Thursday, July 21, 2016


The 3 Commissioner’s (Madigan, Scirocco & Matheisen) have to stop not only embarrassing themselves but also the citizens of Saratoga.  Madigan yells and screams it seems at every Council meeting, showing as some people think,  that she is becoming unglued and is imbibing too much during the day.  It is becoming such a spectacle that everyone watching these meetings are becoming frustrated at how they react not only to the Mayor but citizens as well.

Madigan expresses the fact that the Mayor can’t control the meetings but it is herself (Madigan) that argues, won’t shut up and won’t listen to the Mayor when she is trying to restore order at the table.  This is a pitiful trio.

Scirocco had zip on his agenda so he made the resolution to censure the Mayor.  The motion should have taken 10 minutes to read but the great orator took 30 minutes to get through it, a mighty reading, that’s probably why so many dogs and cats got away when he was the dog catcher,he trying to call an animal over to snare it and it probably took  him 15 minutes to say ‘come here fido’.

The Ethics Committee issued a report about a conflict with the Mayor but they didn’t issue one for Skip’s alleged  illegal multiple water deals which Madigan may be a party to by not making sure the monies were collected and the voting block of those 3 should as one brought the matter before the Council.  Also let’s not forget the Collimer lot deal which would cost the City to lose big money if Commissioner had his way dealing with the people he knew.  The City Attorney’s wife serves on the Ethics Committee and we wonder if she abstained from the discussions and the vote?

It is alleged that the reason Matheisen changed Attorney firms is because the firm that was handling the water deal & the Collimer lot deal was a not capable to handle criminal charges and it is said that the State is now pursuing criminal cases against the 3 .  Again, a nice representation by three comatose Commissioners.  We need to remember this at election time next year.

The Public Works Department is and has been up to job capacity for a while.  The problem is that Sirocco’s last bunch of hires have been to supervisory jobs or newly created supervisor jobs which total over $300,000.00+.  The baloney that if employees are blacktopping they can’t pick up grass clippings too, how many times a day have you seen City vehicles parked in a Stewart's, Shirley’s, Triangle Dinner, Cumberland Farms or Wal Mart?  The same numbered vehicles are seen at most of these places by people daily.
Also, the new hired bookkeeper and Finance fellow (Veitch) that Skip had the job title changed from Director of PW has taken to riding around the City in the Skip Mobile instead of working inside and it is said that Deputy Donna Buckley is not too happy, resorting as some say to putting a whoopee cushion on the seat of Skip’s chair.

This is really unsettling and if the criminal charges stick the 3 should be removed and a special election held to replace them.

I also read in the paper that John Herringbone has called for the Mayor to resign.  Nice try John.  John is retiring as the Chairman of the County Republican Committee because he has a loss of faith in his position.  There were many towns, the City of Saratoga included that did not support him and the list was growing.  He should have left years ago when he could have saved face.

Let’s keep the focus on Madigan, Matheisen and Scirocco and remember Sirocco put new sewer & water lines down his street and gave his street new paving, What A Guy!


  1. Who wrote the resolution for numskull screwrocco? and why are we paying another veitch $88,000 a year in a position in DPW that is not needed!

  2. If you want a really good laugh, go to John Kaufman's blog,
    Ms Mad-again is posting there, praising how the council works well together. She also says that it doesn't matter what people have to say. Now isn't that just so American?

  3. fifth line of your first paragraph, I think you meant to say "spectacle".

  4. I watched the council meeting on TV. The arrogance, hostility and pomposity of these three is unbelievable; and to say it's not political!?!? Who votes for these people?

  5. I'm blown away by these three council members! If this "investigation" if our Mayor isn't political than the flat track doesn't exist. Chris seems to forget about the still unanswered questions of his police force & his absolute refusal for an independent investigation into the death of a young black resident. Scirocco GAVE Sonny $900,000 worth of water hookup fees WITHOUT council approval. Hell, he didn't even tell the council! Instead of Madagain going to the ethics board she brought forth a vote to allow the gift of the taxpayers to Sonny & then vote to do away will the fees altogether! Since when does the Finance Commissioner find that in the interest of the people? Also the Republican Party should b ashamed by the way Scirocco's lead by his nose w/Madagain's finger! I as a republican am appalled by his actions!

  6. The sad thing is that Veich will be swept up by the AG when they come to get Skippy and Donna.

  7. Mark Scirocco says:
    July 25, 2016 at 4:46 pm
    the information was already posted, remember dave, they cried about having to see it. it showed hundreds of thousands of dollars of breaks given to the developer and then cried it couldn’t be posted. I am still waiting to hear back from the city attorney, like they said was gonna happen..that was a pretty funny one. here is keith ferrara discussing how the breaks were part of a years long city policy, “Bonacio declined to pay the money and didn’t go to the council. His attorney, Keith Ferrara, said city officials authorized the waivers based on public investments Bonacio made and a “years-old policy of the city in granting these waivers to him and other builders.” Ferrara told Wales, “Mr. Bonacio will happily work with you to help you sort out these problems. He will not, however, be held financially responsible for them.” gees, billy and stan borden worked awfully close together, but it never happened, because we are all blind or something.

    Funny thing about this comment is that this is Scirocco's kid who is employed by the city and Scirocco has been the commissioner of DPW for years now, even a decade.

  8. Here is an interesting read about the commissioners

    Does this sound like anyone you know?

    *Highly competitive in virtually all aspects of his life, believing he (or she) possesses special qualities and abilities that others lack; portrays himself as a winner and all others as losers.

    *Displays a grandiose sense of self, violating social norms, throwing tantrums, even breaking laws with minimal consequences; generally behaves as if entitled to do whatever he wants regardless of how it affects others.

    *Shames or humiliates those who disagree with him, and goes on the attack when hurt or frustrated, often exploding with rage.

    *Arrogant, vain and haughty and exaggerates his accomplishments; bullies others to get his own way.

    *Lies or distorts the truth for personal gain, blames others or makes excuses for his mistakes, ignores or rewrites facts that challenge his self-image, and won’t listen to arguments based on truth.

    1. It absolutely does...Tom and Billy McTygue

    2. Count the Mayor in this category too! Let's see if you post this one

    3. *Lies or distorts the truth for personal gain, blames others or makes excuses for his mistakes, ignores or rewrites facts that challenge his self-image, and won’t listen to arguments based on truth.

      Really, read the last few Saratoga Today articles by the Mayor's minions and then check the FACTS as posted on John Kaughman's blog. She continues to totally distort (a kinder word for lie) the facts to her benefit.

    4. Because I don't rely on any other blog to get my information or put forth my opinions I don't read John Kaughman partly because of what I mentioned above and partly because he is married to Jane Whie (?) who thinks she rides shotgun for Charlie Brown and the Democrats.

    5. Then read it in the Saratogian and Saratoga Today. The facts are there in black and white.

  9. So now Eddie 'Hot Dog' Miller' the Independence Party's rouge who tries to run a political Party by looking out from a horses ass is joining the call for the Mayor's resignation. HEY EDDIE, YOU DIDN'T BACK HER IN THE ELECTION so your no better than John Herrick. Miller, Commissioner Matheisen's professional go to guy regarding the Oklahoma track's back stretch workers. Remember last year when Matheisen didn't want anyone to sit in their backyard before 11a.m. because it bothered the horses? Miller gave expert testimony saying I will defend anything Madigan or Mathiesen says on this subject.

  10. The Dentist will be remembered for the "laws" he created while in office.
    Like "no idling your car for more than five minutes"...anybody ever get arrested for that one?
    Or "no sitting on the sidewalk" .....any arrests yet?
    Or "no construction on Fifth Ave when the horses are working out" or "let's make a 50 ft long street one way"
    What a joke this guy is.
    So, where's the new fire station? How long have we been waiting for it? The firemen can go fishing out the back window of the station, or maybe catch bullfrogs in the swamp in their spare time.

  11. Mark Scirocco, you certainly are your father's son!! Bottom line your father gave away $900,000!to Sonny & forced Stan Borden to sign the letter. Sadly your father is has never taken responsibility for ANY decision he's made that is questionable, that's why he's being investigated by the AG! He also gave city water to another developer, Belmonte & never admitted that either. You are lying in your post just like Daddy, water wavering has to be approved by council & this $900,000 was never brought to council until AFTER then fact. I'm hopeful Tim Wales spills his cuts to the AG about your daddy's illegal dealings w/developers. Get out of your daddy & mommy' house during work hours & do the job Daddy gave you!!

  12. Well, well!! Scirocco's at it again. He just upgraded an hourly employee, Lou to a supervisor in Congress Park. Like to hear his reasoning for this since 2 1/2 yrs. ago he moved the long time supervisor Betty French out of this position because there wasn't a need for a supervisor in the park. What's changed? Absolutely NOTHING!!! It was his excused to humiliate & get rid of her. That's why she won her lawsuits against him!

  13. Where are the flowers in the "Italian Gardens"?
    There is nothing there, not one flower.
    Not like the old days, but we have a supervisor, so that's just what we need? What about flowers?????

  14. Flowers in the Italian Gardens are not a priority to Skip The Fees. His main priority is lining his pockets w/developers kick backs, buying any needed equipment from brother Frank at security supply at a higher rate, and following Mad Again's instructions

  15. On Skippies agenda tonight, there is a change order no7. Originally the cost to the city for Ballston Ave engineerin was to be $55,969. It is now $614,171. Where did all that money go? How about we ask the new bookkeeper?

  16. So Mad-Again just admitted that she has left her underage child alone at home while she is attending a council meeting. Maybe child protective services should be contacted. 7:55pm

    1. Get your fact if you're going to spout off. Her children are not under age. Rather as a good parent she still wants to be available to them should they need her. Really!

    2. I think if you listen to the meeting, Madigan said that 'she left her 8 year old daughter home alone so she could attend the Council meeting'. Personally I wouldn't leave my 8 year old child home alone especially when I go out and tie one on after a meeting. Ah, let the wine flow.

    3. Listen again - She has two sons in their teens (one a very responsible senior in HS) and has no daughter.

    4. Ok then, in her portion of the meeting after Franck said he had 2 small children Madigan said she leaves her children home alone. If she was grandstanding because her children are teenagers to show that Franck (or his Deputy) keeps an eye on his phone in case something happens to his children under 5 then you and everyone can see who the trouble maker is on the Council, and while we are at it Gayle could the reason the Mayor dumped you be because you were filling Madigan in on the Mayor's office confidential business? Here is another item about the lily white icon you love so much. My grandson works with Madigan's son in hospitality at the track and he has been caught betting horses even though he is under age. He was turned into the authorities and should have lost his job but the authorities and track were told not to do it because his mother was an important government official, could there be an ethics violation against her for abuse of using her office?

    5. For some reason I couldn't publish with my name - have you by chance blocked me?

      I don't have favorites in business and NO as long as I worked in the Mayor's office, I was 100% loyal to her as I would be any employer. Ask anyone who has known me for any amount of time - as apparently you don't. I take extreme offense to you making such an assumption when you apparently have no facts or first hand knowledge to back it up.

      Who I choose to be friends with outside the office has nothing to do with the high level of work and loyalty I've always given the Mayor - even now when I have said and will say nothing negative about her in public or in writing.

      Please - it would be in everyone's best interest (and give your opinions more validity) if you checked facts before reporting them. I don't tell people - anyone - even those I seriously disagree with - or you - what to think. However, as I have told students for years: it's important to remember that opinions are not facts though they are best based on facts.

      In my previous post, I was only stating a fact that Commissioner Madigan has to teenage sons and no under age daughters. Again - just the facts. My impression of her son is only from a few interactions I've had with him where I've found him to be respectful and kind. I can only work from what I know - not what I want to know or think I know.

    6. No, I don't block names but I can't say why it did not show up. The assumptions I made about you were from people that know you up close and personal. I also believe my grandson who works in the area with Madigan's son and even asked a friend of mine who is a fire marshal and he had to tell him 4 times to stop betting because #1 it is on cameras and #2 it is illegal and he would have to report him again if he didn't stop it. I guess he didn't get the message though as he still bets or has someone bet for him and still because of his Mother, management will not penalize him. We must remember this at election time.

    7. Since you don't name the names of those who supposedly know me "up close and Personal" you leave me with no way to refute their claims which is unfortunate. What I can say is that they may have ulterior motives - based on what I can't say. I repeat, I have not ever nor would I ever betray any employer. I worked faithfully for this mayor for over three years if you include the intense time I put into her first campaign.

      As I mentioned already, I only address what I know to be fact though I note that you only chose to respond vaguely and then in regard to the Commissioner's son which I cannot respond to as I have no knowledge one way or the other and as I also indicated I don't participate in speculation.

      As I don't even know who you are and almost all the posts here are from anonymous, I'm at a disadvantage since I chose to be transparent and use my real name.

      That being the case, I'll choose not to continue this discussion. However, if at some point you would like to come out from under your of secrecy, I invite you to a cup of coffee to actually get to know me. I think you will find yourself quite surprised that those you are counting on for your "assumptions" are exceptionally misinformed - if not purposely misinforming you.

  17. So Mad-Again just admitted that 1.5 million is to granular for finance to track. Just wow. She needs to do her job.

  18. Frank's mouse is bothering Mad-Again. His mouse is very loud. Wow is she off her rocker.

  19. Mad Again is the female equivalent to Donald Trump! Never have I seen a more disturbed, egotistical, rude commissioner on our council! She puts Val K to shame. She also once again deserves the Oscar for her performance on how threatened & unsafe she feels @ council meetings. REALLY? That's what she does to speakers who disagree w/her. Skip the Fees is deserving of an Oscar as well for Best Supporting Actor. Crying about the "Mayor's" people coming to every meeting & attacking them & stating lies. Kind of like his #1 fan Dave Bronner! I've got news for you Mad Again & Skip the Fees, you ARE being investigated by the AG!!! That's the TRUTH!

    Also have to LAUGH @ both of their bitching about paying attorneys fees for the Mayor, when neither of them had any issue w/Skip the Fees skipping $900,000 worth of water hookup fees!!! Can you say Double Standard? Mad Again is way out of line & I'm beginning to question her sanity. She reminds me of an individual w/border line personality disorder or a drunk!!

    1. I can't believe you would equate the two. The Mayor spent $ 12,000 to defend the undefensible and didn't go through the proper channels. Perhaps she should read the charter before she tries to change it.

    2. Tell me the section in the Charter you are referring to.

    3. Section 4.1.13 under Finance - Incurring Liability

    4. No response now that you have the information you requested?

    5. there is no 4.1.13, sorry I can't find it. Tell me what page it's on.

    6. there is no 4.1.13, sorry I can't find it. Tell me what page it's on.

    7. My Mistake -

      4.3.2 No demand against the City for money shall be paid unless appropriated by the Council, verified by a City official or employee, audited by the Commissioner of Accounts, and approved by the Commissioner of Finance.

      Payments prohibited. It shall not be lawful for any City employee to incur or contract any expense or liability for or on behalf of the City, unless the Council has made an appropriation concerning such expenses. No payment shall be made or obligation incurred against any allotment or appropriation except and unless the Commissioner of Finance first certifies that sufficient funds are or will be available to cover the claim or meet the obligation when it becomes due and payable. Any authorization of payment or incurring of obligation in violation of the provisions of the Charter shall be void.

      And, while I can't find it on the website, I believe there is a policy in place where anything over a certain amount needs three quotes and then this must be approved by the council PRIOR to incurring the expense. This allows the council to put a cap on the amount to be incurred. The council member would need to go back to the council if they needed to incur more. (see minutes from August 2 city council meeting. This was clearly NOT done.

      Whether you agree with how they vote or not, procedures are in place and for the Mayor who is supposed to head the council ignores them it doesn't say much for her leadership.

    8. You are correct Mad-again should have not paid the bill for the mayors office, so she is wrong for cutting the check. Revenue can turn into a liability when it is not collected or becomes a bad debt. So Skippy did the same thing as the Mayor and waived $900,000 in water connection fees and Maddy went along.

    9. The commissioner is required do follow the vote of the council. I'm not sure about the waiving of the water connection fees. There seems to be two sides to this and I'll be honest - I haven't done my due diligence in researching it. The point is she has to cut the check if the council votes that way. The other point is the Mayor - who is supposed to the leader and thus a role model simply didn't do what was right in her negotiations with the hospital or in how she went about hiring an attorney to defend her actions. She needs to set a better example if she wants to be taken seriously. Not just for others on the council but for all citizens who elected her to uphold the charter, etc.

    10. No one is required to follow an illegal order. The mayor did not follow procedure and mad Matty should of said no if she really represented the people. Too inconvient for mad Matty.

    11. It's not necessarily illegal since the council approved it and NO the commissioner cannot over ride the council.

      You have some important points that would be so much more valid if you got all your facts first.

  20. 5:37 AM
    "female equivalent to Donald Trump!" How true.
    Watch her on the video, she is constantly twitching, and getting in Mayor Yepsen's ear, and flicking her hair, and acting like she is "wired". Could it be true?

  21. I see Mad-Again has turned her husband loose, as her defender. See It's really getting to be hilarious. Like Rodney King once said "why can't we all just get along?"

  22. Why isn't the City Council meeting of 6/2/16 up on the City's website yet? Quite unusual, it is normally up the morning after the meeting, are the Three Amigos editing the stream?

  23. I believe you mean 8-2-2016 city council meeting?
    Mad-again controls the IT people. Editing the the video is not out of the question.

    1. YOU stand corrected? Does that mean you wrote the anonymous comment at 8:51?

    2. No, that I allowed it to be posted with the wrong date and without an immediate correction reply.

  24. What is going on with the gang of 3 (Madigan, Mathiesen & Scirocco)? They have lost their way. Madigan has simply gone bonkers and she and the other two gang members seem only to want to attack the Mayor during meetings. Madigan cuts off Franck and goes wild. She needs to be removed from the Council table, does the Gang of 3 think we are that stupid that they are still under investigation by the State Attorney General? It now looks by Matheisen switching law firms to one that handles criminal cases that this investigation may be headed that way, voters need to get these 3 off the Council.

  25. Me thinks that the lady, Term used loosely in Mad-agains case, doth protest to much. She is afraid and scared from her own imagination.

    Maybe she should take her own advice and put her personal safety before her political career. She also needs to get a thicker skin if she is going to continue as a Commissioner.

    She admits at 19:45 that she has screamed and yelled at the public and other commissioners. Holy S**t

  26. These three Commissioners are discussing perceived threats rather than actual threats. OHHH I am so afraid poor me protect me.

    1. It is a ploy to further their persecution of the Mayor. Check meetings back from day 1 when Yepsen was elected and see how they treated her and their unwillingness to work with her, then look at the meetings with Johnson and see how they worked with him.

    2. Oh really! I'm not saying all has been fair but if you get all your information you'd know that the "attacks" have gone both ways. It's so easy to be a victim instead of stepping up and taking responsibility.

  27. Madigan belly-aches about her safety at meetings, but it's the public and the Mayor who need to be protected from Mad-again. Her antics are shameful.
    She probably reads this blog, because she comments on the other political blog, so maybe if she hears what people are saying about her, she will wake up and stop acting like "The Donald".

  28. Is Commissioner Matheisen missing?

  29. Didn't realize Dr.No is a "Jr." Apparently it is his 93 y.o. Father. He was found safe BTW. Can't stand the dentist but I'm glad all is well in this case.

  30. Instead of "no comment" from the Dentist, about his Dad who was missing for a few hours, wouldn't it have been nice for him to publicly thank the people who searched for his Dad? What's the guy's problem anyway?

    1. Dementia... I'm not sure what is his father's problem tho?

  31. 7:15 am
    cute. You made your point.

  32. check out the comments on Anonymous August 2, 2016 at 4:57 PM

  33. Commish Maddy is at it again.
    Fri. 8/26 Saratogian has her explaining how she wants the council meetings to be more orderly, more civil. Now isn't that just special?
    Working with Asst. Attorney Tony Izzo, .....well it appears that our city attorneys actually do perform SOME duties. And how many of Tony's part-time hours is she using up? He only has just so many hours to give.
    Isn't Madigan actually the commissioner who is most disruptive, most interruptive and most figitive during the meetings? Why doesn't she just run for Mayor if she thinks she can do a better job than Mayor Yepsen?

    1. Madigan is the most antagonistic Commissioner ever and that’s saying something. She is very lucky to have 2 blind followers that she leads around by the nose that will back her every asinine whim and will support her every disruptive outbursts even when they are directed at the public, one would think that Scirocco or Matheisen would have the cojones to tell her to settle down. The 3 amigos will go down as the most disruptive and contentious Commissioners in Saratoga politics.

    2. I'd love to see her as Mayor. Maybe if the current Mayor would actually manage the city council meetings instead of letting those she likes, be disorderly in the audience and at the mic, Commissioner Madigan would have less reason to need to do so.

    3. hmmm, I don't think so. Madigan as Mayor would be disastrous for the City, she cannot work or come to a middle ground with anyone. She stinks. Also, Madigan causes 98% of the problems at the mic, you don't argue with citizens when they are right.

    4. hmmm, I don't think so. Madigan as Mayor would be disastrous for the City, she cannot work or come to a middle ground with anyone. She stinks. Also, Madigan causes 98% of the problems at the mic, you don't argue with citizens when they are right.

    5. Watch some again. The Mayor allows Billy McTygue to speak out from the audience without using her gavel. He calls other speakers names and yells at commissioners without coming to the mic. He and brother Tom are always "mumbling" just loud enough for everyone to hear yet nothing is done. Everyone - even those elected to office - have just so much tolerance for this.

  34. And a Mayor who runs a proper meeting doesn't allow ANYONE to abuse an elected official. She needs to know when to use her gavel.

    1. How can a mayor do so when she has Madigan screaming at a Mayor and a Commissioner and the public at the same time? It would be hard to reign in Madigan's mouth if you had a hammer.

    2. Is asking the Mayor - perhaps with a great deal of frustration - to control the meeting the same as screaming at her? And, if the Mayor let's people abuse her and won't use her gavel to stop it -what would you do? Sit there and just take it? Really!!!

      Not saying that the commissioner can't adjust her temperament a bit but when continually attacked at the mic - remember, the speakers are asked NOT to single out a specific council member - it's in the instructions the Mayor gives up front but then doesn't enforce.

      There really are two sides to this.

    3. The Mayor does gavel Madigan to slow it down but Madigan then escalates and starts knocking the Commissioner on her left out of the blue. There is something drastically wrong with Madigan. The Mayor won't stoop to her level so I don't think the Mayor is the one that looks bad and that is the sentiment of quite a few people.

    4. We must not be watching the same show...

    5. I'm watching the Council meeting, I don't know what show you are watching. Madigan is a joke as a Commissioner and her mood indicates something deeper is going on with her head.

  35. Madigan is sooooo right for Mayor.....GO GO Maddy!!!...GO Go Maddy!

  36. Have you seen Skippie's latest screw up? Can't spell nor measure.

  37. Yes, Maddy, GO GO!!! (away)

  38. The sign that you are talking about isn't the City sign. It is Wilton

    1. The sign is in Saratoga by the water plant. Your logic would imply that Wilton snuck into Saratoga and placed the sign without anyone in Saratoga knowing.

  39. Professional services are not subject to the low bid requirement. Professional services are selected based upon qualifications and experience. Madagain just changes the rules to suit her ever changing whim. Far to many voters are recognizing this trait in Madigan to ever elect her again.

  40. If you are referring to that green sign with white lettering, it is a NYS DOT sign. Let's go see what they did with the sign that says Schagticoke, or Vooheesville.
    Good tip, but wrong to blame Skippy.

    1. I think DOT only puts signs on State roads and the sign is on City property.

  41. rt 50 (arterial) is State highway.

  42. In the capital budget Skip is buying a $33,000 lawn mower? Madagain is not questioning this. Why?

    I can buy 15 Cub-cadet for $33,000. WTF

  43. Mad-again is not commenting on the $750,000 in City Buildings and Facilities Repairs and Upgrades- Finance Offices capital budget #9. So she is upgrading her office but wants to eliminate the trails for average citizens.

    1. Where do you get your information? If you are going to spout - try to get it right - just a little bit, maybe? From Saratoga Today regarding the current budget put out by Commissioner Madigan at Tuesday's City Council meeting:

      "Other high ticket items include the $2.27 million Saratoga Greenbelt Trail Downtown Connector -….” This is in comparison to the $ 750,000 requested to update a very outdated office area and this is not so much for the Commissioner but for her staff who have to work in this outdated environment.

      Of course, giving ALL information would not fit with your very personal and biased agenda.

    2. Here is an idea that Madigan should think about as she cut an income stream for infrastructure with her vote to eliminate the water hook up fee that benefits her developer friends. Let's add on to the Woodlawn parking garage by building a 4 story structure next to the current garage (we own the property) and it could again be a private/public venture. Let's use the phone company building and property that she wants to put a garage on and make some improvements and use it for a new Police Station and maybe a 2nd City Court room. Let her call for a vote to reinstate the water hookup fee to use for infrastructure needs and free up some dollars to use in the above 2 developments.

    3. Anon. 9/9 8:56

      The whole City Hall building is an outdated environment and should be turned into a museum.

    4. Anon. 9/9 8:56

      The whole City Hall building is an outdated environment and should be turned into a museum.

    5. Here is an idea that Madigan should think about as she cut an income stream for infrastructure with her vote to eliminate the water hook up fee that benefits her developer friends. Let's add on to the Woodlawn parking garage by building a 4 story structure next to the current garage (we own the property) and it could again be a private/public venture. Let's use the phone company building and property that she wants to put a garage on and make some improvements and use it for a new Police Station and maybe a 2nd City Court room. Let her call for a vote to reinstate the water hookup fee to use for infrastructure needs and free up some dollars to use in the above 2 developments.

    6. 9/9 8:56 Madigan said nothing about the 749,000 for finance at the council meeting. That is where I am getting my information.

    7. It's in the minutes from the meeting. Perhaps a bit more research on your part would give you accurate information.

    8. City Hall is a gem that should not be messed with. The court should stay where it is and if an additional court is needed it should be placed where the police dept is and the police station should be moved to the site on S Broadway where the old diner is. Museum is a really bad idea.I love going in there with the scent of the past and old creaky floors.

    9. Hi, I heard that the property that was home to the Spa Diner was sold and the City wouldn't be able to pay the price the fellow wants or sold it for. There will have to be another court, that is mandated by the State and I think the City is on a time line to get it done. I still think the telephone building where Madigan wants to build her garage would make a great Police Station and the Court could take over the current station. The parking problem that Madigan thinks we have will be alleviated some by the City Center garage and the best place to put a garage is in the middle of Broadway and that would be to add onto the current Woodlawn garage and put 4 floors of parking in it. This could be done like the current garage with public & private money.

    10. Hi, I heard that the property that was home to the Spa Diner was sold and the City wouldn't be able to pay the price the fellow wants or sold it for. There will have to be another court, that is mandated by the State and I think the City is on a time line to get it done. I still think the telephone building where Madigan wants to build her garage would make a great Police Station and the Court could take over the current station. The parking problem that Madigan thinks we have will be alleviated some by the City Center garage and the best place to put a garage is in the middle of Broadway and that would be to add onto the current Woodlawn garage and put 4 floors of parking in it. This could be done like the current garage with public & private money.

  44. Captain
    I just saw the news about the vandalism in Congress Park. I cannot find the words to say how upset I was to see the video of the terrible act. This is on top of the other acts of vandalism recently.
    Does anybody in DPW and Public Safety really care about these treasures????
    These rare artistic pieces are much too vulnerable, considering the immaturity of the Caroline Street crowd.

    1. and here I thought that the Skipster had Madigan perched up a tree all night watching what happens in the Park at night.

  45. Here is an embarrassing goof by Matheisen.

  46. Surveillance cameras are pretty cheap, but the historic pieces in Congress Park are priceless. Let's do the math.

  47. Hard to follow your blog, when new stuff is added somewhere in the middle, instead of at the bottom. Maybe some info to followers of your blog would help, when new stuff gets added.
    Congrats on over 100 posts. Now get us some juicy new material.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. When someone replies to a post in the middle, the reply stays there. I can post an alert regarding a new reply by putting the date & time of the new post at the bottom. Thanks. Juicy material will be forthcoming.

  48. OK thanks for your explanation. I hadn't thought about the "reply" situation.

  49. SO Madagain is throwing Skippy under the bus for failing to keep up city-hall or renovate the building. The building is 25 years passed time for a renovation. Maybe if he had been on the ball and had a plan for this we would not be in this situation.
    "We really dropped the ball on alot of these projects over the last 10 years." OUCH!

  50. So the renovation is for $750,000 and will add paint and carpeting to 4200 sq ft. That is $178.00 per square ft. The desks and furniture alone will cost $52,000.

  51. I goofed in my comment. It is 3250 sq feet at a cost of $750,000 or $230/sqft. This does not included the asbestos abatement.

  52. Ooooohh.
    Tough, bad publicity for the so called Racino.
    Top brass are being deleted.....chopped off the website. Wow. What happened. Embezzling is the rumor, but what really was the cause to fire the top dogs?

    1. No it's not the rumor you are spreading. Churchill Downs owns a good piece of the Racino and Hotel and they are putting their management team in place. I would assume that there will be some 'top dogs' that will still be there.

    2. No it's not the rumor you are spreading. Churchill Downs owns a good piece of the Racino and Hotel and they are putting their management team in place. I would assume that there will be some 'top dogs' that will still be there.

  53. Rita Cox is gone. She was publicity. V.P. Don Braim got axed. He is a retired patrolman. He was replaced by another retired cop, Ed Moore. Now the rumor has it that Ed is looking elsewhere for a job. Like the Schenectady casino. These guys need a job, when they are collecting a big pension?

  54. Good job Maddy...wish you would run against the corrupt yepsen!

  55. Great headline in the Saratogian today showing just what kind of Chicken-Shit Scirocco truly is!!!

  56. He is supposed to be our legislative representative and he decides to not show up and represent us at the charter meeting. That is deselection of the duty that we elected him to perform.
    How can this be a political trap when he is a RINO?

  57. Mctygue made political statments mentioned nothing about the commission form of gov't, people on the committee learned nothing from anyone from portland ore coming to address the committee????,they have the commission form and are very successful (population:over 600.000)...strong mayor forms...check out Albany, Schenectady,and Troy....they 're no where as successful as saratoga springs

  58. McTygue DID NOT make political statements @ the mtg.! The only political statement that was made was Scirocco's! I'm only in this for myself, I'm not here to do the job I was elected to do.

    Hey Skippy, do you think it's about time to mow the area behind the City Center? Or are you waiting to harvest for hay??? Do your damn job!!!

    1. Didn't need professionals when he was in office but we need them now? HE MADE A CAMPAIGN SPEECH AGAINST SCIROCCO PLAIN AND SIMPLE,nothing about the pro's and con's of our current system,in his mind easy way for him to beat scirocco and madigan iis to change the form of gov't because he can't beat him at the polls....everybody knows this including anybody from Portland Ore going to be asked to weigh in...they have a population of over600,000 and have a very successful commission form of gov't is anyone from there going to weigh in...I doubt it,it would ruin their plan to elevate yepsen to a strong mayor and a six figure salary,,,remember she chose 11 of the 15 members of the committee....can you say rigged.

    2. This comment shows your stupidity. You know nothing of our Charter or what would happen if it changes form or even keeps the Commission form. No one on the Council now can be elevated to a new position. That means if the strong Mayor form is elected by the people then the candidate will have to wait for 2 years to be elected to their new positions. Wake up and try to keep up with the process if you can read or hear.

    3. Stick to writing a blog every four months genius!

    4. This post is going so good I don't want to stop it. In this case it shows how small minded, uninformed and just plain stupid you are!!!

    5. This post is going so good I don't want to stop it. In this case it shows how small minded, uninformed and just plain stupid you are!!!

    6. 120 comments in 4 months and it's going good,it's probably good you don't dig graves I think you'd start at the bottom Captain Comedy!

  59. Skippy skipped the meeting. The funny outcome is that this gave Tom McTygue twice as much time to make his points, 75 minutes instead of 35. Bone head move.

  60. Tommy this..... Tommy that.
    Is this guy still relevant?

    1. He is when the Commission interviews current & past Commissioners. The current Commissioner of DPW declined to be interviewed because he can't speak for himself and doesn't even know how his department runs. Skippy this....Skippy that, he'll just blabber about nothing.

  61. Why is the bookkeeper Veitch driving a new white pickup truck with no DPW decals on it?

    1. Every vehicle owned by the City MUST have the City's identification symbol on it. The cars of Veitch,Scirocco & the Deputy Commissioner's vehicles are not marked. I think its because they use them during after hours and they think no one knows. More of Skippy's screwing the citizens. Remember this next November.

    2. Every vehicle owned by the City MUST have the City's identification symbol on it. The cars of Veitch,Scirocco & the Deputy Commissioner's vehicles are not marked. I think its because they use them during after hours and they think no one knows. More of Skippy's screwing the citizens. Remember this next November.

    3. Why is a bookkeeper outside?

  62. Bookkeeper?
    Try DPW Business Manager, for the title for Veitch. And why is the name Veitch so frequently found in government jobs? They are scattered all over, city and county, police, and more in DPW.
    By the way Donna Buckley is Executive Assistant to the Commissioner, not a secretary. All these titles carry extra big bucks.

  63. We have a bookkeeper, dog catcher, and a typist running a $25,000,000 department. How is this in any way good?

  64. Like that commercial about being able to list jobs online, and the guy says he wants to list 20,000 jobs, and the lady says "well, you're just being ridiculous"

    Time to get a new topic Captain, 135 comments on the same topic is just being ridiculous.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...