Thursday, February 27, 2014


It had to happen.  The blogger who hated everyone and everything except Scott Johnson & Shauna Sutton has gotten himself in a pickle.  This is the blogger that spent every day for 3 years in the Mayor’s office getting material for his written attacks on other people, what do they think of him now?  The Past Mayor & Deputy certainly knew how dirty he played and what sickening attacks on the people he wrote about without any evidence, but hey, that’s how they wanted to play.

John the blogger is now an accused child pornographer and child porn promoter who is out on bail, some of his ardent followers say that he is being set up, State Troopers say Baby Face could face more charges, his attorney said “John certainly took on a lot of very powerful people in Albany and Saratoga counties … I don’t want to speculate on anybody’s involvement in what led to the charges.”  There will be a lot more happening in this case, we may still have the Russian connection he always talked about making an appearance.

The only thing I can say at this time is that there is a supply of soap- on- a- rope at the dollar store and Baby Face should stock up now because Mamma, he may be up the river.

Friday, February 14, 2014


I am putting this in a short post as it is important  information and could be a two horse race in quest for the DA's post if Murphy wins the race for judge.  I had reported last year that David Harper, Republican Chairman for Saratoga Springs would take over the DA reigns, but today I have it on good word that an Assistant DA and who is on the Board of Saratoga Bridges with whom she works closely with John Herrick ($160,00.00 reportedly per year salary).  John has a penchant for appointing and/or creating positions for those like Shauna Sutton and former mayor John's executive Sec. Theresa to high paying County jobs.  Stay tuned and as I get more information I'll pass it along.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The new Mayor has set an agenda for her term of hard work for all citizens, for getting things done and for breaking down the barriers that the previous administration had put up as a barrier between themselves and the everyday citizens.  It looks like the ‘good old boy network’ here in Saratoga has been put in moth balls for a while.  The best move so far has been the code blue she helped install in the City and the second was the removal of Clifford Van Wagner as head of the Planning Board.

Also, I am glad that she and the Council haven’t and hopefully won’t take a vote on the sitting of the Casino in Saratoga Springs, let the State Committee do their work.
Saratogian’s hear all the time from the Save Saratoga group about the 58%.  I will tell you now that if a vote were taken today it would be 50-50 or less than 50% for those against casino in Saratoga.  I have heard from many people that voted against Proposition 1 and have changed their mind since it passed, that they would rather have the Casino here than in another community close by.  The worries of Save Saratoga (a) HIGHER HOMELESSNESS is happening at an alarming rate without the Casino, (b) INCREASED GAMBLING ADDICTION, (most of the players will be bussed in and those who visit and stay in hotels will certainly take advantage of our downtown and restaurants), and the problem gambling issue can be addressed by the fine agency we have now in The Prevention Council.  (c) HIGHER CRIME – take a look in the papers, it is accelerating already. There is no worse gambling addiction than horse betting and I have never heard a peep about helping to control this affliction here.  Downtown merchants shouldn’t worry because if at least 20% of the people drawn to Saratoga by the Casino shop or eat downtown, that would be 20% more than now.

The water issue is another issue that seems to be going back and forth in Council meeting discussions.  The Commissioner said we have enough water for emergency conditions and that the back up sources are able to pump enough water to make up the difference in case we need it.  The other side has said that according to a DEC study the Bog Meadow wells cannot pump enough water to fill a water truck daily.  The Geyser wells are going bad as residents say the water pressure is quite bad.  The study done a few years back should be updated if only to give us the number of g/p/h can our existing wells and lake can pump.

A fact that all Saratogian’s should be worried about was discussed on a radio show I listen to.  Carrie Woemer lost a bid for our Assembly seat in November against Tony Jordan, who was also running for Washington County DA and gave up his Assembly seat on 12/31/13 leaving our District without representation.  Special elections have been called for by the 11 Districts without representation but have fallen on the deaf ears of Andrew Cuomo.  The reason could be because some of the elections (of Senate seats) if won by Republicans could give the GOP the majority, which our Democratic Governor won’t allow.  It should stir us up to let the Governor know we want representation as very important issues will be decided this term.  Save Saratoga and Destination Saratoga should come together on this issue of representation for Saratoga as well as the communities in our District.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...