Monday, February 25, 2013


Saratoga Springs has an evening of celebration for Oscar night.  This year’s movies up for best of the year are:

WATERGATE – A small city, having water problems of their own really sinks when the City’s Mayor and Commissioner of DPW sells it’s water to an adjoining town in a possible back room deal that future developed land of 170 acres may be supplied with City water.  The tag line throughout the movie is ‘follow the money’, stupid, or see where the water flows.

COMPREHENSIVE – The Mayor of a small City decides he will hand pick the entire Committee of a 10  year Comprehensive Plan Committee which will determine the path the City will follow in growing, building and keeping green space which the City is fast losing.  The real drama comes when the Mayor nicknamed “Little Napoleon” leaves the other 4 Commissioners out of nominating a candidate, (3 of which do not live in the City and 3 or 4 others who have no vested interest in the City as they pay no taxes, a banker that handles all City money and a good local developer).  The Mayor tells the Commissioners that they can choose one of his picks.  THIS MOVIE IS IN THE COMEDY CATEGORY.

WHAT, NO BUILDING PERMIT? – The story of a small City Mayor, who for reasons unknown fails to issue a building permit to the developer of a 3 story parking garage for the City (yes, the City must issue a permit for any City project).  After 3 months of work, when asked, the developer said the City is responsible for supplying the permit and after the developer discussed this with a local blogger, just like magic a permit was on site the next day.  Something should also be done to the Good Olde Boy’s Network fellow Tom Roohan (see how I used the old fashioned Olde, has a nice look doesn’t it) as no permit can be found on his building which is undergoing reconstruction work; the lack of a permit is a pivotal scene if it involves a new office for Tamara Valentine.  If so, this movie critic would vote this for movie of the year. THIS IS A DEEP DRAMA MOVIE.

RECREATION CENTER – In a small City miles from any land that could be used  for recreation, the small town Mayor builds a Recreation Center on a piece of land that was used for recreation, spending $7 million dollars.  The dark side of this horror flick is that when the Mayor of this small town promises that the City will make large amounts of money after the first year, the taxpayers are being bled to death just to keep the doors open.  The Mayor also plays the bongos at his private club nightly.

These are the four movies up for the award for best whatever.  You choose.

In WATERGATE, the director wanted Harvey Korman & Tim Conway as the male leads, but with one dead and the other not available he chose one who looks dead and one who is not available in Johnson & Scirocco.

 In COMPREHENSIVE the director wanted TaToo from Fantasy Island, but alas he’s dead so they choose Scott Johnson.

In WHAT, NO BUILDING PERMIT? Shauna Sutton stars as the Mayor who can’t find the 3 level parking garage.

And last but not least, in RECREATION CENTER – the director wanted Don Knotts to play the Mayor but since he expired guess who got the part?

Rumor has it that Mayor Johnson’s wife Julie will present the Best Actor award.


  1. Bravo! Of course, we can now expect a follow-up summary of the acceptance speeches : )

    The directors did miss one possible actor candidate: Jack Cassidy- a veteran of series ranging from 'Get Smart' to 'The Mod Squad' to 'Mission: Impossible' - plus bearing an almost eerie resemblance to Mayor SJ...

    I'm thirsty-- where does a guy go for water around here?

    1. Great Arthur, but regarding the water it will probably be in the next movie. You are right about Jack Cassidy and he also had the same problem that the Mayor does, although we'll have to figure out who will play Jack & who will play the ever beautiful Shirley Jones.

  2. Shirley is too good looking to be played by Shauna.

    The mayors son, fake ID and all, is no David Cassidy.

    1. You are right. I thought we at the Justice League would re-make Oklahoma and Shaunna would play yje part of the fat lady that makes the pies. The Mayor would play the part of crazy Jud Fry. You can guess my pick for the part of Laurey. We would have the Mayor sing ("The Surrey with the Fringe on Top"), but he would have to carry a gavel or a six pack rather than a six shooter. We can make Saratoga Springs the Hollywood of the East. Everyone, save your soap boxes so the Mayor will show on camera.

  3. News Flash Captain!! Last Tues. Scirocco was quoted in the Saratogian regarding the hiring of his son, "the position does not pay benefits because it is a temporany position at this point. Less than three days later, on Fri. the DPW Commissioner decides to hire his son Mark full time as a meter installer, (after working 5 days as a meter reader) a position that has not been filled for the past 4/5 yr. & is not funded in this budget & does include benefits!! Why?? The person Mark was filling in for as a temp returned to work today. Where did Skippy find this money to fund his son's job? Another "back room" deal???

  4. It gets sadder and sadder every day in Saratoga. The scary part is your quote of a back room deal. It seems like Mr. Harper and Mini-Me (I mean the Mayor) can call any shots they want. This must have been a setup from the beginning. If you knew the regular employee was due back in 1 to 2 weeks why not have an internal person temporarily fill in?

  5. I pick What, No Parking Permit? But I am biased since it was moi who broke the story.
    Great post Captain America!

  6. This job Skippy just awarded his son isn't even funded. Where the hell did he get the money from? The guy that's always crying wolf w/not enough people to plow the roads or buy plows for that matter but can all the sudden hire his son FT w/benefits filling a position that hasn't been filled for 5 yrs.

    To answer your question, the position WAS being covered by the other two water meter/installers for 4-5 wks. Skip's son was only given the "temp" position the wk. before the employee on medical leave was due back to work. This is the same Comm. that hired Heather Mabee for a position that wasn't & still isn't funded & is being performed by an employee at city hall that took the Civil Service test for Reservation Co-ordinator & also failed!

    1. He's doing the 2 step shuffle. Check out behind the Ice Rinks and look at how many vehicles he has taken off the road in the last year.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...