myself into
    Donna "I am really the commissioner" Buckley, Manager of Baby Skip

    1. These are way too accurate to be guess work by an outsider. Great

    2. No, do not spend taxpayer money on fixing pipes in private homes, but also do not poison the rest of us with chemicals designed to insure the there is no lead in the distribution system pipes. Either the chemical treatment is required and there is lead in the water system or Skippy is spending money that is poisonous to the rest of us.

  22. The lead is in the home owners pipes. Do you want the City to go into each home and do a repair. And it is only in older homes with older pipes.

    1. There are lead pipes throughout the Saratoga Springs Water system. I saw one this summer on Spring Street when a home owner replaced the water liner. I even asked the city employee, he said they are running into lead pipes all over the city. DPW does not want to own up to the facts.

    2. How low have the local republicans gotten? They run the campaign with smoke signals. Matt Hogan the disbarred attorney, and Skip Scirroco colluded with SS Democrats to run no one in opposition to Franck and Madigan. And the dems leadership talk 3 different candidates out of as Democrates.
      Heard that Madigan petitioned the Democratic Party to remove their endorsement of Meg Kelly before the election.
      Great Party. I am sure Meg Kelly will not put up with Madigan's tantrums at the council table.

    3. Headline in Today's Saratogian. There will be a recount of Nov 7 ballots. Fingers crossed. Will the city hire another attorney?
      Did you heard about the mayor race in Gloversville?

  23. I think that Joe does live in the City of Saratoga Springs that is if Weible Ave. is in the City.

  24. According to the current Charter, Deputies are not required to live in the City.

    1. City employees are NOT required to live in the city. Check around and you will find out that many of them live in Wilton and other places too. You cannot force someone to live in a particular city just because they work there.
      McTygue lived in the town of Saratoga for many years and got re-elected time after time.

    2. You are right about Saratoga workers, McTygue maintained a residence he used for his mailing address much like Mark Baker did. However, in quite a few cities certain positions other than elected officials are required to live in that City. This happens when a City can hire enough employees from a City that do live there.

  25. Rather than take it as a victory, Saratoga Springs government officials should take the outcome of the charter change vote as a message — and a warning to shape up.
    After absentee ballots were counted Tuesday, voters in the city turned down a proposal to change the current form of government from a commissioner model to a more common city council/city manager form of government.
    Unlike past votes on the subject, this one was nail-bitingly close — decided by 10 votes out of more than 8,900 cast. Barring some kind of miracle with the 18 outstanding military ballots (11 out of 11, or 15 out of all 18, would have to be in favor of the change in order to alter Tuesday’s outcome), Saratoga Springs will be keeping its form of government for now.
    But the vote should not be taken by government officials as some kind of affirmation that voters are satisfied with the way things are going.
    The main argument for keeping the commission form of government — which places individual commissioners in charge of task-oriented department (finance, public works, public safety ...) — was basically: “Why mess with the form of government when things are working so well?”
    One might ask that question of the 4,448 citizens — 49.94 percent of the voters — who voted to change the government, despite all the city’s success.
    Could it be that they’re dissatisfied with the way government operates, despite everything that’s going well in the city?
    Many people have complained that city officials don’t cooperate with one another, seeing that as a direct result of the government design that places individuals in charge of separate government functions without having responsibility to the city as a whole.
    Why should any city commissioner cut his or her budget, or share a secretary with another department to save money, or work with another commissioner on a broad city matter, when the electorate holds that commissioner responsible for one department and one department alone?
    A good example of that lack of cooperation occurred right after the election when three city commissioners held a meeting and voted to spend up to $5,000 of taxpayer money on a lawyer to protect the city’s interests in the counting of the absentee ballots.
    Mayor Joanne Yepsen said the three commissioners, knowing they had the votes to pass it, didn’t even invite the her and the commissioner of public safety to the meeting. The three commissioners dispute the mayor's allegation and said she and the other commissioner were indeed aware of the meeting.
    Regardless of who is telling the truth, this is the kind of political, self-serving garbage that 49.94 percent of the voters voted against. That’s why despite all the happy news coming out of the Spa City, they voted for change.
    The vote on charter change was a message and a warning.
    Citizens are sick of the lack of cooperation between commissioners and departments. They’re sick of the overlap and inefficiencies. They want commissioners to behave as a group representing the entire city and not just their individual fiefdoms.
    The 2017 vote may have supported the current form of government, but it didn’t support the way government conducts itself.
    If things don’t change, there just might be enough momentum to carry another effort to change the government.
    And next time, it might go a different way, with a much more resounding result.

    1. Blah, blah, blah.
      Full of inaccuracies, as usual.
      Show it to Pretty Boy Boyd, someone who cares.

  26. Skip just admitted in the council meeting that the pipe leaving the water treatment plant that failed was installed in 1884. Talk about not having a plan to replace aging infrastructure.These pipes are 133 year old. Great planning. Madagain thinks this is great work by DPW.

    1. Don't expect a quick reply from the Captain.
      He's in a funk after the elections.
      About ten days between postings.
      But he was really on a tear before election day.
      Too bad.

    2. Sorry, not in any funk and of course sure there was a lot of action going on before and right after election time. The favorites lost and Charter is behind right now by 10 votes. If it indeed does lose by 10 it is still a huge victory because it means that over 1600 people changed their minds from last time and I am sure at least 11 will change their minds during next year's election. I am just taking a little holiday break but am keeping up with what is going on in City Hall and will also hope to have some great news after the 1st of the year.

  27. More fake news, keep up the good work. It wasn't the pipe that broke, it was the packing on the pipe that broke.

    1. It was a pipe and I got the information from a very, very credible source. You can stop covering for Scirocco now, the 'fake news' spin only comes out of City Hall.

  28. It is fake news i was not the pipe, it was the packing. Your source isn't right. I can prove what I say can you.

  29. The luck is running out at DPW
    More news to follow. The valve on the 20 main in the front lawn was shot. Luckly there was one in Troy. If not a good part of the city would have been out of water. How many other hazards do we have?
    "If it ain't broke" Scirocco is a time bomb!!!!

  30. Did anyone notice that there was a water main break on Broadway that flowed down Caroline Street and coated Caroline Street with ice. The hydrant that Skip decided to flush split and cause this.

  31. Merry Christmas Captain ��. Looking forward to a new post soon!

    1. Thank you and a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you. Yes, a new post after the 1st of the year.

  32. Merry Christmas.
    Now snap out of that funk.

  33. I think Judge Nolan just said "it's over"



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...