Sunday, June 30, 2013


If the stories from Shauna Sutton’s friends are true, look out for a blast of negative suppositions spewing out in July.  This will be a nasty campaign as we mentioned before as evidenced by Suttons role as the hit lady of Johnson’s last run for office.  However, the tactic may back fire this cycle as many voters were very turned off by the Johnson camp false and very negative sprint to the finish, some even say that that tactic Sutton took in the last week of the campaign actually helped Brent Wilkes, Johnson’s opponent.  Wilkes as you remember, lost by a thin margin for being a relatively unknown in local politics.

Much of what was said by Sutton against Wilkes at the time was proved to be lies and really in poor taste by Capital District newspapers, something we can look forward to in this election campaign against Yepsen also.

Rumor also has it that big news will be coming in September, when everyone is back from vacation or from renting their homes out to track visitors, regarding Sutton and Arpei.  The news if it can be proved (and it looks like it will be) is so bad regarding Sutton she may, like so many of our State representatives be looked at for possible theft of services by taking money from the City in a no show job, while spending more time playing with graves.  There is supposed to be video from an unnamed source, who followed Sutton for 1 month, it is said the film has date and times, which will be easy to check with FOILED time cards.  Sutton also never went back to City Hall at night as she claimed when this came out in early Spring, when it was brought out about the time she MUST spend in City Hall and the time she said she made up nights to compensate for the days she worked at the cemetery. More news on this as the facts come in, but this could deliver a serious blow to Sutton and those who are playing the role of advisor’s to her campaign, as it could cast a shadow on them also, (guilt by association).

 Also, what will she do as Mayor as far as nepotism when it comes to her family and friends?  She hired her brother to a cemetery position of “head plumber”.  Here is an interesting fact:  cemeteries are not charged for the water they use.  Greenridge Cemetery had a water leak from June of last year and it wasn’t fixed by the "head plumber" until June of this year.  How much water was wasted when a 45 minute job took a year to fix?  The question, if she runs the City as she does the Cemetery by this one example, what will it cost us, the taxpayers? (see Rec. Center losses).

John Arpei who is running for Commissioner of Accounts has more baggage than Elizabeth Taylor used to tote around.  This is one of the reasons he has not publicly come out of the closet to say he is running (he is, don’t worry).  I don’t think the Party wants him to answer any questions about the position he is running for or any answers he will have to provide about the jobs he has had, organizations he was involved in etc., until it is absolutely necessary.  Look at late September to hear from him after Sutton or whoever is leading these campaigns runs interference for him.  When the election season rolls around for good, this exposure could be devastating to his run for the roses.  If the Republicans were serous about defeating Franck, the Party should have done a better job vetting him. 

Well Bat Fans, until then.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


It’s nice to see that Alexis Broz is coming home.  Broz a Schuylerville High graduate last year, made her mark in high school sports where she ran track and holds the state record in the pentathlon and high jump. Biking 13 miles every day from home to Broadway to create the chalk artwork on downtown sidewalks with a substantial amount of supplies on her back she showed her dedication to earn money for her educational wilderness adventure while gracing us with a beautiful and different form of art.

The election season is trying to kick into high gear but can’t seem to find the gas to do so.  The upcoming summer season is one where slings and arrows are kept in hiding most of the time as we really don’t want the tourists to see how some Saratoga politicians play their dirty games in the campaigns. However, wait until the day after Labor Day, things will most likely start to percolate.  The Deputy Mayor is already taking credit for securing the grant to finish the waterfront park on Saratoga Lake, as she states she has been meeting with Bradley Birge (Planning and Economic Development Director) twice a week to get things done.  It has been in this administrations hands for about 7 years to get it finished and there is still much work to do, but don’t let that stop you from taking the credit Deputy Mayor.

Talking about the Casino, do you really think it will be a good thing for Saratoga?  The State takes 25% off the top as a gambling tax (Nevada takes 7%).  The casino owners will have to make large profits, so where does that leave Saratoga and its problems of where to house the low income workers that will be employed there.  The State should make sure that the Casino owners spend some of the big bucks to build low income housing, which shouldn’t be a problem since they will have to pay the State a $54 million dollar franchise fee.  We should also hope that if we do get a token income stream like we do from the Racino, like a 1.5 million dollar stipend, we won’t have to provide the police, fire and DPW services to get the money.  The Casino should either pay for all of its own services including repairing roads annually or contract with the City for providing them.  Also, if we get a Casino there’s no guarantee racing will continue to receive a share of gaming revenue.

Remember the Secret Garden Tour this weekend, no one knows where it is, as it is a secret Tour, but if you’re going, have a good time, I guess.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


The Republican Party has delayed the handing in of their petitions for 2 weeks and it looks like they may delay a few more days.  The best guess is early next week when they introduce Andy Jarosh as a candidate for Commissioner of Finance, opposing Michele Madigan, which will fill their ticket, Andy is probably away on vacation, hence the wait.  I have been told the first delay was because they couldn’t find any one to oppose Franck.  After getting turned down 22 times according to my source, the Party finally talked John Arpei into contesting Franck for his seat.  It looks like the same scenario for someone to accept a chance to run against Madigan.  Republican sources have said that the same number (in the 20’s) had turned down the call to run for Mayor, Accounts and Finance, it seems Supervisor and DPS were easy to fill, especially  since Dick Wirth promised to Primary any Republican candidate for DPS unless they chose him.  The Republican’s, of course, want to look united so they gave the nod to him.  Similarly, the position of Mayor was proposed to so many people who declined it, that they finally had to throw their support to Sutton, whom they didn’t really want in that slot.

Supervisors were an easier task.  Matt Veitch is considered a shoo in and rightly so.  Peter Martin enters the race against Ken Ivins, Ivins enters the race carrying so much baggage from his City seat, that after 2 years of $0.00 tax increases he was still soundly defeated by an unknown Madigan, who has done some very good things with the Finance Department, the best of which is updating the department and putting income and expenses of every department and even the sub categories of every dept on line, that’s transparency.

Martin will give Ivins a run for his money especially since Ivin’s theme seems to be that more Republicans should be on the BOS to get more things done.  We would like to remind Ivins that there are 19 Republicans, 3 Democrats and 1 Independence party members seated on the Board now.  How many more Republicans are needed to get things done?  I think a good mix would be a Democrat and Republican representing the City.

Bill McTygue versus Skip Scirocco should be an interesting race also.  Will Saratogian’s say Scirocco’s number is up?  I feel the question will come down to, other than the foolish deed of selling water to Wilton to fulfill the Mayor’s pledge to Dave Harper (the attorney for the developer) that a housing development outside the City will get our water is this:  Is Saratoga Springs a better looking City now than it was before he took over?  Infrastructure cannot be seen, so we should know what has been done to improve that.  One other thing, when a project like building a condo etc. is finished, the developer is supposed to grade the street that they wrecked or cracked and repave it, all at no expense to the City or in other words we the taxpayers, I hope this has been the norm.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...