Wednesday, May 12, 2021







This coming Tuesday May 18th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members for the School Board.  This is a very important election because the education of our children is at stake.  I urge you to vote for the 3 names above.

WHY?  There is a push to push the 1619 project curriculum into Saratoga schools.  Basically, this indoctrination of warped history starts by telling our young children that our country is systemically racist. This is Big Lie that unfortunately is being backed by most teachers unions and the extreme left in our country wants every young white child to be told that they are bad people because of the color of skin and we are inherently racist at birth.  The racist 1619 history lessons are being challenged by parents across the country and to some extent School Boards are not listening to their voices.

The only way we can stop this from becoming a reality in the Saratoga School District by electing the above names.  The other 3 candidates will give the Board the majority vote to put the 1619 curriculum in place.

Please stop this atrocity from happening.  VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

Sunday, March 7, 2021



Robin Dalton, the current Saratoga Springs Commissioner of Public Safety has no ‘home’.  Ms. Dalton, whose job performance has been terrible since being sworn into office last year has been a dismal failure.  OK, we’ll give her a bit of slack for it being a COVID 19 year but some things have been very lax in her job duties.  However, she sure does like getting interviewed.

Last year when the City had whatever you want to call those protests which caused major problems and counter protests against a march backing the police and BLM troublemakers laying in the road at 10 at night, Dalton didn’t back up her department at all and for a few of the protests was even out of State on vacation, yes during a time we were all told not to travel

However, this doesn’t address anything about losing her ‘home’.  In 2019 Dalton ran as a Republican and won the race defeating Kendell Hicks.  She then bypassed any Republican who wanted the Deputy’s position and instead gave the job to one of the top Democrats in Saratoga Springs.  Also, it is worth noting that the Republican Dalton ran as a trifecta along with Democrats Kelly and Madigan.

In the 2021 election Kelly and Madigan have announced they will not run for election but I don’t trust Madigan not to run for another position as an Independent.

Dalton has announced she is running as an Independent saying she has nothing in common with Republicans and hasn’t for years.  The truth is the Republicans were likely to primary her and the Democrat Party won’t touch her so if she wants to run it has to be as an Independent.

So, the question is will the lack of Party support and a dismal job performance be enough to win with Independent (No Party) designation?   The fastest growing political affiliation of registered voters in the City and the County is the Independent or No Party line.

The other question is, will she even run for Public Safety or is she waiting for her fans to talk her into running for Mayor?


As your Captain, I say throw her overboard.


  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...