Monday, January 21, 2019


It began snowing at 3:40pm this past Saturday. We had known about this storm for at least a week. So you would think that as soon as the snow began to accumulate, the DPW workers would be all over the city making sure the roads would be plowed so that drivers could navigate their way around town.

You would think....but...NO.

No, that would be too logical. According to one witness, he didn't see a plow until 4:30am on SUNDAY.

You can't make it up. As of today, Monday, the main roads in downtown Saratoga Springs are in horrible condition.

Unacceptable. The whole crew should have been out an hour after it began snowing. begs the question, what was DPW doing just hours after it began snowing?

I am sick of the utter ineptitude of the Department of Public Works. There is NO EXCUSE.


  1. Well where does one start with DPW.
    DWI As we all know now Mark Scirrocco finally had his day in court. After nearly one year, he finally plead guilty to DWAI in Milton Town Court. So for another 90 days Skip Coluci will drive the loser around while they both do a one person job. Mark was arrested in February of 2018. The city provided Skip C as a chauffeur.for now over 1 year. Great use of tax payer dollars.
    This whole fiasco was made possible by your HR Department at City Hall. Our HR Department leader was given an enormous raise in pay -rumored to be 40,000.00. And guess who was her biggest supported...Mr Clueless Scirrocco. Yes, can you believe it? No wonder Mark was never fired. HR should have stopped this last year... Shut up and get a big raise!!!

  2. Thank God that Donna Buckley has finally retired! Only to be replaced by Racheal Fragomeni. Skip Scirrocco goes no where without her. She continues her days at the public troth, leaving Saratoga County Social Services offices to now be Scirrocco's playmate. She was a lontime employee of Scirrocco friend Sandi Cross.

    Good luck Mr Scirrocco, this election day can not come fast enough.

  3. Just drove in from Ballston Spa. The roads are nice and clear there in Ballston Spa. Crossed the line into Saratoga and they are terrible. Did Ballston Spa get less snow than Saratoga? It is embarrassing. Skip has to go!

  4. There is an end in site. The Sirocco Era will come to an end in 2019.
    Several people have stepped forward to run against Skip. Both Republicans and Democrats are lining up to take on the DPW commissioner.

  5. We need new people in city politics. It has become stagnant. We need to drain the swamp. Also, I heard from someone at SSHS that the spot that is being dug up in front of West Circular is due to lead in the water. The kids were told not to drink from the water fountain. No local articles in any papers of course. And that road block near the Courtyard Marriott is due to water contamination also. What is going on in this town? And why is no one writing about it.

  6. Here's something I've complained about again and again until I've become a crank on the subject:

    Why do the snowplows speed? And why do they pack walls of snow at the end of our driveways?

    I have a distinct childhood memory (this was about fifty years ago) of looking out my window and seeing a snowplow drive slowly down my street. Just as the driver reached each driveway, he'd lift his plow so as not to push snow into driveways.

    Nowadays these guys fly by at forty mph, throwing snow up onto sidewalks. I saw one snowplow push a bunch of snow off a side street, across the street and into my driveway. Then he sped away.

    Every storm, I'm out there three or four times shoveling. Once, to clear the first snow, and then second, third & forth time clearing the snow the plows have thrown on my property.

    And while I'm here complaining, what's the deal with the streetcleaners who drive around in the summer kicking up clouds of dust? Again, when I was a kid, I remember seeing little streetcleaning trucks spraying water onto the curb while they cleaned.

    Last summer there were clouds of dust in the air while the streetcleaner made his rounds. I think only one time the driver sprayed water, the way they're supposed to.

    Are they idiots, or do they simply not give a shit?

    1. You can't put the snow that they plowed into your driveway back on the street. But it's ok for the DPW plows to come back and plow your driveway full of snow, time after time. Which means "they don't give a shit."

      Lucky for you that you can clear your own driveway. What if you pay someone to come back two or three times the clear it again, and again?



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...