Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Bill McTygue has announced his Deputy if he should win the DPW post.  Pat Design, Deputy Commissioner under both former Commissioner Tom McTygue & current Commissioner Skip will be the new Deputy.

For the past 2 weeks I have been getting blasted with Republican political flyers in the mail or on my door knob.  All I can say is that they are either nervous about losing or have some big money to spend (in most cases via big builders).

Although some have good information like Wirth, who we picked to defeat Matheisen for the good of Saratoga Springs, some are just laughable.

One of these jokes came in the mail today ‘A Personal Message from Four Former Mayors’, this was the headline in the return address spot.  I first thought it was restaurant coupons for 4 Guy’s Hamburgers but I opened it and lo and behold it was a letter denouncing Mayor Yepsen (what a surprise) and extolling the former Army man and who now advises homeowners associations. While it doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to run for office (we now have a librarian, dog catcher and dentist among our City’s leaders, I guess an advisor to homeowner associations is ok.  They disparage Yepsen’s accomplishments which are many (more in 2 years than Johnson had in 6) and one profound statement about secrecy ‘too many closed to the public Executive Sessions’.  This statement had to be written by someone that knows nothing about City government because all Executive Sessions are held behind closed doors.  The candidate John Safford extolls his plans if elected, JOHN, Mayor Yepsen has your plans already in operation, get your own.

The letter contains more political dribble but most of it is nonsense.  The letter is signed by 4 former Mayor’s whose terms except Mayor A.C. Riley were a joke.  The other three are Scott ‘red face’ Johnson, Mayor J. Michael ‘smiley’ O’Connell, please don’t get me started about him and Mayor Jim ‘where am I’ Murphy, who’s tenure was 1966-1969 when Saratoga was really rocking (right).    I wonder why they didn’t get one of the good Mayor’s,  Mike Lenz’s signature.

The next piece of paper was a door hanger to vote for Skip Scirocco.  His flyer is even more hysterical:
Fixed longstanding infrastructure problems

Upgraded the City water facility filters (gee, you should have done that anyway)

Fixed neighborhood flooding issues (don’t tell anyone living in Geyser Crest about this, they have been calling you for years about this problem and you ignore the pleas.)
Resolved decades long water capacity resource (this is just an outright joke, the ‘new’ holes he dug would not supply the City with enough water for a day in a drought or any new building.  As a matter of fact he had said he fixed the water supply in the Crest however anyone we talk to has water pressure so low they can pee a stronger stream.
Improved safety at dangerous intersections- where and how?

It gets better:

City Hall – restored the steps and lions (contracted out the work)

Canfield Casino is now handicap accessible (I guess he didn’t see the ramp on the side when he was first elected)

Saratoga Lake – new park & entranceway (the Park was in planning when you were still a dog catcher)

Flowers, leaf pickup & snow removal, accomplished with professionalism under Skip’s leadership.  (Seriously?  All three have deteriorated every year under your leadership.)
You left out one thing – how lousy downtown and the garages look, both have one thing in common, they look dirty.

Just a comment about this race.  A person’s last name should not disqualify them for a shot to win an election, if the person is qualified then he or she should at least be considered.
If your son shoots someone and kills that person does that mean you should be looked upon as those who look at your son?  Each of us is his own person and should be judged on their merits.

It seems in Saratoga, many City dwellers hold a grudge for life.
Please look at the previous post and see who we backed for elected office, and next time you are at Four Mayors order your burger medium with fries. 


  1. Skip also accomplished giving away $900,000 worth of water connection fees to Sonny without council approval, then convinced the council to delete the fees altogether because he didn't need the money. Accomplished deleting the hookup fees & increased homeowners water bill. He also accomplished having two more lawsuits filed against him. One filed by his employee Stan Borden (the person he blamed for giving away the $900,000, surprised he didn't blame the McTygues), the second by independent builders he continued to charge the connection fee after it was abolished. Reelecting Scirocco is the worst thing that can happen to our city.

    1. So true, he blames everything on the McTygues, I'm surprised he doesn't blame them for how dirty Broadway and the streets in general look. If I were the DBA and have to pay a special assessment I think I would have Skip come on Broadway and show him the filth, if they can find him.

  2. Oh, by the way, in the letter by the Four Mayor's they refer to the fact that Stafford has been calling for a debate and Yepsen refuses. Well last night,guess what? There was a debate between the two and Yepsen crushed Stafford. Clearly he will not be the savior the Republicans and Madigan & Matheisen think he will be. This had to be set up a while ago and here the Four Muchachos fibbed again.

  3. Safford only asked for the extra debates in the press. As far as I know neither he or any member of his campaign staff contacted the Mayor or her staff with this request. Thus, the word refusal is incorrect at best and a lie at worst. After his lackluster (being very kind here) performance last evening, he should be glad he's not had other debated. He could only look even worse.

  4. The Republicans are trying to keep their majority with the election of Stafford, Madigan & Matheisen. We need to keep these three from getting elected for Saratoga to benefit & prosper.

  5. The PACers are going to win the game.
    They have a good offense, and will need to improve their defense after the elections next week. These polo shirted fortunate sons need to start wearing socks with their loafers. That fashion went out in the 80s.

  6. A friend sent me this and it's a riot. Sure as hell makes Madigan appear as she really is. (The Wicked Witch of the West)

  7. 1:33 PM. You need to include Scirocco in that equation!

  8. Bedbugs & Sewer Flies in city hall 4 who knows how long & employees were never notified of the issue???? Another example of Scirocco's incompetence & someway somehow he'll blame in on the McTygues. This issue tells me that Skip the Flees Scirocco isn't properly supervising his three employees responsible for the cleaning of the building. He's so far over his head he can't even supervise this!!!

  9. I've heard from a few DPW employees that Scirocco & Donna Buckley knew about this problem for a long while but told his city hall cleaner Johnny Wine to b quite about it until after the elections.

    1. I have also heard that city hall employees were not told about this when it started. Can you imagine going home with bed bugs on your cloths or sewer mites crawling you during the time you work and the DPW Director never let's anyone know about it? Gee, this sounds like another deal (that dealt with money) that Skip never said anything about until he was caught.

  10. Same as the olden days, the days of John T. Roohan and Jim Foley, Rod Sutton's daddy, Sonny's daddy .....yes his daddy also ran for office.....not much has changed. These are the PACers. The family lineage hasn't changed much over the years, sort of like the family of the Queen of England. They don't do much, but you just can't shake loose from that family heritage. The inherited money, the back room deals, the coercion, the threats, etc etc.
    They timed their mailings so perfectly. Send the mailers out at the very last moment. Don't give the opponents a chance to respond. It's an old and tired method that goes back decades.
    Same families though. Same political connections.
    Get ready for the final slam dunk mailing, probably timed for the eve of election day. Some things never change.

    1. You can make a bet on it. The Republicans are great at this, so look for Madigan, Mathiesen & Scirocco to be behind the mailings Mon. and or Tuesday.

  11. When the election is over can we please talk about some issues that are plaguing Saratoga? There is black mold in the Allen Drive apts. and how come owner Michael Mone gets away with it? Is the city going to build a monorail to get to and from new micro and super expensive apt buildings that are almost popping out of the ground overnight? This city is becoming a shit show. Who the hell is in charge?

    1. No one is in charge. This is the commission form of government.

  12. you can always just move,the form of gov't ain't the problem.

    1. well, you could always move and maybe a different form might help, who knows? This must be Skip, (ain't?). In his 30 some years as a dog catcher his favorite song was 'You ain't nothin but a hound dog'!

    2. ain't that the truth.

  13. Why should I and others move? I'm from here. I thought residents had a say in what happens in their community. I'm tired of the same people getting the sweetheart deals while everyone else is supposed to be okay with the town being bulldozed apart. There is no democratic process to the way this community is being run. It is just a smaller version of what is happening on the national level. The store is being given away.

  14. 3:34 U r absolutely right & the commissioner of DPW has given away $900,000 to Sonny & there's an investigation being completed by the Attorney General's office.

  15. Wait a minute!!! Rivers & Scirocco have gone on record that there was only 1, I say 1 bed bug in City Hall. How in the hell can that (a) even be possible and (2) even proved? Nymphs or juvenile bed bugs range from the size of a bed bug egg (0.09 inches, 2.5mm) to the size of full adult bed bugs at ( 0.18 inches, 4.5mm). For reference, 0.1 inches is slightly over the thickness of a quarter. Adult bed bugs are approximately the size of an apple seed.
    So, Rivers & Scirocco must have x-ray vision to scout out only 1 bed bug. I think the rest of the infestation are in their heads.

  16. Lets not forget that Marilynn Rivers got an 18K permanent pay raise approved by the city counsel, PAYOFF
    It is also a fact that she does not live in the city but off of exit 19, I thought that all professional positions in city hall must be residents of the city ????
    Also there is a secret passage from civil service to city hall,,, all the switch boxes have no covers and open wires,,, and the stairs are broken Who inspected this ??????

  17. Rumor is Rivers was filmed on sat yelling, cursing and spitting at DPW workers over not wearing seatbelts. Do you have that video?

  18. I hope she doesn't chew tobacco, those stains are hard to get out.

  19. Just an update on the bed bug at City Hall. Marilyn Rivers & Skip Scirocco both said there was only 1 bed bug in City Hall. The extermination fee for that bed bug over the weekend was said to be $20,000.00, that's right twenty thousand dollars for 1 bed bug according to the above mentioned two people. This why you re-elected Skip as Commissioner of Public Works. Scirocco 'doing what's best for Saratoga'

  20. It is so very disappointing that the people of this city re-elected this guy again!!! All I can say they deserve service & accomplishments this Commissioner can't produce & all the lies/blame he does produce. I hope the AG investigation will finally expose this man for what he is!

  21. You people make me laugh.

    1. I'm glad we can bring some humor into your life but if you are laughing at what our Council specifically Scirocco, Matheisen and Madigan are doing you lead a very somber life my friend..

    2. I'm glad we can bring some humor into your life but if you are laughing at what our Council specifically Scirocco, Matheisen and Madigan are doing you lead a very somber life my friend..

  22. Get ready to see the bars close at 2 am.
    Get ready for Maddy to back the National Golf proposal (PACer support)
    Get ready for Franck to back the National Golf proposal (PACer support)
    Get ready for Skippy to ask for more personnel. And get pressure from PAC.
    Gotta love it.

  23. I hope the National Golf proposal goes through, it will add to Saratoga as a tourist attraction, it will also be so far back on his property that no one will see it and the City benefits as 93 acres will remain forever green. Let's hope Madigan, Matheisen & Scirocco will be taken out of office after the AG's investigation is over.

  24. The Anderson verdict against the City....another 1,000,000 the city has to come up with will the phoney green belt...maybe this AO madigan can try and change the zoning...lol....sorry days are ahead!

  25. One can only hope that the Attorney General's investigation concludes with Scirocco being indicted!

  26. Scirocco gave a developer a 1,000,000 gift and he did it because he's a nice guy,wonder what the prevailing rate is for a politician 10% of the action,nice pay day!

  27. You mjght as well shut down.bring back demroc!

  28. New material please. I hear that the Lake Local is getting rid of the trailer park and building a motel. Any truth to the story?

  29. It's been 12 days since thhe leaves have been out. Broken bags, leaves all over streets and back in yards, and citizens paying double to have them picked up. We will be collecting the leaves in a caravan of trucks and vans and placing them on the city hall steps. Maybe Scirrco will pick them up. Ya think?

    1. I am putting this post up now because of the terrible job Scirocco is doing running DPW and getting the leaves picked up, (in some areas it has been 3 weeks since there has been a pickup). Thank goodness it hasn't snowed, I just can't wait to see what kind of job snow removal will be like this winter. I will add this one to the next article I am composing. It is a terrible thought that we have to put up with the Terrible Trio for another 2 years. The Republicans cannot put up competent opponents anymore and Skip has joined the 2 Democrats against Party suggestions that he stop being a patsy.

  30. On tonight's meeting docket for $29500 bill for legal services related to the ongoing Department of Public Works
    water connection and related legal matters.

    "City of Saratoga Springs, NY
    Agreement Addendum
    This Addendum, between FitzGerald, Morris, Baker & Firth, PC, with offices at 16 Pearl
    Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801( hereinafter “ consultant”) and the City of Saratoga Springs,
    474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 ( hereinafter “City” ) entered into between the
    above referenced parties on the effective date of December 31, 2014 is hereby added to the
    original Agreement of this same date.
    The City and the Consultant entered into an agreement dated December 31, 2014, which is
    attached hereto Exhibit A. This agreement addendum amends that agreement as follows:
    1. The period of the agreement is amended to be between December 31, 2014 and
    December 31, 2016.
    2. The total amount of fees is amended to be not in excess of $29,500.00.
    The Consultant will continue to provide services as outlined in the agreement approved by
    the City Council on December 31, 2014 related to the ongoing Department of Public Works
    water connection and related legal matters.
    All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement remain the same.
    The parties, having agreed to the terms and the recitals set forth herein, and in relying
    thereon, herein sign this Agreement.
    FitzGerald, Morris, Baker & Firth, PC City"

  31. On tonight's meeting docket for $29500 bill for legal services related to the ongoing Department of Public Works
    water connection and related legal matters.

    "City of Saratoga Springs, NY
    Agreement Addendum
    This Addendum, between FitzGerald, Morris, Baker & Firth, PC, with offices at 16 Pearl
    Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801( hereinafter “ consultant”) and the City of Saratoga Springs,
    474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 ( hereinafter “City” ) entered into between the
    above referenced parties on the effective date of December 31, 2014 is hereby added to the
    original Agreement of this same date.
    The City and the Consultant entered into an agreement dated December 31, 2014, which is
    attached hereto Exhibit A. This agreement addendum amends that agreement as follows:
    1. The period of the agreement is amended to be between December 31, 2014 and
    December 31, 2016.
    2. The total amount of fees is amended to be not in excess of $29,500.00.
    The Consultant will continue to provide services as outlined in the agreement approved by
    the City Council on December 31, 2014 related to the ongoing Department of Public Works
    water connection and related legal matters.
    All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement remain the same.
    The parties, having agreed to the terms and the recitals set forth herein, and in relying
    thereon, herein sign this Agreement.
    FitzGerald, Morris, Baker & Firth, PC City"



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...