Sunday, June 4, 2017


The reason City vehicles are usually the same color and always identified with the City logo is because they are easily identifiable and uniform.  Saratoga has always had white pickup trucks and orange trucks.  However, since Scirocco has taken over DPW we now have a rainbow of color for City vehicles with no markings, vehicles for Commissioner, Deputy Comm. And other Departments who have cars come in green, blue and grey and orange and brown large trucks (sorry, the brown is rust) and these new vehicles have no logos but do have city plates.  Skip, is this a ploy so these vehicles can be used for personal use?  The City also provides the City Center Director with a car.  Where does Marilyn Rivers stand on the missing markings on City vehicles?

Installing new sidewalks City Code requires the sidewalk be of concrete 5’ wide with a metal mesh put in to help prevent heaving and cracking, many of the new sidewalks installed by the City are not up to code and at least 2 places 1 business & 1 home were granted an exemption of the City Code by the Skipster to install pavers to replace concrete.  The inside scuttlebutt is that City Engineer Tim Wales wants to change the City Code to make it law that all sidewalks be installed with pavers, what nonsense.

 How does the Commissioner and his Deputy keep track of their employees, all crews to work out of the City garage, now they work from 4 or 5 different spots and no they are not Stewarts, Cumberland Farms, Shirley’s or their homes.

What is the status of the new City Garage to be built at the skating rink property?  The City also owns 2 garages near the Marion Ave. Mobil and recently put a new roof on them, are they using the building?  The garages would make a great paint garage (maybe they could then repaint the working orange and rusty trucks orange so they look in good shape or the wood shop, Skip what about this?

The Democrat & Republican Party’s must be in cahoots.  The Party’s refuse to put a candidate up against 2 Commissioners that can be defeated this year.  Michele Madigan could have been in a primary by a fellow Democrat but Chairman Charlie Brown took her into a room and when they came out the woman said she wasn’t going to run.  Skip also had someone that wanted to primary him but the Republican Chairman Matthew Hogan refused to consider his request, as I said these are the 2 candidates who could easily lose their positions this year.  However the Democrats will not run anyone against Skip (or can’t find a candidate) and the Republicans will not run anyone against Madigan (or can’t find a candidate) which also leads us to the conclusion that this form of government cannot find candidates to run for office.

Speaking of Charter Change the Charter Commission held an open house on Tuesday May 30th at the City Center and contrary to the 14 members of the anti - charter change group the open house was very successful.  I visited the open house 3 different times and there were many people asking questions of the Commission members and being able to take a copy of the proposed Charter and financials.  I have listed links from the Capital District newspapers and a TV station, one article noted that this year the Charter has a better chance of passing because of the mass defection of the anti-charter members to being pro Charter, while many citizens were getting informed of the proposed change, the anti-charter group were at Gaffney’s celebrating at a table for 8.

There was one most notable quote from anti charter spokesman Dick Sellers husband of Bonnie (Sour Puss) Sellers.  “Sellers said he opposes a charter change because he believes the proposed charter is too ambiguous.”  “Very little is in there, "We don't know what will happen in the transition”. “the discussion about a new charter every 10 years (as the current charter requires) is not worth the time or effort.”

Sorry Dick but other than spreading fear and untruths about change, the quotes above show why your group is also a sign that you just hate the thought of change even when proof shows this form does not take us forward in a professional way but keeps putting us backwards with an unmanaged future to look forward to.

Oh, by the way Dick, the form of government didn’t put the springs in Saratoga, didn’t put a State Park in the middle of the City, didn’t put the 3 Northway entrances to come into our City etc. and Dick and group, think about this, as you keep saying that this form of government has made Saratoga what it is today, why wasn’t Saratoga the City that was the envy of the country in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s 60’s, 70’s?  Give real facts if you can, not quotes that say looking at a professional form of government “isn’t worth the time or effort”

As I promised the links to TV and Newspaper articles:

Here is the Charter Commission website.  I got all of this information because I want to be informed and Dick, it’s worth my time and effort.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...