Wednesday, May 8, 2013


And if you don’t finish the song in your head, there is something wrong with you.

A tribute to Sutton, she is not even the 2nd best person running for Mayor.

We’ll we knew for weeks it was going to happen and after asking (as I hear from a committee member)  about 20 people and being declined, Dave Harper chose, yes, another in a long line of Johnsons, sultry Shauna.

I think we all woke up this morning, after the tornado hit and we landed in Oz.  The Wicked Witch of the North was being pronounced candidate to wear the Ruby Slippers.  Funny, the movie ‘The Wizard of Oz’ came out the same year (1939) that Sutton was born.

You would have thought I was pregnant as I had a severe bout of morning sickness after reading Lucian McCarty’s blog announcing The Wicked’s planned fanfare.  Enough of this for now, because there will be so much material for the rest of the year, one has to hold back some.

Aw, gee wiz, ok one more thing.  The best way to beat Sutton is to burn her broom and throw water on her.  It may not melt her but it may improve her conniving face, get it, face.

Honest everyone, this just in, Dick Wirth will name (either before, or if he wins, after the election) that he has tabbed Al ‘The Marlboro Man’ Calucci to be his Deputy; it seems we are turning into Hooterville more and more, every day.


  1. Al would be a much better choice than the bar fly he had before.

    1. Probably would agree with you on the 2nd part, but hot damn, Al would be too much of a diversion. If one got into a conversation with him it would take all day to stop him from talking.

  2. Born in 1939 ? I thought she was in her mid 50's....What does Al know about...well...anything ?

    I just might have to vote for Doc Leonard.

    1. That's a good one. She is on the back page of his magazine putting face cream on with heavy white gloves. The movie came out in '39, her '39 was just some funny stuff, although I think she is closer to 65 than mid 50's.

    2. Love the Doc Leonard reference

  3. What a sad state of affairs when Shauna Sutton is the best my Republican Party can do for Mayor.
    I heard they called everyone, but no takers. Well let the side show begin!!.
    I wonder if she is still verbalizes her distaste for anyone who is "not born in Saratoga Springs"

    Her enormous ego and her insecurities will be fun to watch.

    1. She is very much the 'Saratogaphobe'. She despises anyone who was not born & bred in Saratoga Springs. I think that when she is out meeting and greeting, let her know that you were not born here but Saratoga Springs is your home no matter how she feels.

  4. From the Times Union:
    "Yepsen, 54, is a four-term supervisor who has represented the city on the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors since 2006."

  5. Since city employees, not just union members, are by law not allowed to participate in campaigning or political activity, now that Shauna has declared her cadency for mayor, when is her last day?

    1. I checked the Charter and couldn't find any info on this. I went to the MHR page and couldn't find anything there. The info may be in the employees handbook but if you have knowledge where it is in print let me know.

  6. Lucian McCarty said you are not allowed to conduct political business during city hall hours. Shaunna called him back after 5 pm. It in his blog.
    City Council 2013 — VIII

    1. On Lucian's blog of 4/30 City Council 2013 — VIII, he wrote
      "I called her today to ask about it. She called me back after 5 p.m. (you're not supposed to conduct political business during business hours as a city employee) and said she gave her word she would remain silent about who is running for anything, so she declined to comment."
      It seems to me if you go by this info that she wouldn't have to give up her job, just not perform political business during working hours.

  7. So Rick Thompson it is, heh?
    You've been outed on another blog.

    1. I've been outed as being so many people, no one has it right yet either on blogs or in the spoken arena, so far about 1/3 of Saratoga has been accused of being the Captain Maybe it's you!



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