Friday, July 28, 2017


When an office holder runs unopposed he or she does not have to be answerable to the citizens. 

When we stop to think are we electing Commissioners to represent us or is it ‘taxation without representation’?  If we don’t get anywhere with one Commissioner we are stuck in the mud with no other elected official able to help us.

Today I was informed by someone in City Hall that there is a hell of a story developing and once again Skippy Scirocco is in the middle of a dangerous situation that could pose a threat to city residents.  The Department of Health has found high concentrations of lead in our drinking water.  The best part is that neither Scirocco or anyone in his department will comment to anyone who calls his office and you can’t find out any information from any other department, again so much for our representative form of government.  

I spoke with many friends today that called the DPW office and our elected representative would not come to the phone.

There is also information that there are adults at Wesley that have gotten sick by Saratoga Springs drinking water but we can’t verify this yet.  The meeting between the State & Scirocco scheduled today was called off and a phone call between the two was supposed to take place instead.  

We all know that if Scirocco doesn’t have Madigan and 3 other people speaking for him he will not talk on the phone or in person so I doubt he made the phone call either.

There will be much more coming out of this and hopefully he will have to be removed from office.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Some have said that Joe Dalton has spread nothing short of untruths & scare tactics in his anti Charter Change speeches.  We feel he might have a background in mumble jumble tactics in the past that he could be using in his position in SUCCESS.  Below are some pieces from an article written in the Washington Post in 1997.

By Nick Madigan, The Washington Post - September 1, 1997

“For those with a taste for the grand manner -- from thundering hoofs and pheasant hunting to mineral baths -- Saratoga appeals much as it did a century ago, when members of the high-living elite first rested on their laurels here.

But blemishes lurk under the perfect facade. As the summer racing and social season draws to a close, attention has turned to the upcoming trial of three Chamber of Commerce officials accused of trying to blackmail a developer.

The scandal sent shock waves through this placid city of 27,000 people in the hills south of the Adirondack Mountains.”

“Saratoga County citizens, Levinsky [Developer Bruce Levinsky] wrote, "should not be led around like bovine animals" and ought to hold a referendum on whether to allow gambling away from the legendary Saratoga Race Course.”

"Until legitimate votes by the people are tabulated," he concluded, "I believe all we have heard and will read from the grass-rooters is pure Shakespearean sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Such language did not sit well with the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President Joseph W. Dalton Jr. was incensed but, according to a report in the Albany Times Union, was persuaded by his colleagues to meet with Levinsky like a "gentlemen."

“But after digging into Levinsky's past, chamber officials allegedly threatened at a July 2, 1996, meeting to reveal damaging facts about him unless he ceased criticizing the establishment. The officials were alluding to Levinsky's 1978 conviction on a misdemeanor count of Medicare fraud, for which he served two months in jail, and a brief suspension of his driver's license in 1995 over an insurance matter.

Levinsky surreptitiously taped subsequent meetings with chamber officials and gave the recordings to law enforcement authorities. A special prosecutor's investigation led to Dalton and chamber Chairman Brian Cumming being charged with coercion and conspiracy. Chairman-elect J. Thomas Roohan was charged with coercion. A trial is scheduled for Oct. 9.”

“CAPTION: Developer Bruce Levinsky's sharp criticisms angered some in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where three officials now are accused of trying to blackmail him.”

Remember this when Joe Dalton speaks of what’s best for Saratoga, if a person stoops to this level how can you trust anything he says?

-Our What About Skippy Section-
We hear tell that not only is the Skipster not moving the DPW Garage with it’s dangerous materials across from a school but he is installing a rec room with a gym, lockers & showers for the workers in the current site.   What can you say, a workout station for his Dept. and a $750,000.00 toilet for Madigan.  It’s a wonderful City to work for.

Speaking of Skip, why does he have the crew trim the hedges and mow the lawn on Circular St. just before the track opens?  The same hedges and lawn that looks like crap during the rest of the year, many are asking –What about us Skip?  We live here year round and you can’t even keep this City clean.

Enjoy summer


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...