Wednesday, May 12, 2021







This coming Tuesday May 18th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members for the School Board.  This is a very important election because the education of our children is at stake.  I urge you to vote for the 3 names above.

WHY?  There is a push to push the 1619 project curriculum into Saratoga schools.  Basically, this indoctrination of warped history starts by telling our young children that our country is systemically racist. This is Big Lie that unfortunately is being backed by most teachers unions and the extreme left in our country wants every young white child to be told that they are bad people because of the color of skin and we are inherently racist at birth.  The racist 1619 history lessons are being challenged by parents across the country and to some extent School Boards are not listening to their voices.

The only way we can stop this from becoming a reality in the Saratoga School District by electing the above names.  The other 3 candidates will give the Board the majority vote to put the 1619 curriculum in place.

Please stop this atrocity from happening.  VOTE, VOTE, VOTE


  1. Even if you win this battle there is no way to win the war. The schools are infested with leftist maggots and our children are in grave danger. The only answer is to get the kids OUT of the cesspits of public school. Anything parents sacrifice to accomplish that is worth it. Your children are worth it. And the leftists won't stop.

  2. You are right. Public schools and Teacher's Union are nothing more than indoctrination centers lead by greedy people who are supposed to teach our children subjects that will prepare them in life not racists and thinking whites are the problem of all what is wrong. Children are in grave danger if they are in public schools. Parochial schools, home schooling and some private schools are the wave of the future. President Trump had it right by pushing for school choice but Democrats seeing how it would harm their indoctrination and reaping teacher unions multi million dollar candidate donations stopped it at every turn. Before you know it all public school children will be wearing uniforms of olive green pants and shirts and then it will be required of adults.

  3. Don't agree Capt'n
    These 3 stooges are right off the tRUMP wagon.
    I bet they are going down BIG time tonight!

    1. As an old Meatloaf song " 2 out of 3 ain't bad" you lose.

  4. To each their own. I figure you had Trump Derangement Syndrome for 4 years and he still bothers you. You must be a pitiful Democrat and love the road your Fuehrer is taking the country down. Kill 1619 curriculum and get teachers back teaching real subjects, elect the 3 candidates above. Anyway whoever loses will be more interesting if they are pushers of the socialist school doctrine.

  5. Where do you see the Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs in your private school recommendation? By the way all of the teachers and staff take the same salary, no matter the schooling or lack there of. Socialisms at it finest.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well Well. The Waldorf School is a private school as you say but unlike your Socialism theory the teachers are not forced to take a job there, they do so because they WANT to and parents don't have to send their child there but they choose to do so because they WANT to. This is a little different than the Socialism you and your fellow Democrats embrace.

  8. Once there, the teachers stay because they cannot qualify for public school licensure or teaching jobs. The children have to stay, the parents keep paying, because the children are not taught to read until late in the third grade, if then. Any child that transfers out is labeled as a none reader and held back at least one grade by the public grade schools even in junior high. "Oh they attended to the Waldorf School? There is no choice there just rewarded compliance.

    1. Once again you are very wrong, public school education is failing at a rapid pace and can't even teach the basics anymore. Parochial, home schooling, private education and charter school students are far above the national norm and enjoy more scholarships than public school students. This is from US school facts: What percentage of entering freshmen require remedial classes in the US?
      In the United States, research shows that anywhere from 40 percent to 60 percent of public school graduates that are first-year college students require remediation in English, math, or both. So any other schooling has public schools beat. Teachers are in the positions for money, benefits, union protection for bad teachers and the fact they work 180 days



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...