Saturday, December 12, 2020


 An anonymous poster left a comment today asking for 1 more post to make it an even 4 for this year.  Well here it is. Since depression and just plain having to not socialize has been a factor I really haven't felt like commentating on any issues although there have been many in this City.  This year 2020 has been a washout for the country, small businesses in the country have closed down in big numbers both because of the closing down of the country in the Spring and the terrorists burning and looting in the name of a 5 time felon who was killed by police in a brutal fashion after he ingested fentanyl.  This should never had happened and these policemen should get whatever penalties the get.  However it triggered something larger that looking back now should never have happened and that was the domino destruction it caused.  Race relations need to be looked at for sure but all whites are not racists just as not all blacks are racists.

Now, in Saratoga Springs, businesses have been hit real hard with some closures and it will most likely to keep on going for a while.  Saratogians are good people and most supported the food industry by ordering take out and pick up. 1 business Saratoga's Broadway Deli had their best year since they have been in business "   This year has been good to us. In fact, it has been our best year since opening. Record sales. But we understand that for many this was the worst year of their life. Lost their job, lost their income, and some of you even lost a family member. As the cold and darkness set in, hope can be a little hard to find. So we would like to help at least a little bit. " They have been offering free roasted chickens to anyone who want them through December 31st . The community has been generous to us so we would like to be generous back.

We aren’t asking any questions. We’re not asking for any proof. You say you need a hot roast chicken to provide a nice holiday meal for your family, we got you covered. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa. Whatever the reason, up until the 31st you can count on us."

Wow, what a great gesture.

Well, one of the best Christmas presents for this year is that we won't have to have Michelle Madigan to kick around any more after next years election.  It is really too bad because she needs to be kicked around.  Before the pandemic hit we were in a budget deficit saved only once again by the surplus, we took a hit with the Racino money by only getting 1/2 of what we normally get and next year will most likely get nothing.  We most likely would have gotten a tax increase in spite of the pandemic anyway and because of it we are going to be hit hard.  I always wondered why in 10 years we never had a tax increase even a small one as expenses rise every year but she controls the money not anyone else even the other Commissioners.  Also, her spending on the newly renovated City Hall which is way way over the stated amount will be a legacy of unnecessary opulent spending in her office and a little bonus for Scirocco (a fireplace in his office).  She is leaving the City with a very large bill for her lavish spending.

Charter Change lost by over 1,500 votes which is surprising because 3 years ago it lost by 10 votes.  I cannot figure that one out but I hope the change happens with the next vote.

 Happy Holidays, hope you stay safe.


Saturday, September 12, 2020


With the beginning of Fall,  a few thoughts.

When will City Hall be open so everyone can see the palace that Madigan (the Mad Hater) call her office?  The amount she spent on furniture is the talk of City workers and soon the citizens when we can see it.

Talking about City Hall, exactly how much is it going to cost the taxpayers?  Madigan’s incompetence with budget matters pre pandemic will  raise taxes big time. 

The fight between Madigan & Scirocco regarding camera’s being monitored  in Congress Park at night was a bit childish on Madigan’s part ,she has to be yelling at someone at Council meetings and the big surprise is that it was her Siamese twin Scirocco .  Black Lives Matter destroyers toppled a Civil War era monument to those Saratogians that died serving in the Civil War and other vandalism will most likely never be caught.  Madigan hired a PR firm to come up with a ‘Mask Campaign ’ about wearing masks cost taxpayers some big money and was about 5 months too late.  She didn’t want to spend the money for a position to monitor Congress Park’s cameras and a nighttime dispatcher but had the money for her projects, it’s a funny thing what happens when you have 1 person in charge of all the money – they get what they want and everyone else has to beg.

Well Charter Change is back on the ballot and this year the Democratic Committee voted to support the initiative.  The renegade ex Democratic committee members who quit the Committee last year when they couldn’t get their way are leading the group opposed to the change.  They just can’t stand not getting their way on all things.  They are as bad as Republican leaders who don't want to give up controlling the City. As one of the Anti - Change leaders Jane Weihe wife of John Kaufman the unbiased blooger (hahaha) said “Abolishing and setting up a new government is expensive, disruptive, and challenging under the best of circumstances. Why would we want to do it – imagine this – doing it during a pandemic and in the midst of probably the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression? "So our message is this…make love, not wards!”

Jane Weihe, there is no large expense in a change and saving money and better management and citizen involvement with their government is a good thing right?  And as for your words of wit “So our message is this…make love, not wards!”,I hope your husband is up for it. Sore losers all around these ex Dem Committee whiners are.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Feeling better after health problems and treatments gives me the opportunity to get back at this time and we’ll start up again.

Well the pandemic is still around but to many Saratogians they say what the hell.  The situation is that masks should be worn anytime you are in a setting where you will be close to people.  I see people in grocery stores going in not wearing a mask and asked to leave, people try to get in the Post Office trying to get into the lobby without a mask and are asked to leave, people standing in line without the 6 foot separation (marked by lines) and don’t seem to care, groups of kids and adults in Congress Park.  DPW workers cannot pick up plastic barrels or the paper lawn debris bags because they may catch something but ride 4 in a pickup truck and 2 in the truck that the leaves etc. are dumped in all not wearing masks why can’t they pick up and empty barrels or bags? 3 of the guys got out of the pickup truck to watch the scooper pick up the branches and leaves without masks and when asked why they aren’t wearing masks they laugh and say they are essential workers!  What a joke.  Where Public Safety Commissioner Dalton and her squad, should they be letting this happen?  You may ask, shouldn’t Skippy be checking his people but the Skipster doesn’t know there is a pandemic yet, I guess Madigan hasn’t told him.  The City wants to open up fast and we know what that means, we will be bombarded with people from areas that aren’t open and will put the people who live here in jeopardy. However, Madigan & Shimkus will be smiling again because of the clinking of money being spent. 

The Mayor and the DBA want to open before the region is supposed to open. The Mayor, Commissioner of Public Safety, the DBA are petitioning our local State representatives and the Governor to run the Saratoga meet with full crowds in total disregard of most our local residents health and safety.

Hell you say, this won’t happen, if you believe this then you are in Skippy, Kelly, Madigan and Dalton’s  world.  There was a couple from Queens that drove to Albany on a sunny warm day to order take out from a Thai restaurant in Albany, ate in the parking lot then returned home.  When asked why they said they had to take a ride to break up the monotony.  I do believe we will get overrun with out of area people and that will be unfortunate.

We’ll have some more to come.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...