Tuesday, July 15, 2014


First Mark Baker the head of the City Center wanted the City to be Lead Agency for the Racino expansion project. The expansion project is a force of evil for Baker and the City Center Board and now he does not want the City to be Lead Agency but wants the City Center to have that designation.  I guess Baker wants to decide who does what in Saratoga.   The big piece of information Baker has not let out of the bag is ‘how many conventions and conferences Saratoga turns away every year that the City will now be able to host with the proposed Event Center.  The City is becoming home to more and more hotels and the City Center is probably near its maximum rental capacity as Baker points out in his annual reports to the Council that convention days are increasing to the limit.

Baker is one of the highest paid City employees and the next bit of news may earn him the top spot on the list.  Have you noticed that the parking garage the City Center is proposing is slated to start construction in September?  I think that since the time between now and Labor Day is so crazy in Saratoga and many of the citizens who live here are either on vacation or have rented their houses or just can’t get downtown, it is a stretch to have all the preliminary work plus the open public comment periods during this time.  However, the information spinning out of City Hall and the Convention Center is that if Baker gets the parking garage rushed through and gets started in September he gets a nice fat bonus and a raise in salary, could that be why Mayor Yepsen wants a few more Director’s on the Board?  Maybe the current Board caves in to easily.

The new racing poles downtown look good, I wish they would get rid of the ballet butts though and get the horses out but we can’t have everything.  I was walking downtown the other day with some friends and we were crossing Broadway from the Downtowner side when we noticed the grass on the corner under the sign was high up and touching the bottom of the sign.  Hey  its tourist season, tidy up Broadway.  There also have been many complaints to DPW about the state of the Woodlawn Ave. Parking garage.  The place stinks and the residents do just about everything in there except take a bath.  Skip, it should be cleaned once a week.  Get Petunia over there to clean it when her crew is done watering the flowers.

Last time we told you about Marilyn Rivers letting the Marion Ave. garage park it’s vehicles on City property and what her reasoning is in allowing this to go on.  Well after an email to her the practice is still going on, so if an accident happens over there shouldn’t Ms. Rivers be personally liable?  Also, we spoke of the eyesore that serves as a storage facility for DPW on the same lot and it is still in bad shape.  Skip, can’t you have someone with a weed whacker like Tim get out there and trim around the building and lop down the scrub trees hugging the building?


  1. He makes almost as much as the city engineer and some policeman,how about yepsen screwing up another deal cap?,first the racino deal now the collamar deal that nobody knows anything about,hopefully the skipster can put a plug in this one........rumor around town cap has yepsen running for assembly....cities' gain states' loss,-----the skipster machine is eyeing the Mayors' office.

    1. Did you just move to Saratoga? The property transaction has been known by Saratogians for 1 1/2 years and Skip voted for the transfer last year. Wake up and pay attention.

    2. The Skipster has been known to go south on issues from time to time,like the expansion of the racino...pay attention ok....cap? when will yepsen take a stand on this stupid land swap......I mean this is why I'm against this and why it's no good for the city......that kind of stand,or will she remain mute and go south.

    3. In a Times Union story from the meeting last night, it was reported "Public Safety Commissioner Chris Mathiesen postponed a council vote to authorize the land deals Tuesday so council members could closely review the contracts and work out a few outstanding details. Each council member said they would likely vote for the land deals when they come up again, probably at the council's Aug. 5 meeting.

      "I have no problem with the 9P contract," Mayor Joanne Yepsen. The contract for the downtown lot needed clarification, she said.
      So, mayor Yepsen said she is for the deal and has not been 'mute' and EVERY Council member said they would likely vote for it. It is a good deal for everyone so I am positive it will pass 5-0. As far as Skip going south on the racino deal he has been against any form of gambling in Saratoga dating back to before his days as a Supervisor and was one of the very few who voted against the Racino coming to Saratoga in the beginning.

    4. Before scott left office the then Council voted 5 to 0 in favor of the racinos' gaming expansion----after yepsen became mayor the had another vote on the same resolution this time they all voted no....fact....you can have all five of these wonders,the land swap will only benefit the Aronsons....what will be the costs to the taxpayers..seems funny madigan has no numbers,people in the know, know this is the wrong deal including no stand yepsen.

    5. I guess you feel that if you say the same wrong thing enough it will come true. I find that Yepsen has taken a stand on everything, the deal with the Casino came about because of lack of information and that the City was not involved. The small SAVE group did not have as much of an impact as the lack of any control by the City did, but I don't know where you come up with any of the Council not taking a stand.

  2. Is she concerned about how much money the police and firemen are making?

  3. Where did that panty-waist Mark Baker get so much power? Isn't he a city employee? Isn't he beholding to the taxpayers of our city?
    But then, the same old cronies like Dalton are on the board.

    What is with the post you made several days ago about water and NYRA and then it is gone? Is this the pot calling the kettle black?

    1. Not at all. The computer I have with me out west is giving me problems loading up the post, it will be uo soon.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...