Sunday, June 4, 2017


The reason City vehicles are usually the same color and always identified with the City logo is because they are easily identifiable and uniform.  Saratoga has always had white pickup trucks and orange trucks.  However, since Scirocco has taken over DPW we now have a rainbow of color for City vehicles with no markings, vehicles for Commissioner, Deputy Comm. And other Departments who have cars come in green, blue and grey and orange and brown large trucks (sorry, the brown is rust) and these new vehicles have no logos but do have city plates.  Skip, is this a ploy so these vehicles can be used for personal use?  The City also provides the City Center Director with a car.  Where does Marilyn Rivers stand on the missing markings on City vehicles?

Installing new sidewalks City Code requires the sidewalk be of concrete 5’ wide with a metal mesh put in to help prevent heaving and cracking, many of the new sidewalks installed by the City are not up to code and at least 2 places 1 business & 1 home were granted an exemption of the City Code by the Skipster to install pavers to replace concrete.  The inside scuttlebutt is that City Engineer Tim Wales wants to change the City Code to make it law that all sidewalks be installed with pavers, what nonsense.

 How does the Commissioner and his Deputy keep track of their employees, all crews to work out of the City garage, now they work from 4 or 5 different spots and no they are not Stewarts, Cumberland Farms, Shirley’s or their homes.

What is the status of the new City Garage to be built at the skating rink property?  The City also owns 2 garages near the Marion Ave. Mobil and recently put a new roof on them, are they using the building?  The garages would make a great paint garage (maybe they could then repaint the working orange and rusty trucks orange so they look in good shape or the wood shop, Skip what about this?

The Democrat & Republican Party’s must be in cahoots.  The Party’s refuse to put a candidate up against 2 Commissioners that can be defeated this year.  Michele Madigan could have been in a primary by a fellow Democrat but Chairman Charlie Brown took her into a room and when they came out the woman said she wasn’t going to run.  Skip also had someone that wanted to primary him but the Republican Chairman Matthew Hogan refused to consider his request, as I said these are the 2 candidates who could easily lose their positions this year.  However the Democrats will not run anyone against Skip (or can’t find a candidate) and the Republicans will not run anyone against Madigan (or can’t find a candidate) which also leads us to the conclusion that this form of government cannot find candidates to run for office.

Speaking of Charter Change the Charter Commission held an open house on Tuesday May 30th at the City Center and contrary to the 14 members of the anti - charter change group the open house was very successful.  I visited the open house 3 different times and there were many people asking questions of the Commission members and being able to take a copy of the proposed Charter and financials.  I have listed links from the Capital District newspapers and a TV station, one article noted that this year the Charter has a better chance of passing because of the mass defection of the anti-charter members to being pro Charter, while many citizens were getting informed of the proposed change, the anti-charter group were at Gaffney’s celebrating at a table for 8.

There was one most notable quote from anti charter spokesman Dick Sellers husband of Bonnie (Sour Puss) Sellers.  “Sellers said he opposes a charter change because he believes the proposed charter is too ambiguous.”  “Very little is in there, "We don't know what will happen in the transition”. “the discussion about a new charter every 10 years (as the current charter requires) is not worth the time or effort.”

Sorry Dick but other than spreading fear and untruths about change, the quotes above show why your group is also a sign that you just hate the thought of change even when proof shows this form does not take us forward in a professional way but keeps putting us backwards with an unmanaged future to look forward to.

Oh, by the way Dick, the form of government didn’t put the springs in Saratoga, didn’t put a State Park in the middle of the City, didn’t put the 3 Northway entrances to come into our City etc. and Dick and group, think about this, as you keep saying that this form of government has made Saratoga what it is today, why wasn’t Saratoga the City that was the envy of the country in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s 60’s, 70’s?  Give real facts if you can, not quotes that say looking at a professional form of government “isn’t worth the time or effort”

As I promised the links to TV and Newspaper articles:

Here is the Charter Commission website.  I got all of this information because I want to be informed and Dick, it’s worth my time and effort.


  1. Ray Watson was talking to a room of empty seats....check video on channel 13...they panned the room, like you nobody was home...

    1. I don't think so but you are right I was there not home during the speeches and there were quite a few people there.

    2. Once again making crap up.
      Channel 13 was not there during the press conference. They left before 3:30
      I was there along with 45 other interested citizens.

  2. Yeah, his name is Ray (Raymond's Bootery) Watkins, and Watkins Apartments is named after him, our former Mayor.
    And Ex-Mayor A.C. (Dake) Riley was also there. They have given their support to the new form of government, but it is such a bad decision on their part.
    This is a big waste of time and taxpayer's money. Please Vote No in NOvember. Vote NO if you really care about Saratoga Springs.

    1. If you really want Saratoga to have a government that is run by part time people who don't have to know anything about the department they have to run and leave citizens on the outside then listen to the NOthing people and don't find out what this new Charter proposes, as the anti charter group says a blank mind is a powerful thing.

    2. Sorry sarge but the bottom line tells a different story...Being NUMBER ONE in so many CATEGORIES<><><>< and YOU want to change??? With Yepsen leaving that is a big positive for us more code blue resorts!

    3. Cap, in your post you pointed out why this Commission form of govt. didn't make us #1 in all those decades if it was so great, so I would like to ask Anon 3:10 to give some examples where we are #1 and the reasons this government made us #1 when it couldn't do it for 60 years before? Give us facts anon, not just lip service.

    4. It was a community effort that takes yrs...kind of funny city manager forms can't say that...bottom line is what it is,check with the State Commerce dept.I believe they were the judges basing their decisions on many factors city services being one.....3:47pm check with newburgh ny,they had a city manager he bankrupted them.

    5. why aren't all the cities in New York with city managers like our city.

  3. The commission form is a loser! This city has been so successful because the people of Saratoga, business and flat out hard work!. We have a 50 million dollar government that can not get shit done!. 50 Million dollars every year. If the Commission form was the secret of Saratoga popularity ...than why has no city adopted the Commission plan since 1940?
    Please tell me what we have gotten done? Our water infrastructure is barely legal. Our government loses every lawsuit and pays heavy fines. Oh and the claim we have a flawless finance picture. We had a 1.3 Million dollar deficit in 2016. SURPRISE!!
    I am voting YES and telling every neighbor and friend to do do too!

  4. Go take a whiff?
    Smell yet another lawsuit coming?
    Little Skippy is trying to play big boy politics at your expense. Just heard that Little Skippy is being sued again. And again we will lose OUR TAX money because he manages from behind Donna Buckley's skirt. He needs to back to catch dogs, he has no clue. Every time he gets in trouble he always blames the McTygues. Hey Little Skippy they left 10 YEARS ago. Man up? Little Skippy.. Little nickers. Little action.

  5. Hey Mark Sirocco got nabbed being on the internet/blogs during work hours. He learned from the knee from his dad who made double dipping a career move. Remember the "time card" conviction of Skip and the county payroll?

  6. Anon 6/5 8:23 Speaking of Taxpayer money. Mr Scirrocco hired his campaign manager to an $131,750.00 (sal/ben)job just after the last election. The guy had to have a special job created for him because he had no skills. NO skills!! Nothing. He was a Republican consultant with one customer. THE SKIPSTER!!! Now the Skipster is hiring an office manager to support Mr No Skills to the tune of $90,675.00 (sal/ben). That is $ 222,425.00 work of the taxpayer money to feather The Skipster's nest.

  7. TAX DOLLARS and Hot Dogs
    The combo is delicious.
    Skip Scirocco just recently hired the Independance Party Chairman Ed Miller to work in DPW. Once again Mr Scirrocco is putting YOUR tax dollars to work.. for HIS political gain. Mr Scirocco is using 75,000.00 of your tax dollars to pay Mr. Miller. Mr Miller brings no skills to city. In fact he sells hot dogs. Yes I know hot dogs require WATER, but mr miller has no water skills.
    Mr Scirocco has a new tag line for his campaign. Let's put more politics in DPW. Skip will now have competition for the Republican spot on the ballot this November. Now the great stories will start pouring out. Any chance Mr Hot Dog will play a role( or roll) in The Scirocco campaign?

  8. Captain do not waste your time on Dick Sellers. He continues to toss BS around. His group SUCCESS is falling apart at the seams.
    The list of people that have left his group is getting longer by the day. Dick has lost Gordon Boyd, Elliot Masie, Mayor Watkins, Judge Wait, Chris Mathieson, just to name a few.
    Dick was recently was asked "Why should we keep the Commission form of Government? He just stared off to space. Dick's wife is Remiga Foy's sister in law.
    The Commission Form of Government must go.

  9. i work in DPW. If you only knew what I knew you would toss "The Commissioner" out of office before September. The DPW is being run by DPW workers not "The Commissioner". Mrs Buckley keeps everyone away from The Commissioner. The city is in great danger. Yes.
    The workers play more cards than work at their jobs.
    Water quality is terrible, theft is out of control, and the DPW people are screwing the taxpayer every day!!!

  10. Captain I had to bring the list from a couple of months ago

    What is the deal with Little Skippy and the trail system in Geyser Crest? He was supposed to send City employees into the site and cut trees down. The deadline was 3/31. The trees down will allow for the trail system to move forward. This is the same trail system that the residents from Geyser Crest have been waiting for 15 years. Now work will have to stop until October 31st because the NYS DEC has laws regarding Bat population. So this is another political squabble that shows how big projects get stalled and never materialize.

    MORE If It ain't don't fix it" needs to be presented with a list of City Government FU#*K ups.
    Please add to the list.
    1 Skip Scirrocco's Top Secret Deputy Promotion and hiring Eddie Miller who is the head of the Independence Party.

    2. Scirooco's DPW buying from Scirrocco's Brother with city knowledge who heads The Conservative Party

    3. LOST $130,000,00 in legal fees fighting for the parking lot deal- land swap.
    4. Hospital Expansion or Lack of
    5. 17 Year and counting delay on the parking garage for City Center
    6. $750,000.00 for Madigan's toilets and kitchette. The PRIVATE Use.
    7. FIRE at City garage set by DPW Squatters

    8. Madigan's Deputy leaves.

    9. Another Lawsuit lose in February regarding City lot for City Center.
    10. Madigan and Mark Baker alliance.

    11. 700,000.00 lawsuit lose in December against the Anderson’s

    12. Numerous drug test failure by DPW workers

    13. Rapidly failing water infrastructure on West Side.

    14.No eastside EMS/ Firehouse near Exit 14

    15. 15 Year Delay on Geyser Crest Trail System.

    16 Lack of response to high led levels in water tests through the city.
    17 DPW fleet reduced to rust buckets due to lack of proper maintenance.

    18 Bloated Salaries in City Hall. 10 employees have salaries exceeding 120,000.00 annually# 19 There are still 2 open
    investigation by the NYS Attorney General's Office.

    19. Check out Michele Madigan's Campaign Finance donors list. Can you say PAY FOR PLAY.

    20. Skip Scirrocco hiring Mike Veitch to be "business manager" for 85,000.00 per year, rather than hiring a Director of DPW for which Mike could not qualify. Mike Veitch was Skip's Campaign manager during his last campaign.
    21. More CASH deals at the Weibel ave landfill. The operators there are taking cash instead of bags that are purchased from City.
    22. DPW workers plowing private driveways while on City Payroll.
    23. DPW refusing to cut down the trees to allow the 15 year trail to proceed.

    1. I can't confirm many of these but there is one glaring error and one item let out. " $750,000.00 for Madigan's toilets and kitchette. The PRIVATE Use." This is clearly inaccurate. First, the $ 750,000 is for revamping the entire Finance Department where the floors are actually caving in and the carpets likely have mold in them from numerous leaks. The kitchen area right now (As City Hall has no general break room for employees to eat or take a break) is right in the main room where the public enters regularly. They are the only department that needs to use the public bathrooms that are often gross and not tended to. None of this is for HER private use but for the benefit of her staff who are now working in conditions that would likely not meet code. You also conveniently left out the $ 12,000 the Mayor spent to attempt to defend her ethical issue where she was determined by her own ethics committee - twice - to have been grossly unethical in her dealings with Saratoga Hospital - then asked the City to pay for her legal fees AND then appointed a member of that law firm to be a City Judge. Really?

  11. Mr Sirocco will have a Republican to primary.
    A former city official will be collecting signatures to primary him in September. The former official has gotten his paperwork in place and has begun to gather signatures.

    1. The guy you are talking about is a big dumb jerk who is a two time looser with the city. Just trying to prove he can be a three time looser.

  12. 5:09 I certainly hope that you are right!! The fact that the Democrates would not endorse a candidate to run against Scirocco, and the Republicans refused to run a candidate against Madigan proves to me that we definitely need a new form of government

  13. Why were the Feds in the Mayor's Office yesterday? and it brought someone to tears maybe we'll find out the real reasons she's not running could she have been doing something full time that is more unethical than her part-time endeavor with the Hospital.......Very interesting things happening!

    1. Story around the Hall is that interviews are being held about Skippy doing another no-no again.

  14. Captain:
    You have combined a lot of stuff in one blog posting. How about a posting of just charter change, and another about Skippy or something else?

    1. Yes I know. However I put the two subjects together to show the inept way this form of government works.

  15. The Saratogian, November 1991 Editorial "Time to Trade In Antique Form of Government"
    "The faces may change from election to election, but the City Council will remain an unwieldy, five-headed monster until the form of government is changed.
    Saratoga Springs is a city rich in history, but the commission form of government is a tradition whose time has come and gone.
    The form has all but disappeared from city governments. Yet Saratoga Springs hangs on to the commission form, the same one in place when the city was chartered in 1915. It’s like hanging on to a Model T – and still trying to drive it.
    It’s time for a trade-in.
    The problem with the commission government is not its age, but its set-up.
    The City Council comprises five council members, each of whom is in charge of one of the city’s five departments. A council member cannot simply be a legislator. A council member must also be responsible for a specific department; finance, accounts, public safety or public works. The only lone ranger is the mayor, although the engineering department is under the auspices of the mayor’s office.
    The four council members who are responsible for a department get to hire their own deputy commissioner, which is a full-time administrator, to run the office. The deputy commissioner therefore serves at the whim of the one council member responsible for that department.
    No one is in charge. "Mayor" sounds important, but don’t be fooled. The Mayor of Saratoga Springs has no more power than any of the other four heads of the council monster. One head, one vote. That sounds fair, but it makes for ineffective government.
    Think of your workplace with no one in charge. The supervisors are left to work things out with one another. As the "Dilbert" cartoon character has pointed out, if one department needs the cooperation of another on some matter, but the matter is not one of the other’s top 1,000 priorities, it won’t get done. At least not right away.
    The only hint of accountability comes every two years at election time, when council members can take credit for what got done and blame colleagues for what got stymied.
    Over the years, the volunteers and the private sector in Saratoga Springs have done more to enhance the city than has the City Council. The form of government is in part to blame.
    Instead of a city run by five disparate departments, one person – be it a manager, administrator, or mayor – should be overseeing the government.
    Changing the form of government should be a priority in the coming term. Mayor A.C. Dake – who is unopposed this term – has said she would pursue charter revision. She should hold fast to that commitment to bring Saratoga Springs into the 20th century, before the 21st rolls around."
    Sadly, the people of Saratoga cannot grasp the importance of having full time department heads. I wonder how much better Saratoga Springs would be if it did change years ago?

    1. yeah, it's as bad as her blog. Should have been done with deadlines long time ago.

  16. Love how you dig up the dead,how can something that didn't help in the past help you losers in the future??

  17. Is this what you get out of this article? You can't be that stupid, if you do then sad to say you are the loser.

  18. What ever happened at the City Garage?

  19. Skippy is at it again. He is being sued for not paying for a vendor to fix a problem. The lawsuit is for 150,000.00 plus damages.

    He has no problem using taxpayer dollars to hire Mr. No Skills and his assistant for well over 250,000.00, but won't pay his vendors the money they are owed. Now we have to get attorneys involved.

    Maybe Mr.No Skills can defend the city.

  20. Why did we have a 1.3 MILLION dollar deficit? Yes I understand the Anderson settlement was there, but we have know that was coming for years.
    Ms Mad again is asleep at the wheel, or maybe drunk at the wheel.
    Hey Republicans, put your big boy pants on and run candidate for Finance. Oh yeah that is right, Little Skippy and the PISS ONs are calling the plays and he is afraid of Ms Mad Again.
    Skip will have come up with something to get infrastructure projects done. If I was a Republican I would be embarrassed by all of this.

  21. I heard a Republican who is a charter-change do-gooder is going to run against the Skip the Fees Scirocco. Would that be you Captain?

  22. I just got notice that Michele Madigan has lost her current Deputy. That's 2. Also, it is said by the City Hall source that basically no one gets along with Madigan.

    1. It was clear that the Deputy who just went back to her former job was "temporary" as they looked for a full time Deputy. I don't know where you get your information but you apparently one repeat that which you think will hurt those you don't like. Did you notice that the Mayor doesn't have even one of her original appointed staff? Wonder why?

  23. Sorry, no it is not me. Like Skippy I am not qualified for the job and won't pretend that I am.

  24. What! Michele Madigan is a mess. In 2016 She has the first of many deficits and now her new deputy has quits. Lots of trouble in Finance Office.

  25. Captain
    Does Little Skippy's son and DPW employee Mark Scirocco still live with his Mommy and Daddy?
    Some kids will never leave home.

  26. MORE If It ain't don't fix it" needs to be presented with a list of City Government FU#*K ups.
    Please add to the list.

    1 Skip Scirrocco's Top Secret Deputy Promotion and hiring Eddie Miller who is the head of the Independence Party.

    2. Scirooco's DPW buying from Scirrocco's Brother with city knowledge who heads The Conservative Party

    3. LOST $130,000,00 in legal fees fighting for the parking lot deal- land swap.

    4. Hospital Expansion or Lack

    5. 17 Year and counting delay on the parking garage for City Center

    6. $750,000.00 for Madigan's toilets and kitchette. The PRIVATE Use.

    7. FIRE at City garage set by DPW Squatters

    8. Madigan's Deputy leaves. And now another leaves again!!!!!!!

    9. Another Lawsuit lose in February regarding City lot for City Center.
    10. Madigan and Mark Baker alliance.

    11. 700,000.00 lawsuit lose in December against the Anderson’s City pays 750,000.00

    12. Numerous drug test failure by DPW workers again!!!

    13. Rapidly failing water infrastructure on West Side.

    14.No eastside EMS/ Firehouse near Exit 14

    15. 15 Year Delay on Geyser Crest Trail System.

    16 Lack of response to high led levels in water tests through the city. The water quality in the city is horrific

    17 DPW fleet reduced to rust buckets due to lack of proper maintenance.

    18 Bloated Salaries in City Hall. 10 employees have salaries exceeding 120,000.00 annually# 19 There are still 2 open

    investigation by the NYS Attorney General's Office.

    19. Check out Michele Madigan's Campaign Finance donors list. Can you say PAY FOR PLAY.

    20. Skip Scirrocco hiring Mike Veitch to be "business manager" for 85,000.00 per year, rather than hiring a Director of DPW for which Mike could not qualify. Mike Veitch was Skip's Campaign manager during his last campaign.

    21. More CASH deals at the Weibel ave landfill. The operators there are taking cash instead of bags that are purchased from City.

    22. DPW workers plowing private driveways while on City Payroll.

    23. DPW refusing to cut down the trees to allow the 15 year trail to proceed
    24. City being sued for not paying bills. Suit filed for 150,000.00

    1. "Hospital Expansion or Lack "
      No matter which side you take on this issue, there is only one person responsible for this not even getting voted on - The Mayor. She outright lied about her relationship with the hospital and was determined to have been grossly unethical. She then recused herself based on those same lies. At least show a tiny bit of fairness in your reports.

  27. More Madigan

    This is an example of what a whack job this person is.

  28. It ain't broke? A prominent doctor in town is trying to build a house in the city near Skidmore. The water service to our street is so bad that she had plan to build a holding tank in her basement. We the people in the neighborhood have had water pressure issues for years.
    I have complained for years to Mr Scirrocco for a solution and he just ignores the problem. we are not in a remote areas of town. Mr Witt has built many homes in our area and yet no new service.
    I have complained for the last 7 years. I get pissed off every time I pay the water bill.
    Get ride of this dope!

  29. Another GLOWING financial report under this form of gov't proving once again nit-wits know best....It's time to break it,what say you Captain Fake?

    1. You are right, any nit wit can be Finance Commissioner due to the parameters that they have to operate under which was set forth by a previous Charter. The Finance also has very good and knowledgeable people that do the financial work, if it was all Madigan we would be sunk and that is the reason 2 Deputies have left her. The real Madigan.

    2. How many deputies have left in other depts. over the yrs.??---Pat kanes' newest stooge has baggage sorry captain fake!

    3. I realize everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, not to their own facts. The first Deputy to leave did so for personal reasons and had a great relationship with Madigan. The next was there on a temporary basis to give the first time to determine if she would return (She was, at the time on a leave). When it was determined that she would not return, a full time permanent Deputy was hired. FACTS!

  30. I would like to start by calling you a bully. You can say that you don't or do like something without calling people names. It is a fact that under the Mc Tyuge ara that there wasn't much inferstructure done. You can't expect that it be done all at once, there is something like 130 miles of road one way. So how much pipe would that be. This commisioner was put in pipes down Beekman (were there was 2 fires and no water)Washington St. Church St. Woodlawn. And the noth area is all rock. They did the well fields, Water plant, Geyser Rd water treatment plant, they have a plan. Just can't do it all at once. So I say the one without sin throw that first rock.

    1. If has a plan where is it? When you send in a Freedom of Information Act request you get no such document exists.

  31. Mctygue ran miles of water lines out to the east ridge,skip has run about 600 hundred feet of new water lines but due to NO local newspaper he's made it look like he ran the xl pipeline,it'll ALL come to the light of day soon!

  32. Little skipper loves the statement
    If it ain't broke don't fix it.

    He manages the city infrastructure that way too. Old pipes, clogged pipes, lousy water flow to fire hydrants, are "ain't broke"

    He is so consumed with getting re-elected that he does nothing.

    I imagine his opponent will be able shed light on the severe lack of planning and ineffective leadership that is costing the city $$$$$$$$$$

  33. Mrs Madigan needs mental health therapy.

  34. Didn't Skippy also run our water lines to a Wilton development at no cost to the developer & no vote from the council? Didn't Skippy give Sonny a $900,000 free water connections to his condominiums??? Again with no council vote?

  35. Have to comment! Walked thru Congress Park today. What a disgrace! Then on the way back, chairs set up for a ceremony. Guess what Skippy did? Had someone mow that area while grass was so high along the creek bugs had to b flying! The park is a total disgrace! Don't give me wet weather has an excuse! If they could now that area why not at least that whole area?A disgrace to our city!

  36. Skippy has not only neglected the maintenance of Congress Park, DPW has not picked up my grass clippings in THREE weeks!!!! The barrels stink from the rain & I'm sure the workers will be crying that they are no heavy. Please Skippy start managing your damn department. Get you head out of your ass!!

  37. Skid the fees Scirocco was busy strutting down Broadway in the Flag Day parade on Saturday. He is clueless about how to structure his department so it's efficient. Most of his workers hate him. Don't forget that there are many workers still in the department who were hired by Tommy McTygue. They are deliberately trying their best to make him look bad. And it's working.....he looks bad.

  38. My brother works for DPW. He laughs every day. He says the place is a "shit show".
    Guys play cards when it rains, or they are back early, or looking to kill time.
    My brother says he has never sat on his ass so much in his life. All the supervisors are worse. Skip never is around.

  39. Skip will win. The guy who is running is a professional that has too much too lose. If this guy knows what is good for him he will not run.

  40. He's a Pat Kane stooge...he'll learn!

  41. Skip has so much baggage these last 8 years. The city appearance has declined to an alarming rate

  42. You are so on target 7:13! Walked thru the park & it is a disgrace. Did not see one DPW employee working & all three ponds are a mess.

  43. The Spring Street Deli is a DPW hot spot. It's called the East Side DPW Lounge. Nice hangout guys.
    Of course, Shirley's is the west side hangout.

  44. Who is Michelle Madagain's choice for her third deputy this year? Someone told me The Hit Dog DPW Eddie Miller's wife Joanne Lafresta was a candidate. She and Eddie run the Independence Party. How covienent, Ince they hand out endorsements they both get jobs in City Hall....ain't broke?

  45. Please fix truck traffic!!!!
    At noon today, Broadway was reduced to 2 lanes. Delivery Trucks just pull up and park, often across from each other. Bullshit...keep all truck out of downtown from 11-1 each day

  46. 11:56 AM
    Get a clue. This is the Place-To-Be, screw all you drivers. The priorities downtown are beer deliveries, wine and spirits deliveries, etc etc. If you want to play downtown, you will have to find an alternate route to a remote parking spot. Some politicians had their heads up their *ss*s when they allowed the high density developments downtown.

  47. We need more people on bikes...make the deliveries on bikes...complete streets ho ray!

    they will deliver six-packs on an hourly basis.
    Unless there is too much traffic.

  49. Hey Cap! The Mark Baker Dude running for Mayor is a perfect fit for the current council! No heart & only looking out for himself. Hopefully if elected he'll agree to allowing the homeless to live in his new parking garage!

  50. Long weekend Cap? Or a Lost Weekend?
    Where ya been?

    1. Went to the West coast to visit friends and getting back into the craziness.

  51. Mark Baker is a puppet for Michele madigan. He will be a disaster.

  52. Jacob and Anthony's bar is where Michele Madigan and Eileen Finneran hang out. Two of the most toxic city employees.
    Eileen is such a bad influence on Public Safty and other departments as well. Michele is often head there saying very nasty remarks about her fellow council members.

  53. The Braim for PS Commish campaign is moving at a snail's pace. Imagine Donny as Commissioner, sitting across the desk with the PD Chief Veetch, who fired his son.

  54. Who in DPW drives 272? Gray Ford Escape. The guy had on thick black rim glasses, dark curly hair. 1:30pm last Thursday at the corner of Caroline and Henry St this jerk is going west on Caroline. He runs the stop sign fails to yield and just misses me. Followed him out to the water treatment plant where he park under a tree and proceeds to put the seat back and nap. What a jerk.

    1. If he had a black mustache it might have been Donna Buckley in disguise.

  55. Fingernan is searching for a new deputy's job. What better place than with a Commishioner (MM) who has burned out three or four deputies.

    1. Can you count? Do facts mean anything to you?

  56. Who said it was a "he"??
    Maybe it was Donny Braim.

  57. Understand that Don Braim's sole focus is to get rid of Cheif Veitch.
    Braim claims that Veitch wrote his recently released book while on city time.
    He also said that all city vehicles will have GPS to ensure that no personal usage will happen on city time.

    1. all City vehicles should have GPS's installed in them, not only for personal use but in the case of DPW you'll be able to tell where the trucks are.

  58. I am voting for Peter Martin. He is a Harvard educated lawyer and business man. Our PD has had so many legal issues that having a lawyer in place may save us from the embarrassment of the law suits.

    1. The problem is that any case that deals with Public Safety will still have to go out to and outside law firm even if he is a lawyer.

  59. Veech is classified as management so I guess there is no need to do a 10-7 and he could have been writing his book on his 10-35. Neither present a problem.
    Could Donnie "Brascoe" Braim pass the same smell test when he was "on patrol".

  60. I'm not voting for Peter Martin because he is a Lawyer,He was at the county for what 4 years??? Ever here him say BOO?? Saratoga is the NO.1 County in the State run by a Republican controlled governing body....Democrat Marten was an ashtray in the scheme of offense.

  61. Skippy is spending $156,000 for an air conditioning system for the Arts Council Building. WTF the city rents this to the Arts Council for $12,000 per year yet Skippy is giving them 156,000 capital improvements. WTF the pay back is like 20 years so long as nothing else comes up.

  62. 3:45 pm
    I hope you are kidding.
    The original deal with the Arts Council was that they would be self-sufficient. What happened to that?

  63. The Art Council building is a City owned building. You need to take careof it. Right or wrong Skippy didn't make the contract on the Art Council.

    1. The problem is that Skip the fees has skipped the maintinance on most of the city buildings. Just look at them.

  64. The system that he is installing does not fix the black mold in the basement. The city has known about this for 2 to 5 years and did nothing, not even warning the tenants. Like Skippy says if it ain't broke don't fix it.

  65. Sell the arts council to Sonny and Tommy Ruin. Tear it down, get rid of the spirit of life, and do something good like build some condos.

  66. Replies
    1. Dump Skip for whom? There is no one running against him. Both parties made sure of that. Who are you going to write in?

    2. I would advise anyone. If a name is out there a write in vote should be backed. There are a lot of voters who both dislike the job the Skipster is doing and how the Republican & Democrat Party's make back room deals regarding not running someone against each other's candidates. I think a good write in campaign could do it.

  67. Can you believe the bullshit Joe Dalton was spreading in Sunday's Saratogian. Joe what rock do you live under? How can you just go out and lie through your teeth. you will never be mistaken for a genius.
    Your reputation continues. I have been a member of the Chamber for decades and he always know for his bullshit. He was a pawn for Roohan, Dake and Wait.

    1. I'm for Change but even if I wasn't I would be suspect of nay thing SUCCESS people say. They use fear tactics and lies. They prey on people's fears because they know that 80% of Saratogians don't even know how bad or how the Commission form of Government works. I always look for information to see if what they spew is correct and 99% of the time it isn't, you can find out the facts. Dalton, Dick & Bonnie Sellers keep using lies and the citizens will keep getting informed about the changes and make a sound decision.

    2. What was it..... some 20+ years ago...? When Joe D and Tommy and Brian got charged with coercion?
      It was funny when their adversary wrote a letter in the newspaper and called Joe D's philosophy "a plaid pants era" or words to that effect.

  68. To all who comment, if you would like to discuss problems with water pressure in the city and development, please feel free to call me at the Times Union 518-454-5445.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...