Sunday, November 23, 2014


It looks like former Mayor Scott Johnson’s 11th hour mass appointments to virtually every City Board is starting to unravel.  The day is December 31, 2013 and Scott Johnson make mass appointments to upcoming vacancies on City Boards and Commissions, thereby taking away the right of the incoming Mayor, Joanne Yepsen to name her own appointments.  The only thing that Johnson didn’t know about was that an appointed person had only 30 days to sign their ‘oath of office’.  The last 3 board members appointed by Johnson to the Housing Authority BOD failed to follow the law and sign the oath and had to be removed from Housing Authority Board of Directors.  The 3 (Ken Ivins, Al Callucci and Lou Schneider could reapply along with any other citizen wishing to serve on the board and had until Friday Nov. 21st at the close of business to turn in a resume. 

Mayor Yepsen follows not only an announcement of an appointee at a Council meeting but also has that person come to the front of those attending or viewing the meeting, introduces the appointee and has them sign the ‘oath of office’, making it a little ceremony for those that will be serving on City Boards and Commissions.  The Saratogian noted that every Commission & Board member will be reviewed to make sure every member has signed the proper legal document.  The Scott Johnson 11th hour appointments may be a silver bullet to those appointed just because of his not wanting Yepsen to have any chance for her own appointments.  This is how he ran the Mayor’s office for 6 years and should be one reason his reign gets lost in Saratoga history.

Arthur Einig Saratoga Springs wrote a letter to the editor in the Saratogian last week outing the DPS saying “In short, they extracted $30 from my pocket and put it into theirs. They did it to at least five other people too. There were probably more extractions to others earlier and later in the day and it’s reasonable to imagine that this goes on week after week. It’s a cash cow for the city, so why should they see it as unjust or immoral?”

It started for Mr. Einig on a “bright and sunny September days, I drove my wife, my mother (who just moved here) and my sister-in-law (her first visit to Saratoga) to see and shop at our wonderful farmers’ market at High Rock. The place was packed. Parking was tighter than tight. I let them off and rolled slowly away to find a parking spot. All the spots on both sides of the street were taken, so I turned into the city parking lot by the Mouzon House.”   He goes on to say that when ready to leave he noticed a parking ticket on his windshield. Every car parked on the curve was likewise ticketed. 
 The day of his court appearance he was found guilty and paid “the unjust, unethical ticket (I call it a dirty tricket). The judge allowed me to question the ticket-writing officer, who admitted there was no “No Parking” sign in that area and that the city had no plans to put one up. She also admitted that cars were ticketed in that area often during the summer.”

After paying his ticket he had asked the clerk to have the person in charge to please call him to discuss why there isn’t a parking sign there and if they plan on putting one up and since that day in September he has heard from no one.

The idea that the City would use this area as a money trap and was even backed up by the officer that wrote the ticket doesn’t sound like Saratoga, or does it?  Are we stooping to this level to grab money from Saratogians and visitors alike?  Where the heck are we heading?  Money traps, water hookup fees waived amounting to over 1 million dollars for special developers, City property being used by businesses for private parking.  Welcome to the new Saratoga.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


We are taking the time to say thank you to the Salvation Army for moving our City’s Code Blue program to another level and to give a big thank you to St. Peter’s for stepping up to be the temporary host of the inaugural program last winter.  Those that use the Salvation Army facility now have a kitchen, a comfortable space for 25 needy people and even showers to use and best of all can use the facility a little longer to get a good breakfast.  However, this all could not be possible without the volunteers that sometimes work 12 hour shifts to keep the shelter running.  If you can spare some time give the Salvation Army a call and someone will put you through to the person in charge.  This is just another way that Saratogians show how we come together to support either time, food donations or donations to help those in need.

Have you heard all the talk and spin from Democrats and news media on why the Republicans kicked butt last Tuesday in the National elections?  The results stem from 2 areas, (1) the President has lost the support of most of the American people and voters, (2) Democrats, women and Hispanic voters did not back the Democratic candidates as they did in the past.  Yes, the Republicans will try again to do away with ObamaCare as most polls show from 59% to as high as 66% of Americans are opposed to the plan.  However, the Republicans must have a plan ready to implement to overhaul the Insurance industry if they are to try and torpedo Obama’s Plan.

Well it looks like the expansion of the racing season by 2 weeks won’t happen in 2015.  The Times Union reported that sources said that the red light was given so we can have our City for those 2 extra weeks in July.

In  local news it was also reported that former blogger John Tighe took a guilty plea on hacking charges, saying that he only hacked into a group’s computer files between 50 to 70 times, he only faces 1 year in County jail for this but should get more time as he probably won’t even get the 1 year.  Tighe also faces charges for allegedly having more than 400 files of child porn on his computer and if found guilty deserves the ravages of Federal prison, child porn is the worst crime a person can commit as the damage it causes the children will be with them for the rest of their lives and children should be allowed to grow up safe and enjoy their youth. 

Coming soon:  why is so much concrete sticking out into the street and an investigation starts in City Hall.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...