Sunday, February 17, 2019


Running for political office in Saratoga Springs is anything but predictable.  If you get elected to office as one of the Commissioners you could have the position for life.  This is the only City in America that has a very hard time having challengers to run for entrenched politicians.  Saratoga Springs has 3 Commissioners that have won at least 5 two year terms and I think only 1 time each candidate had an opponent. 

Again, this form of government shows why it needs changing if not only to have different people with various backgrounds run for office but also have transparency in government.

The two most non transparent offices holders are Madigan & Scirocco.  The citizens should just ask Madigan just how much this new (free) fiber optic network will cost citizens and if she says nothing then burn her to the stake.  Scirocco doesn’t tell us about any harmful water problems and just brushes them away with more chlorine to the point that our once great drinking water could only beat a fish infested swimming pool water, great going Scirocco.

The Democratic Party will be showing how pitiful they are if people come forward to primary the 3 dems running in 2019.  They are a step above the Republican Party however who has a disbarred attorney running the show and can’t get a Republican elected (Scirocco is a RINO and sides with whatever the 4 Democrats want). 

We’ll see how this is played out but don’t expect too much.


  1. How can Scirocco run again? The way he has brought the City down as one of the dirtiest in the area also how disgusting and dangerous condition of the streets all year long and the idiocy of snow removal of our streets under his supervision and lack of debris pick up during the year and not picking up leaves until they are plowed with the first snowfall. This all leads to the fact that he has never been right for the position and has deteriorated from there should disqualify him from winning another term, just because you grew up in this City doesn't qualify you for political office, dog catcher maybe but not a Commission seat.

  2. Do the math. How many city DPW employees were hired by Tommy? Those employees owe their jobs to Tommy and Billy. Those tommy and Billy employees are doing everything they can to make Skippy look bad. And they are doing a very good job at it. If you don't know who Tommy, Billy and Skippy are, then just go ahead blindly into the mist. You will find many newbies, second-home owners and elitists there.

    1. I'm shedding a tear. Tommy & Billy had the City winning awards and your comment proves the point that Skippy can't handle employees, dogs maybe but not DPW workers. Maybe he should let the mental midget Madigan loose on the help.

  3. The present city council is functioning the way the commission form is supposed too work non partisan and deal with issues as a's so much better.

  4. Madagain still is still angry about your blog even though you do nothing. She also thinks you are Pat Kane, talk about defemation of character. See JK's blog, Saratoga in Decline. No sorry, Saratoga Politics where Madagain posted a comment.

    1. Personally I could care less what Madigan feels. She is always angry and bitter. Unfortunately I really don't read other blogs, however a friend on the Democratic Committee told me that they endorsed all the candidates who ran unopposed in the past and some will face a primary challenge. I believe endorsements should be given until there is a Primary winner. Let's hope the dreaded Republicans primary Skippy, gosh the City gets worse every year.

  5. Finally some competition. Meg Kelly is a modern day Benedict Arnold.
    I voted for her...never again



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...