Sunday, May 20, 2018


From the Daily Gazette

SARATOGA SPRINGS —“ A city employee, who is also the son of a city commissioner, was arrested in February on four charges, including aggravated driving while intoxicated.
Mark Scirocco, 45, a city water meter service worker and son of Anthony "Skip" Scirocco, commissioner of the Department of Public Works, was arrested Feb. 17 by Saratoga County Sheriff's deputies on Route 29 in Milton.

The charges include operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, aggravated driving while intoxicated, unsafe lane change and improper lane use.

Skip Scirocco said that, while his son hasn't been convicted, he is not allowing Mark Scirocco to drive a city vehicle while on the job. He added that if his son has his license revoked as a result of a conviction, he could face termination.

Once a city employee is arrested, Skip Scirocco said, the city's Risk and Safety director sends a note to the employee's supervisor notifying him or her of the arrest.
Skip Scirocco described his son as a "great employee."

"We've had people call the department to compliment him on his work ethic, and that's the kind of employee we want," he said. "He finished in the top three on the Civil Service test, so he didn't just get hired because he's my son."

Skip Scirocco added, "People make mistakes, and thankfully this didn't happen on the job or in a city vehicle."

Scirocco's position as water meter service worker was advertised on the city's website in October 2015 with a salary of $35,118.

The water meter service worker position required a Civil Service exam, which was given in December 2015.

The position advertisement stated, "This position exists in the City Water Department and involves responsibility for reading water meters, recording amounts of water consumption, meter installation, repair and maintenance duties. The work is performed under the direct supervision of the Water Meter Service Worker Supervisor and general supervision of the Water Meter Service Accounts Manager, following prescribed procedures."

Mayor Meg Kelly did not return a call for comment, nor did City Attorney”

Well, Well.  This incident happened on 2/17 and it was just in the Schenectady Gazette the other day (in May).  If this happened to you do you think you could keep it out of the papers this long?  The simple fact that it wasn’t even our local paper Saratogian shows how much the police may even tried to hide this tid bit.  Now if this part of the story is true little Scirocco’s girlfriend picked him up at the police with a child in the car and she was also under the influence but I guess since that isn’t in the paper it couldn’t possibly be true, right (lol). 

The part that makes us laugh is where Comm. Skip says “Skip Scirocco described his son as a "great employee."  My question is why is he even involved now?  Marilyn Rivers who insiders say was not notified by Skippy until a few months after the incident should recuse himself and let Rivers (the HR person for the City who should have been notified immediately) handle the case from here.  

The fact that Mark is still working and has to be driven around is something taxpayers should be concerned about.  If I am correct you need a driver’s license to have that job and more news from City Hall is that Comm. Skippy is trying to get HR or Civil Service to change the job description so he can still work.  This smells of corruption but don’t fear the Council will side with Comm. Skippy.

Also, news out of City Hall is that Madigan’s $750,000.00 bathroom is in a quandary because no one can find a toilet seat big enough for her to sit on.  She has dispatched Skippy to scour the countryside for one large enough.


  1. Mark’s wife was arrested for DWI w/a child in the car on the same night. Haven’t seen anything in the news regarding this incident by it’s definitely a felony! I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Civil Service changed the job requirements for Mark, they do this all the time. I’ve also hear from City Hall that a clerical position in DPW hasn’t been filled in months & Skippy’s waiting for the outcome of Mark’s sentencing before filling this position which doesn’t require a drivers license. Taxpayers paying to have this employee driven around the city is a total lack of accountability.

  2. I guess the obvious thing that is missing here, is the lack of coverage by our LOCAL newspaper, The Saratogian. We are led to believe that all arrests get equal coverage by the media. Apparently someone slipped up at The Saratogian, or someone conveniently looked the other way.
    Sorry to hear that Mark's parents are being embarrassed by their son's arrest. They are nice people, and don't deserve this.

  3. They are nice people but shouldn't be too embarrassed by what he did. The only one to take responsibility is Skip because he employ's his son and never brought this to light or reported it to HR in a timely manner if at all. Mark should be placed on leave until the court rules. However, it doesn't look good for him with 4 crimes. your first DUI charge will be considered a misdemeanor offense, and you will be punished with fines, community service, license suspension, and possible probation. However, other factors can change the level or nature of your charge resulting in enhanced sentences or penalties.

  4. Skip is fired other people for having a DUI. Looks like the city's open for some discrimination lawsuits. I wonder how Marilyn Rivers is going to manage that other than screaming at someone.

  5. Are you kidding me are you kidding me? Skippy and his numb skulls have Union Avenue and Nelson Avenue close. The only detour around the bridge that's out for the season. And Skippy close is it from 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. .

    This is night Paving work that should be done from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. must have been a Donna Buckley plan.

  6. Sad how he keeps getting re-elected every 2 years, it just proves all it takes is a dog catcher to run DPW but run it poorly.

  7. Finally the Times Union has an article on the Mark Scirocco incident & how Skippy’s son is being driven around by another city employee because of his DWI. Also looks like there may be another potential lawsuit against the department! Check the article out. Apparently at one point in time Skippy has his son spying on a fellow employee!!! That speaks volumes about the kind of work environment Skippy approves of!

  8. I am a bit upset that the city did not inform the general public about the new chemical that is being put into our drinking water. Maybe it's good for the pipes, but what about my body's pipes, organs, etc.? This is not enough notice and not enough research. I don't trust these engineers/scientists who are known to make MAJOR mistakes that need to be rectified at a later date.

  9. It's too bad our 5 Democratic officials outlawed the gun show. This show was touted as one of the best run show in the country. These 5 quacks made a feel good decision that somehow they helped curb school shootings. I hope all those attendees that said they wouldn't to Saratoga or spend another penny in the City hold to that promise. The signs say 'Everyone Welcome' but what it really means is 'everyone welcome as long as you think the way we do'.

  10. Does Mrs Scirocco have driving privileges on City vehicles?
    This family thinks the rules do not apply to them. Mark drives drunk--OK??? Corrine is now driving city hall vehicles.
    The DPW truck is away parked out at SRA on the lake to pick up a student?
    Skip is a joke

  11. Captain, could you tell me if Mark Scirocco has had his day in court regarding his DWI? What about his new bride & her arrest of DWI with a child in the car?

  12. Hey Captain,
    You taking the summer off?



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...