Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The City Council meetings are getting a little embarrassing for those who live here and for those who listen or watch, either living in Saratoga or outside the City.  The Mayor has turned a willing Council, one that has been trying to work across Party lines to make Saratoga Springs a better place and is calling any positive move of theirs as playing political games, (I wonder if that’s anything like reindeer games?).  It is sad that because the Democrats hold the majority and it would accomplish so much more if the Mayor didn’t act like a 2 year old not getting his way.  Imagine if you will, what could happen if both Party’s worked together.  Also, will someone check what is in the water cooler?  The Mayor is up there 7-10 times a meeting filling his cup and gets redder as the meeting progresses.

In the Mayor, Saratoga Springs has a person who not only runs meetings like he was a judge in a court room ( a position he could never attain), but twists the legal parts of our Charter to fit his need for power while ignoring those laws that he should follow.  The Mayor seems to be getting worse every week at flaunting the laws of the city while totally disregarding specific laws dealing with the rights of the other 4 Commissioners, all the while blaming it on political games that the are being played and holding him hostage.  One could not even make this up if they tried and it is really getting sad that by his actions he is not only making himself a laughing stock in the City but also in the Capital District.

At the 2 minute time period allowed for citizens to air thoughts to the Council, Bill McTygue argued that the water sales concerning Saratoga Springs selling water to Wilton may not be in the City’s best interest.  There are 16 homes now that will benefit and the Mayor gave the total of 25 homes/businesses.  There is another 75-80 acres that could be developed in the area discussed and I wouldn’t doubt that the Mayor and Skip have already had discussions with a developer.  Anyway, Mr. McTygue was gaveled down the minute he uttered the evil words that the Mayor does not run a transparent government.  When the Mayor was asked there should be more time for citizens to have discussion on the matter before anything was signed as 2 minutes was not enough time for discussion on such an important matter he was ruled out of order and the Mayor himself looked like he wanted to tackle him for using the word transparent.

It was good that the next 2 speakers, Mark Lawton and Charles Morrison insisted that this issue should have a long period of time set aside for citizen discussion, but Johnson and Scirocco will not stand for this and the Mayor will find some word to do an end around the Council even if it means going to court.  Bill, run for DPW please!!

Let’s look at another example that took place at Tuesday’s meeting worthy of showing Johnson’s Napoleon complex.  He has started the process for the Comprehensive Plan Review as called for in the Charter, which gives him that duty as Mayor to initiate.    The law 2.8, Sec. states:

“Initiation of reviews. The Mayor shall cause a review of
the City Comprehensive Plan and City Charter to be
conducted periodically. The City Comprehensive Plan shall
be reviewed at least every five years, commencing with the
effective date of this Charter. The City Charter shall be
reviewed at least every 10 years commencing with the
effective date of this Charter.”

As said, the Mayor has caused the review, but nowhere does it state that he/she can appoint all members of the Committee, again, a run around of the law where he manipulates said law that he says indicates gives him the power to do so.  This is sad that a person (Mayor Johnson) has to have complete control when the law does not give him that right (lawyers, should never hold public office).  As Elmer Fudd once said 'there hasn’t been a law that I can’t manipulate' you wascially wabit.

We at the Justice League hope that enough people will see the long list of cover ups and huge mistakes that the Mayor and his Deputy have made during their administration.  I would hope that Sutton will be once again working among the dead after November.


  1. Every five years for a review...well what has taken so long to show the document that is sitting on his desk or dusty bookshelf. yes brothers and sisters there was a Comprehesive Plan Review that you bought and paid for that has never seen the light of day. That is because our little mayor can not take credit for it. So instead lets start one again.That is OK, because the taxpayer is paying for it!! AGAIN.
    Because of his lack of professionalism, the city has been operating on a 12 year old comprehensive plan. So What is up with that?

    1. Remember, nothing good happens unless he has his hands wrapped around it or in cases where boards should be calling the shots he or Shauna are telling them what to do and how to do it. Did you ever think why he has replaced all retiring seats occupied by Democrats on the important boards with Republicans? He is the only Mayor in Saratoga history that has not nominated a member of the opposite Party and all seats are now being held by Republicans. Can you say "TRANSPARENCY"?

  2. i have been following the news reports on this issue and It appears that this Wilton Water deal is nothing more than an attempt by Scirocco and Johnson to take care of their developer friends in the Town of Wilton. By having city taxpayers pay for a new million dollar project, installing new wells and related infrastructure all necessary to supply water to hundreds of new homes in Wilton they are simply abandoning their responsibility to City taxpayers by subsidizing new development in the Town of Wilton.
    Sounds like a good deal? Only if you live in Wilton or if you are the developer benefiting from the City's generosity.. Nice job Mayor! And forget Scirocco…he's to stupid to even understand his pockets are being picked!

  3. Skippy's stupid there no doubt about that, but I'll bet his pockets are getting "stuffed" by his development friend, Belmonte not picked!

    1. Let's not call him stupid. I think the position is a little over his head.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...