Friday, June 5, 2015


This past Tuesday nights (June 2nd) Council meeting shows what is wrong with the Councils majority namely the S&M’s.  S&M”s stands for Scirocco, Madigan & Matheisen.  So, what happened you ask?  If no one saw the meeting Madigan had a complete meltdown and embarrassed not only the City but herself big time.  I hope this is not the way she teaches her kids to behave when they don’t get their own way or someone calls her decision for what it is, pure bunk.  Now she is writing Letters to the Editor for Skip & Matheisen, signing their names to her letters.  Can't the boys write their own letters?

Here is the link and just click on Finance Department, sit back and watch in astonishment as Madigan melts down. 

Now whether you like or dislike Madigan you have to agree she acted in a bizarre and childlike way.  I don’t care who is running against her, she should lose and go away quietly (never quiet).  After her part of the meeting was over it was told to me she allegedly leaned over to Franck and whispered ‘you’re a dick’, maybe she forgot in her brain explosion his name is John.

The solar power law she wants changed is nothing more than an illusion to get the City Center parking lot built the way Baker would like it built, a Saratoga Monster.  She is going against the majority of citizen’s wishes and has behind her 2 favorite children, Skip Scirocco, Commissioner of DPW and Chris Matheisen, Commissioner of DPS.  We will now call Commissioner Madigan the Pied Piperess as she leads these two around very well and boy do they follow her.  In other words we would like her out of office.

During John Franck’s discussion he came up with a good idea.  The aforementioned property is worth at least $30 million dollars.  The City will make $20.00 (twenty dollars) over 20 years if Baker gets his votes from the S&M’s.  Franck argued why not start with a 2 story garage then have businesses on the Lake Ave. side that can generate income for the City in sales taxes etc., not to mention that it will create jobs.  But no, this wasn’t appealing to the 3 amigos.  They want big, big buildings in our inner core and want to give that piece of property away.  This will be a paid parking garage and Matheisen said that this would be the start of downtown paid parking.

Now we come to Commissioner Scirocco – He leads a protest within his own Party not to endorse any Republican to run against Democrat Madigan’s position.  This is so screwy that only a dog catcher could understand this.

Scirocco is the person that gave over 1 million dollars back to developers, yes he said they made 1 million dollars of upgrades but the upgrades were required to get the projects into development.  Then he holds a public hearing at a Council meeting on changing the law to drop water hookup fees costing the City about $250,000.00 - $400,000.00 per year, he holds a vote the same night which is very unusual and the law change is passed 3-2.  The best part of this is that because of this loss of income Skip had to raise the water fee for the citizens of Saratoga.  So, he thinks more of the builders than he does the citizens.

The next brain fart he has is the 4th of July .  The group of citizens especially Kate Jarosh who has been heading the 4th of July celebrations and has brought the celebration up as a showcase around the nation has been squashed by this Commissioner (Scirocco) as has our celebrated First Night.  

The 4th of July celebration will still go on but using Congress Park was the best of the best.  Saratoga’s First Night has also gained a very great reputation but this year celebrations will not be able to use the Casino.  Scirocco, in his infinite decision making has booked 2 weddings for both the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve.  I wonder if he was looking at a Chinese calendar when he booked these events.  These celebrations belong to the citizens of Saratoga and the multitude that come into town for each of these and blocked off every calendar the City uses.  He justifies his Karnack the Great thinking by saying ‘the City is making $3,000.00 each night’.  Well folks, he just told the citizens to f*@k off.

Flowers – N. Fox Jewelers wanted to plant their own flowers in front of their store on Broadway and received permission to do so by Comm. Scirocco but BARBERRY BUSHES?  BARBERRY BUSHES are an invasive species.  The bushes also have thorns, what will happen if a little tot falls into a bush?  The City should check this out and have the bushes removed. 
The State Attorney’s office and the Comptroller’s office are still in City Hall gathering information on these water deals. In other words we would like him out of office for a much better City and hope he follows the Pied Piperess out the door.

The Commissioner of Public Safety, Chris Matheisen is another one of the three that the clock has struck its final blow and he should also go.  He has already lost 1 lawsuit by not turning reports in regarding inspections of public buildings (17 in fact).  He also wants to close businesses down in Saratoga and may be responsible for one business owner to lose a buyer because for his penchant of limiting bar hours. 

Now owners of these establishments pay a hefty price for a license and a high price for insurance.  They also complied with his wishes to install computers and use trained security guards (bouncers).  Still he wants to cut back hours of operation and makes no bones about it, even making the looniest decision of creating a “Night Club District”. 

I now heard that in his campaign literature he is for the bar industry.  He also voted against the Police contract because of a 2 1/2 % raise instead of a 2% raise and he was joined in tossing the contract with none other than Madigan & Scirocco (who by the way has health benefits for life for being the City’s dog catcher).

What you have to understand is that most restaurants and bars or ‘Night Clubs’? close before 2 am but that is their choice.  I ask the Commissioner, why try and destroy someone’s livelihood?  Commissioner you have way too much police presence on Caroline Street, get some of them around the City, they are only a microphone call away.

All three need to go before we ask ourselves in the near future, what happened to Saratoga, it was such a nice place to live.


  1. Why no comments on this topic, or the other past topics?

    1. Probably people can see for themselves how silly the S&M's really are. They have become an embarrassment to the City. People can now watch the meetings in person, on TV and the next day on the Internet. Madigan is having more meltdowns than The Chernobyl disaster and there is no end in sight. The other two just get daffier every meeting. It's sad and people are seeing it.

  2. Ed Miller endorsing Skip Scirocco??? The same Ed Miller that ran AGAINST Skip Scirocco a few years ago? Tell me Mr. Miller what great things has Scirocco achieved that's changed your mind? Is it the $900,000 discount he gave Sonny, the fact he's being investigated by the AG's office, the fact he's achieved the highest amount of lawsuits filed against him? Maybe the way he runs his dept. by trying to create a job for Mary Lou Whitney's daughter, the three females he has cleaning the Casino, the way this city was plowed this past winter, the increases in city water & sewer rates. The neglect of the Canfield Casino, Congress Park? Or could it be the promise of a Hot Dog cart in the park this summer??? You Mr. Miller are a disgrace to the Independent Party!!!!

    1. Well remember one thing, Eddy 'hot dog' Miller's wife (girlfriend) is best buddies and drinking partner with Michele Madigan and even though he ran against Skip he is kept in line by her.

    2. Well remember one thing, Eddy 'hot dog' Miller's wife (girlfriend) is best buddies and drinking partner with Michele Madigan and even though he ran against Skip he is kept in line by her.

    3. Hot Dog Miller is kept in line by his girlfriend Joanne because she has all the money, not Eddie. He has been thru so many different jobs since moving here it's not funny. The hot dog cart, Italian ice, his famous taxi service, and the famous trainer of one horse! He hasn't been successful at any. Eddie Miller is just a kept man.

  3. Any comments on the new Saratoga PAC ?

    1. While they will be interviewing candidates which is a good thing (I am surprised that Gordon Boyd is on the committee as his Independence Party refused to interview any candidates), and the fact that Sonny Bonacio is on the Committee, who owes the City almost $1,000,000.00 which was forgiven by Skip Scirocco who just happens. Some members seem OK others are questionable, so we'll have to see how it washes out.Let's hope the political bias that some members have already shown do not translate to this group.

  4. Lets go back to when Weibel Ave. started Tom McTyuge was commissioner. Wonder what kind of deal he made with Sonny. Sonny spent more money on the sewer that if he just paid the connection fees. The City council wavered the fees not just Scirocco, they all did including Yepen.

    1. Sorry but your info is flawed. The reason that Scirocco is in so much trouble is that it was he alone that waived the million dollars in fees. The matter of waiving those fees should have been brought to the Council and Scirocco did not do that.

  5. Word on the street:
    The Saratogian will be gone by September.

    1. That may be when the 3 year lease for the building runs out and they must vacate the building, I can't remember the name of the guy that bought the property. The paper will still be around I think, it is printed in Albany by the Times Union. The Saratogian will probably have an office with ad reps and the like but probably less of a staff.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...