Saturday, September 12, 2020


With the beginning of Fall,  a few thoughts.

When will City Hall be open so everyone can see the palace that Madigan (the Mad Hater) call her office?  The amount she spent on furniture is the talk of City workers and soon the citizens when we can see it.

Talking about City Hall, exactly how much is it going to cost the taxpayers?  Madigan’s incompetence with budget matters pre pandemic will  raise taxes big time. 

The fight between Madigan & Scirocco regarding camera’s being monitored  in Congress Park at night was a bit childish on Madigan’s part ,she has to be yelling at someone at Council meetings and the big surprise is that it was her Siamese twin Scirocco .  Black Lives Matter destroyers toppled a Civil War era monument to those Saratogians that died serving in the Civil War and other vandalism will most likely never be caught.  Madigan hired a PR firm to come up with a ‘Mask Campaign ’ about wearing masks cost taxpayers some big money and was about 5 months too late.  She didn’t want to spend the money for a position to monitor Congress Park’s cameras and a nighttime dispatcher but had the money for her projects, it’s a funny thing what happens when you have 1 person in charge of all the money – they get what they want and everyone else has to beg.

Well Charter Change is back on the ballot and this year the Democratic Committee voted to support the initiative.  The renegade ex Democratic committee members who quit the Committee last year when they couldn’t get their way are leading the group opposed to the change.  They just can’t stand not getting their way on all things.  They are as bad as Republican leaders who don't want to give up controlling the City. As one of the Anti - Change leaders Jane Weihe wife of John Kaufman the unbiased blooger (hahaha) said “Abolishing and setting up a new government is expensive, disruptive, and challenging under the best of circumstances. Why would we want to do it – imagine this – doing it during a pandemic and in the midst of probably the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression? "So our message is this…make love, not wards!”

Jane Weihe, there is no large expense in a change and saving money and better management and citizen involvement with their government is a good thing right?  And as for your words of wit “So our message is this…make love, not wards!”,I hope your husband is up for it. Sore losers all around these ex Dem Committee whiners are.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...