Sunday, March 31, 2013


The City of Saratoga Springs Republican Party is looking hard to find a legacy for Mayor Scott Johnson with no luck.  The Recreation Center that was supposed to be a money maker for the City in its first couple of years is bleeding money big time.  The newest Parking Garage was the idea of a past City Council as was the Lake Front.  The things I will remember about him and his cracker jack terms would be his haughty attitude to fellow Commissioner’s and citizens of Saratoga, his suppression of the citizens right to vote on the Charter issue, having to FOIL any bit of public information from his office or the Building Dept., and the issuance of orders for employees to not give out any public information that citizens asked for.  The Building Inspector debacle will also cast his terms as a dark spot.  There were questionable decisions that were made regarding issues at the Recreation Center and the new Parking Garage which resulted in the Inspectors being let go after not bending to the will of the Mayor or Deputy Sutton, and if I remember correctly, after the City’s Inspector wouldn’t pass an item the Mayor wanted passed at the Recreation Center he was let go and an Inspector from Albany was called in and even she agreed with the City Inspector’s ruling and against the wishes of Johnson/Sutton. Should we trust a Mayor who, with only the Commissioner of DPW makes a back room deal with Wilton to get our precious water?

 Today another attempt was made regarding the sanctity of Johnson’s decisions. 

Ms. Sandi Cross, a current City Republican Committee person and former President of the City Republican Woman’s Committee and one who was taken under the wing of former County Chairman Jasper Nolan.  She is Saratoga County Director of the Office of the Aging (appointed by the County Supervisors yearly), and is now under the service of current chairman John Herrick. Ms. Cross was also the campaign manager for Skip Scirocco for a few campaigns.

Director Cross has penned a Letter to the Editor in Sunday’s Saratogian, stating “City Democrats are obstructionists”.  I don’t think anything could be farther from the truth. 
Ms. Cross is upset because the 3 Democrats who with popular support will not cave into Mayor Johnson’s elite appointments.  While the majority of the Council agrees that all the appointments (some who don’t even live in Saratoga Springs) are fine people, I don’t see the relevance.  I feel the appointments are good people looking out for their own interests (nothing wrong with that, if you can get away with it).  The Democrats however, would like to see citizens from different areas of the City that would be affected by the changes that will be envisioned by this Plan, not too much to ask for.  The Mayor has assured the Council as well as interested citizens that they will have their say during comment periods before meetings (we all know how that works at Council meetings), the Mayor will also set up a web site so citizens can ask questions, keeping them away from meetings. Ms. Cross and Mayor Johnson, we have plenty of caring and smart every day citizens that can be committee appointees, why even keep the consultant to keep the committee on track.

In the first paragraph I stated that Mayor Johnson was suppressing voter’s rights according to Saratoga Citizen in not allowing a lawful proposal to be put on the ballot while spending at least over $70,000.00 and very costly City employee time in fighting Saratoga Citizen in Court and losing both lawsuits.  The majority Party at the time (Republican) had no qualms about siding with the Mayor that time.
So, Ms. Cross accuses the Democrats of being obstructionists, while the citizens are clamoring for equal representation on the CPR.  Ms. Cross accuses the Democrats of being obstructionists because they don’t feel the $65,000.00 consultation fee is a tad too high for what the Mayor wants to bestow on a friends Company.  It is said, just follow the money, The Mayor spending well over $70,000.00 to outside Attorney’s & internal employee time devoted to keeping citizens from voting on an issue and wanting to spend $60,000.00 + on consultation when citizens can’t even have a say on who should represent their interests.

 It’s no fun to keep writing about County or City Republican Party lunacy.  The past 2 weeks have shown us some of the bad side of Republican strong arm politics regarding job spots, things are not what they used to be.  There are no more political bosses, people who care can raise their voices and make things happen.  Citizens of Saratoga, let’s raise our voices and demand equal representation on the Comprehensive Planning Review Committee, remove some of the special interest reps, businesses or non profits  that pay no taxes and put on some good, smart and willing citizens of our City.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, tonight’s Council meeting was filled with presentations.  The Comm. of PS gave his ambulance report along with the Fire Chief and the Mayor could not believe it.  The deal works fine and the Department also updated their 5 year projections based on a solid year of experience.  The Mayor however, drilled the Chief and tried his lawyer best to rattle him by throwing misinformation at him but the Chief did fine and provided all the factual answers to the Mayor.

Then it was the Lame Duck’s turn.  He had to put together a presentation for his failed Comprehensive Plan Committee, because the Council and residents are sick of the Mayor appointing his friends while turning his back on citizens of Saratoga to have representation on a Committee to set the City’s path for the future.  Wait, he did say he was going to set up a web site so citizens could email concerns to be read by the Committee, wow.  He also relented to let the Council choose 1 person each and said he would allow the choices to sit on the Committee; the Council met the Mayor’s presentation with quite as the Mayor was pleading with them to accept the Consultant and his picks.  Skip has already chosen the Superintendent of Schools who lives in Wilton and was an appointee of the Mayor.  The other out of town friend of the Mayor who is on the Committee is from Washington County and works for the State (thinking of running for a State office Mayor Johnson and need some help)?  Remember, this is the same Mayor that said Mayor Keheen’s Comp Plan was DOA when he took office and sits on his shelf to this day.  That Plan was a good one developed by a consultant and more city appointees.  The Mayor also mentioned that the nearby towns should have input in the process because we should be good neighbors, remember that 3 of the Mayor’s picks are from Wilton and that town was granted, by the Mayor and Commissioner Scirocco to buy Saratoga water, water which we can ill afford to sell.  Remember also that it was the Mayor who extended the number of homes getting water from 18 to 25, there is also 180 acres for development there so I guess the homes built will also put a strain on the water we have now, especially since we are losing wells at a scary rate.  Just remember the names and positions of those who did or will allegedly benefit in Watergate, Tom Lewis, D. Harper (attorney for the owner of property and City Republican Chairman) and it is said the owner of our local McDonalds.

Talking about chicken, one hairy blogger posted on an article at the Saratogian’s site, saying that the Rec. Center should be named after Scott Johnson as he will go down as the best Mayor in Saratoga Springs history.  I think that they should put a statue of Johnson on top of the building with him holding a bucket. Forget that, he would look like Col. Sanders and we know how much birds like chicken.

As Thor has said many times: hello, follow the money.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

TIME TO SAY GOODBYE (hum the Bocelli & Brightman song)

Well, it’s time to say adios as Poncho Villa Johnson rides into the sunset.  He leaves a legacy as a Mayor that has cost citizens the most money in outside attorney fees, legal losses and fines and penalty’s associated with the losses and other monies lost to the City such as having lost valuable revenue from Nat’l Grid by not renegotiating an expired contract for 5 years and not renegotiating the Time Warner contract (another 5 year loss of money).  The Rec Center should be his legacy because promising after it was built and in operation for 1 year it would not only pay for itself but make money, well it doesn’t pay for itself and costs taxpayers at least $100,000.00 - $150,000.00 in losses each year, plus WHERE ARE THE SHOWERS ? Now that is a legacy.  He terminated the full time HR Director the City employed and as is his managing style hired an outside company that supplies the City with an HR person that works 20 hours a week for a total of $75,000.00 a year or more, if he has to put in a few extra hours.  The dollar amount is much higher than the full time HR Director made.  He also takes credit for bringing peace and dignity back to the office of Mayor and to the Council.  That was the case when he had a 4-1 majority in his favor and had what we called the bobble head kids that sat at the table.  The 3 kids sat there bobbing their heads up and down at anything the Mayor said, leaving John Franck to be the voice of reason and as most thought the real mayor at the table.  However, when in a minority and where a real leader should step up to lead, our Mayor falls apart and becomes more hostile and pompous and the more ineffective he became.  You could read the fact he wasn’t going to run again after the last election when he was almost upset by a new comer to the local political scene.  He has looked dazed and confused ever since.  That stool at Sperry’s will be getting an even better workout now.

We would like to make one more think clear to the now Mr. ‘Lame Duck’ Mayor.  When you spoke proudly of the public/private monies that were used to build the new parking garage, you forgot to mention that there were no private monies involved.  The City owned the lot, the DBA donated money but that comes from their tax fund and the City paid the rest, so all in all it is tax payer money, no matter what the spin you tried to put on it.

Well, in closing I want to say thank you Mayor Johnson, you did make these last 5 years of Council meetings fun filled and sometimes hilarious.  I would also like to pass on a tip to the Deputy Mayor, she should have your gavel bronzed because after leaving office she may have some extra time and can come over to polish the thing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Well, it seems that the Mayor has given another order and Commissioner Scirocco has done the deed.

First, we want to welcome the Mayor back from his minor surgery (the doctor’s had to remove a sliver from his butt that he received from a bar stool at his restaurant (he has to pad his seat).

However, to the stories:
 It seems the Mayor who is in contract negotiations with DPW again is getting a little testy and groveling to some of the DPW Commissioner’s pleas.  The foreman from the East Side who was arrested for DWI or DUI, I can’t keep my letters straight, cannot drive a truck anymore and word has it is that he will most likely loose his license for 90 days at his court hearing on 3/20.  An inside source buzzed that the last 2 snow storms we had that needed plowing, the Commissioner had to “hire” him a chauffeur (the Deputy Commissioner) to plow his route while the foreman sat in the passenger seat, collecting his foreman’s pay rate.  I hope as in past practices that when a foreman is suspended from performing those duties and has to be downgraded to laborer, the pay scale also goes down until such time his job title is restored if indeed it ever is.  This is something key to watch because it is a very dangerous situation when a City employee is inebriated and gets behind the wheel of a truck, if God forbid, there was an accident or even a fatality, we the citizens would have to pay the price and live with the knowledge that the superiors   are not monitoring a drinking employee.

I know, you’ll say, like the Mayor does every time he loses a law suit and the City has to payout that our ‘insurance’ will pay the monetary damages.  However we are not stupid are we?  Every time the City loses a lawsuit and has to pay, our deductable and rates go up costing guess who to pay more? Bully incompetence I say, incompetence.

In other news, the Commissioner had to address the Casino as it needs better drainage in the basement.  The City employ’s a City Engineer and an Asst. City Engineer, but like the Mayor it seems that the Commissioner likes to out source jobs as well.  He contracted for an outside Engineer to the tune of $100,000.00 and the aide of the Asst. City Engineer (allegedly costing us a figure estimated at $20,000.00 for her time, which was work time not paid extra) for a total of about $100,020.00 or so.  The decision was made on how to correct the situation but we have it from a bumble bee that the cost of the job was only $100,000.00 and will not be done, it seems that the Commissioner thought the job would be much higher and could be bonded but the basement will still be wet.

It was also reported by a Bat Fan that the Contractor that is doing the renovation at the water works is using City vehicles to transport piping over to and using City tools to cut and tool piping.  Taxpayers are paying this Company to do the job, why are they using our trucks, our tools and our fuel?  Use your own equipment, which is part of what we are paying for.

Will this never end?  Will the Mayor ever stop wearing his Cat Woman outfit?   Will Commissioner Scirocco ever remove his Joker suit?  We will find out when next we get together.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


What’s going on (not the Marvin Gaye song) in Saratoga?  This water issue just won’t go away and I don’t even think the tip of the iceberg has been seen yet.  This Watergate folly may and I say may even have legal ramifications for the Mayor and DPW Commissioner Scirocco.  I heard the other day that City Republican Committee Chairman David Harper was the attorney for the property owner’s where the water is being sold and the 180 acre parcel next to it that will ultimately be developed for homes and we all know what happens, the water is out there now, why not add on this development.  We don’t have enough water for the mandatory DOH rules what’s another fine and millions of gallons of water to supply an adjacent town.

 Ripped from the headlines- DPW Commissioner was allowed to borrow from the General Fund, monies to offset the deficit between costs and income received for our water and sewer usage (our bills).  It appears former Commissioner of Finance Ivins let the amount get up to nearly $1.5 million dollars.  The problem as I understand it is that DPW has to pay back the General Fund for the monies borrowed, which hasn’t been done for a while, as a matter of fact since Ivins and Scirocco were in office, there was never even a plan on how to proceed with the payback.  This, fellow Justice League members is going to result in sky rocketing water and sewer  bills and I mean sky rocketing for Saratoga Springs home owners.  Thanks to the smarts of current Commissioner of Finance Madigan and Deputy Bachner, they have started a framework on repayment and have already done so.  Thank you, for that, girls.  I say girls because they are very bright and businesses savvy young ladies, plus I like the term girls, meaning no disrespect to them.

One other item that may or may not interest you, but it does bug me.  Usually when I’m out at night fighting crime and there are fireworks going off, I always think it’s because of my costume and City protection (give me some leeway folks).  However, all kidding aside, it seems every Saturday night between 9:30 and 10:00 fireworks are booming.  I have an idea, why fireworks every weekend?  We all know how costly these displays are, so I have a suggestion.  Those that spend the money for these fireworks do the following.  Take the money you would have spent on these Saturday blasts, split the cost in half and put ½ in an account for fireworks for special events like 4th of July, Hat’s Off, First Night and a few other special events, then take the other ½ and donate it to a different food pantry or other needy non profits.  You can have the distinction of being named a co sponsor of all the firework events and the tax breaks for the charitable donations.  Then at least we won’t have to cry when the money is not there for a special event fireworks display.

Just a note on Commissioner Franck’s announcement of making a motion to have the Imperial Ruler, I mean Mayor Johnson remove the entire Housing Authority Board for past failures and now the insult of not replying to the state after having 3 months to write a response to the audit’s findings at this coming Tuesday’s Council meeting.  Is this Commissioner the only one that has the pelotas to tackle this head on?  It seems that the Mayor sits on his throne, I mean seat and is trying to use mental telepathy with Sutton while any of these discussions are being held at the table.  I’ll tell you right now Mayor, its useless trying to play mind games with Deputy Sutton.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...