Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I read Commissioner Madigan’s Readers View and her grandiose plans in Sunday’s paper.  First of all she wants to appoint a Revenue committee to look for current and potential revenue sources.  Ms. Madigan, it is because of your votes against revenue sources that may put the City in a perilous position.  The ‘new majority’ of yourself, Scirocco and Mathiesen keep putting the City in embarrassing positions where Council meetings have become a three ring circus.  I think the three of you will be facing strong opposition come this Fall and deservedly so.  You were a very vocal proponent of getting rid of a major revenue source which were the water hookup fees.  Did your comrade in arms ever tell the citizens at a Council meeting that a developer pays $3,000.00 for the first water hookup then $1,000.00 for every unit after that (not $3,000.00 each), did you or your other 2 partners ever tell the citizens at a Council meeting that most of the work Bonacio did to offset that $880,000.00 was part of the approval process to get his project off the ground?  You, most of all could have saved that revenue source and voted to table Siroccos’ plan to push the motion through and ask that the language be changed so the REVENUE could be used in an area that DPW is lacking in water upgrades.  I’m sure that there is an enormous amount of work that could be done using that money for water & sewer improvements along with the ‘new’ revenue source you and your buddy set up.  Remember this, Commissioner Scirocco is already raping homeowners with a special tax that went from $12.00 to $48.00 on their water & sewer bill and a large increase in water taxes during his 6 year reign.

Another of Ms. Madigan’s beauties is the Spa Solar Park that you envision, which undoubtedly will be given to none other than your Deputies husband who just happens to be in the solar business.  Also, it seems that the ‘other department’ was smarter than you as some of these allegations you refer to seem to be gaining steam with the State.  I do hope you ‘3 JalapeƱos’ will still be around at election time.

What’s with the City trucks plowing private driveways?  I drove by Roohan’s apartments on East Ave. yesterday (Monday) and saw a City Truck coming down the driveway with its plow down and also clean up the scraper bank at the bottom.  I wish Commissioner Scirocco would tell us how we can put an order in to have our driveways done.
Does anyone think that at $300.00 per year for the daily paper that the Saratogian is a good deal?   Almost all the daily papers start out with State and National news, why not Saratoga news the State & National inside?

Just an FYI, John Tighe’s sentencing on computer hacking charges was postponed.  The report in November said he could face up to 1 year in jail for those charges when sentenced on Jan. 7th.  He still faces a trial or a plea deal on child porn charges.  We’ll see what happens.

More to come in time.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...