Sunday, May 19, 2019


This year in Saratoga Springs there will be one primary and it is June which was moved up from September.  This does not allow enough time to make the rounds if you are challenging an incumbent who has a pocketbook full of money.

The challenger against Michelle Madigan is Patty Morrison.  Patty is more than suited for the position and Madigan is putting us in financial trouble (no matter what she says) in the near future.

What was the Republican Party put a candidate up to run against Madigan or Morrison but he was only a patsy and when his petition signatures were found to be bogus he had to drop out of the race.  The Republicans only put him up to fail and some say that the Republican Party will endorse Democrat Madigan.

Madigan is neither a friendly or respectful to her constituents and sometimes downright vile.  

Her work over her long tenure has been mostly good but her decisions in the last few years have put Saratogians in a position to pay big time in the future.  She hasn’t done much that anyone familiar with budgets including big budgets not just library budgets such as she was used to put together before being elected and truth be told she was blessed with terrific Deputy Commissioners.   The problem with that position in Saratoga is if you need to raise taxes instead of spending down some rainy day fund you do not get re-elected and she has been a master at spending at a future cost to future Saratoga Citizens, some of who might be your children or grandchildren.

Along with her joke of a fiber optic deal she made and her stance on the hospital takeover of residential space (remember we get no taxes from the Hospital) when the Hospital has other options is disconcerting.  She is holding off a vote until after the Primary.

Madigan will also have to recuse herself on every vote that Attorney Matt Jones comes before the Council with.  He has held Madigan fundraisers at his personal residence and that jeopardizes every vote that she casts for any of his projects including the Hospital, it is unethical to buy votes.  

I see in today’s paper that Jane Weihe, a very sour old time Saratogian who was defeated in every political race she ever entered and who some say is a retired teacher who was lucky to have tenure is backing Madigan and bad mouthing Madigan’s opponent when in these times it is refreshing to have a primary especially when the opposing party never runs a candidate or sometimes runs candidates who have literally no idea of the department they will be running as is the case in the DPS race this year with real estate salesperson- wannabe socialite Robin Dalton who may know a little bit of Public Safety from the other side but has no idea of what it takes to run Police, Fire and other departments.  Her current position on allowing guns in schools may even be a problem for her.

Stay tuned.


  1. WE NEED to take Mad-Again Out!!!
    She's cost us Too Much Money.....
    $1 million in water hook up fees, etc
    Anyone willing to Help?

    1. Try arguing with facts and perhaps you could get taken seriously.

    2. Think again little skippy jr.......

  2. Madigan has never met a gallon wine bottle she didn't like, full or empty. What is going on with her and Jones anyway?

  3. Please tell me just what qualifications Ms. Morrison has - you indicate she is well qualified yet mention not one of those.

    1. Morrison is a product marketing manager at CommerceHub with 25 years of experience managing multi-million-dollar projects with Fortune 500 Companies such as Panasonic, Citibank, and Canon. She has more knowledge about budgets and business than our current Commissioner whose claim to fame before she was elected was that she managed a library budget. Madigan has put the City in peril with her spending and deals she has made such as the fiber optic 30 year deal she signed. We will lose millions of dollars from our current cable company and the cost to a homeowner to run a line to their house will cost them. A 30 year deal? That is unheard of. Putting a 750,000.00 bathroom in her office with an extra large toilet and a HUGE seat for her pompous butt is another. It is said that on a woman's trip for a protest the bus had to wait awhile for her to get there then when she arrived she was plastered out of her mind. This is not the way a City Official should present herself but with her it is the norm. Also, Madigan better check her ethics which have been suspect for years. "..The practice of accepting campaign donations from individuals currently doing business before the City Council is a clear violation. Her partnership with Matt Jones who does business before the Planning Board and Council should be cause for her to abstain on any issue Jones brings before her. Morrison states "When I talk to citizens, they tell me we are becoming a city for wealthy tourists, rather than for residents. We need to make development about what is best for the city, not what’s most profitable for the developers." Madigan has been in the forefront of this, she would rather cater to the wealthy rather that the every day hard working citizens most of whom she treats like dirt. Attend Council meeting and see how she treats anyone who dares disagree with her.

    2. You're still touting the false claim that she is putting in a $ 750,00 bathroom. You are either evil or a fool who simply wants more fools to follow your BS. Are you sure you're not related to Trump?

    3. Sorry Boss but the $750,000.00 stands and no I am not related to Trump.

    4. May not be related to him yet you use "facts" the same way he does. You know that the above is a lie yet you continue to put it out there. The $ 750,00 was for a huge project that included the entire Finance Department that was in terrible shape with holes in the floors, etc. The finance department was the only department that did not have its' own staff bathroom - it was not intended to be a private bathroom for Madigan. I don't know why I try to be logical or factual here - it is clear you have no interest in facts - Should I call you delusional or simply liar?

    5. Sorry Michelle, to many insiders say the same thing. The regular bathrooms are just to small for you. Now you can admit that was the beginning of a $750,000.00 bathroom at least and since when are you logical? Delusional and a Liar you are!

  4. Morrison is loco not local she is being used by people who know less than change here maybe "The party of the Straight Jackets" should go away!!!! Patty says "We are becoming a city of wealthy tourists" after all she's right we should be a town of poor tourists, think she's a feather-brain?? You Win.

    1. Ha Ha. All Madigan wants is the wealthy to be in Saratoga and Morrison knows more about finances on one finger than Madigan knows on all ten of hers and her toes. When Madigan is sober which isn't very often she doesn't have a clue on making contracts as referenced by the above example. She is known as the Ice Queen for good reason except to men like Matt Jones and the like. Ethically she hasn't got a clue and the Atty General should look at every vote she took that she voted yes to every deal Matt Jones brought before the Council.

  5. I was on the bus to the 2017 Women's March that Michelle Madigan was riding. I give her credit for going, but beyond that it was a nightmare dealing with her. Her over inflated ego was obvious as soon as she boarded the bus. She cannot help herself.."I did this" "I did that" endlessly. When it came to depart and head back home to Saratoga Springs, Michelle was no where to be found. We waited 2 HOURS for her and a friend to board the bus. We were so mad that we waited 2 hours only find that she and her friend were DRUNK out of their minds. No apologies were made. She is and was so completely rude and obnoxious. The ride home with that DRUNKEN bitch was terrible. Vote Her Out in June.

    1. Try to have facts. Michele, I and several others were trapped on a broken down subway car for two hours. That's why we were late. If you're going to criticize someone at least do it knowing what you are talking about. And, we were NOT drunk - we had had nothing to drink all day. There were some drunk on the bus but it was NOT Michele. Shame on you for spreading false information.

    2. Sorry Ms. Lasalle, but I was on the bus with Susan and Madigan was totally inebriated as she is at some Council meetings. As far as your credibility, by the way you shafted Mayor Yepsen you are a disgrace.

  6. Me shaft the Joanne. My dear, you clearly either don't care for facts or don't have them. Perhaps you are (either an actual Mctygue) a Mctygue sycophant or you've drank too much of the bitter cool aid. If anyone shafted anyone it was the other way around. So, I dare you - ask her how many times I covered her butt because she couldn't make a morning meeting - either still drunk or too hung over. Ask her how many times she had me order her lunch and then "forgot" to pay me back. Ask her about the day I spent driving her around after her car got repossessed (and until this day, never said that publicly). Ask her about the abuse I took from her friends (Mytygues, Watson and Leidig) My only regret is that I didn't leave her when I began to realize that she is truly nuts and one of the most "using" person I've ever known. That said, as long as I was working for her I maintained my loyalty (unless you count the fact that I rebelled against being told who I could be friends with on my own time). If you really want facts, talk to someone other than those (same ones I mentioned before) who use her as much as she uses them.

    Oh, I could go (and I just might sometime in the near future - I can see a book coming on) but then you wouldn't believe me. The blinders have been put on way too tight.

    Note: I'm using my real name. I'm willing to put my name where my mouth is. YOU?

    1. Your lunacy is showing through and talk about me being affected by the 'bitter cool aid', I saw you in action, that is why you and Madigan make a great couple with a wine bottle. The McTygue's have been out of office for what 12 years now? If you were verbally abused you probably deserved it because all you do is whine whenever you speak. I got this from the horses mouth, YOU and your loyalty was always to Madigan not to Yepsen. As far as 'never paying you back' you were probably ahead from the money she spent on your boozing. You certainly pushed your way into Yepsen's circle and acted like Mary Lou but as I said you are a disgrace and anyone that knows you has a saying, stay away from LaSalle! Sad but true.

  7. The Mctygue's maybe out of office but they are not out of the picture. Tommy was out on Henning RD in a brown pick up truck from the Hareness track putting up sign for Patty Morrison. And all three brothers were out caring her petitions, they didn't do this out of the goodness of there heart. Looks like Billy has another girl friend he want in politics.

    1. FYI, that truck you saw Tom driving is his own personal truck.
      He put the track's name on his own truck......

  8. So, it's no right that the McTygue's put up signs or get petitions signed but it's ok for Madigan's sweetheart to host a fundraiser at his residence. Hmmm

  9. Ms LaSalle
    I know drunk when I see it and Ms Madigan was wasted.

  10. This is a direct reflection on the poor performance of Michele Madigan

    A review of taxes owed shows millions – yes, that’s right, millions – of uncollected, delinquent taxes.
    As most Saratoga Springs city homeowners prepare to pay their 2019 second quarter property taxes in the coming days, a surprisingly large number of taxpayers simply will not pay their taxes and, based on past experience, they probably see no reason why they should.
    A review of delinquent real property taxes in the spring of 2018 revealed nearly $2,700,000 owed to the City by nearly three hundred taxpayers. A more recent update of back taxes through the City website ( and Image Mate Online ( finds that, while some of these bills have been paid, albeit late, most of the largest older bills not only are still open, but taxpayers have not paid subsequent bills either. Thus, the outstanding tax with accruing penalties is now very likely well over$2,700,000 and climbing*.

    1. Well Sue we'll never be broke,funny I'm not hearing Patsy say she will go after these unpaid taxes....maybe she hasn't thought of it yet??

    2. Well Madigan, never say never. You should have been going after the nearly 3 million for quite a while now. Maybe you never thought about it. You are preoccupied with your $750,000.00 bathroom and where your next bottle of wine will come from and who will pay for it.

  11. Michele while we have you on the line. Why did you not pursue the violators? It is your issue not Ms Morrison's. You authorize the city to borrow money each week, yet there are MILLIONS owed to the city and you do nothing. I guess there are no photo opportunities doing collections.

  12. Michele Madigan your quotes "Well Sue we'll never be broke" is foolish. You have no problem collecting my taxes, yet your business buddies get a free pass. Were they at your recent fundraiser?

  13. I'm sure your myopathy won't allow you to believe this yet just in case there is a short window through which you can see the truth: (This is shortened to fit the maximum characters on this blog - you can find the full on

    For general information about how Saratoga Springs collects taxes, levies, and assessments, and when, why, and how the city places liens on property, etc., please see section 4.1, Tax Collector, of our City Charter.

    .., the vast majority of Saratoga Springs city taxpayers pay their property taxes in full and on time. In a typical year 95% to 98% of property taxes due are paid on time. Most property taxpayers pay their full annual bill in the 1st quarter of the year ..., due in part to the discount the Charter provides for doing so. Full payment during the first quarter provides the city with the benefit of excellent cash-flow year-in and year-out, and also helps us maintain our excellent AA+ Bond Rating. Non-payment of property taxes or certain other property-related fees due to the city results in monetary penalties and the placement of a lien or liens on the delinquent property or properties. Once this occurs the city becomes the primary lienholder on such property, ensuring that the city and its taxpayers will eventually receive all monies due from those parcels. ... Furthermore, the city can foreclose a parcel on which we have placed municipal liens through an In Rem process.

    ...Saratoga Springs has undertaken In Rem proceedings about once per decade. The last one was completed in 2012,.... As a result, the city was made whole on all back taxes, expenses, and fees associated with the complex In Rem proceedings, and.... time-consuming In Rem foreclosure action. Given our high compliance rate and speedy collection of property taxes, doing this annually is not cost effective – an annual process would likely cost the city’s taxpayers more than what is owed.... Furthermore, the law requires that the city allow taxpayers a reasonable amount of time to pay overdue taxes before taking possession of their property.... Every reasonable opportunity must be given to allow property owners to meet their legal obligations before taking drastic action against them.

    Under the current processes required by our City Charter and managed by the Finance Department, the city always collects all property related taxes and fees that are due. Eventually those monies and associated penalties find their way into the city’s coffers, but we shouldn’t and can’t act too precipitously or we risk taking away someone’s home when other solutions can be pursued. Balancing the interests of the City and its taxpayers in the aggregate with the interests of the individual’s subject to foreclosure proceedings in a cost-effective and compassionate manner is a challenge. In fact, during the 2012 In Rem process the City foreclosed on a home that was worth much more than the owner’s unpaid tax liability. We worked with the owner to find a solution, suggesting several options that would have allowed him to stay in his home and pay the city what was owed. Unfortunately he did not seem to comprehend the situation, and despite our repeated attempts to help him he did not pay his taxes and the city was forced to foreclose on his home, leaving him homeless. This was one of the most difficult things I have had to do since taking office, and not something I want to ever have to do again. Notwithstanding that, I will continue to do all that I can to protect the interests of this city and its taxpayers while striving to be both humane and efficient.

  14. Come on Pat K. everybody knows (except you) that bathroom cost and realty is fake news...I'll be waiting thou for Patsy's critique on what wine she favors and a also a step by step version on how she will collect these supposed unpaid taxes.

  15. Madigan, can't take responsibility for not collecting back taxes years ago which is part of your job, so blame it on Morrison, what a dummy you are, you didn't know a thing before you were elected except how to check out a library book for someone, get real.

  16. Madigan your slap at Morrison is comical. You didn't know everything when you were first elected to office and you are now starting to cost us taxpayers big money with the deals you are making. That being said Morrison will be able to handle the job in an expert way and she will have something you don't have and that's class. She will treat citizens in a respectful manner and not in the despicable manner that you do. Respect is a gift, being despicable is bred into a person and you of all people can't shake that quality.

  17. I can't help but notice that several of my comments - those that have actual facts in them or work towards being logical have not been approved and posted. Says some really poor things about the moderator of this blog.

    This likely won't get posted either yet at least the moderator will know that I'm paying attention to his bias.

  18. Unfortunately there are no other posts for me to put up, you must be having too much wine. I put all posts up and personally we don't give a hoot what really poor things some say. Most know the truth and Michele if it's like anything that was in the Saratogian article about 1/3 of it was true and you won't let citizens how you are putting us in peril with the decisions you are making. We may have money now but your spending down our rainy day funds and giving a company 60 years yes a potential 60 year contract for fiber is unheard of. You're slipping mentally and physically you are going down the tubes. How is Matt by the way?

  19. Why is Madigan, Kelly and Robin Dalton meeting with the County Republican Chairman?? Kelly is said to be reverting back to being a Republican and Madigan she is so screwed up a fat butt monkey could do her job.

  20. Michele Madigan...The Smart Cities contract creates enormous liability for Saratoga Springs. This first of two Smart Cities articles asks, “Why did our officials sign it?“

    On January 9, The Times Union reported the City last summer signed a long-term contract with SiFi Networks to “design, install and maintain a fiber optic network” for Saratoga Springs. The article quoted Michelle Madigan saying, “I started the Smart City Commission and this is one of the main projects to come out of it.” On the surface this seems like a no-brainer – bring really fast Internet connectivity to Saratoga Springs to stimulate economic growth. Madigan claims the agreement “will come at no cost to the city while also lowering the cost of being connected because multiple providers can hop on the network, giving consumers a choice. “SiFi will interface with the providers,” Madigan said. “The more providers they have, the more competition it opens up.” If only it were so…

    Let’s look at five main problems with the contract the city signed:

    Picture of micro-trenching machine. A study in Canada concluded, “Despite the advantages of micro-trenching, it is seldom used in cold regions because of the possible risks associated with it.” (FACETS, 2017:2)

    The contract lasts for 30 years, with an option at SiFi’s discretion to extend the contract for another 30 years. It’s SiFi’s choice whether to continue the contract, not the City’s.
    If SiFi does not deliver, the City cannot terminate the contract unless they pay all SiFi’s costs, investments, plus 10%. Otherwise, the city must allow SiFi to continue trying and must pay a monthly fee for any working connection SiFi installs (even if it takes 10 years). So, if SiFi connects the DPW building, but not the Municipal building, the city must pay for the DPW connection, even if it does not connect to the Municipal building.
    SiFi has never delivered a successful installation anywhere in the US. Over the past 5 years, it has made many proposals, but none have been implemented – except Wichita, KS where three municipal buildings have been connected (the Saratoga contract calls for several hundred connections). To lay cable, SiFi plans to use micro-trenching, which inserts cable into a small grove cut into the street. A Canadian study concluded that micro-trenching was risky in cold regions and many installers will not use micro-trenching in the Northeast, because of the risk of frost damage every winter.
    There is no Service Level Agreement – no guaranteed up time. If a cable is damaged by frost or for any other reason, SiFi has 120 days to fix the damage and no obligation to provide an alternative connection while repairs are underway. If the damage affects the Municipal building, the building will have no computer connection for up to 120 days. If SiFi is unsuccessful in 120 days, they get to keep trying, because the City cannot impose penalties and performance fees, or terminate the contract.
    There is no guarantee that Internet providers will sign up to deliver household connections to you and me. The contract just requires SiFi to provide connections to the City. They are not obligated to even try to recruit Internet providers.

    Ms. Madigan is quoted as saying, “”The city is fully cognizant of what we are doing. I’m not seeing the risks.” An inexperienced provider, 60 years of obligation, no way to terminate without huge costs to the City, no guaranteed level of service, no assurance households will ever benefit. No risks, fully cognizant?! Who read this contract?! Why was it signed?!


  21. You're a pretty disgusting individual Pat Kane. But you and the rest will be outed soon enough. Have a nice day!!! :)

    1. I will also say, you are a very disgusting person and always have been and have you come out yet?

    2. Wow, basically you went to ‘your gay.’ Nice work. I did not think you could get lower and crasser but good job your an inspiration and visionary.

  22. I just did yesterday. Ask Patty McTygue. ;) Have a nice day!!! :)

    1. I think they meant did you come out of the closet yet for like a Billy McTygue :)

    2. I don't have to come out for sh*t. I'm always open and honest, which bothers people that aren't. Not my prob. Bu the McTygue's are the worst thing that has ever happened to this city. That people still even listen to ANY of that faction is pretty sickening truthfully, because you know they are lying every time they take a breath.

      Oh! Hi Pat!

    3. The McTygue's were good for this City almost up to the end. They haven't been in office for what 12 years? Skippy has taken this city into the dump. The mere fact that you still keep the McTygue's name alive shows you must have been in their corner at one time. It's sad to say now you are a Kelly & Madigan boot licker

    4. Tom & Bill Mctygue love this city and it showed how hard they worked with the DPW crews to get things done and get them done right and within budget.
      They used DPW crews to do many things that skippy pays others to do at a higher cost, so sad.
      skippy has to go, he has wasted our tax dollars & the city looks like crap.
      Many people call others nasty names. Then others, like The Captain; don't call someone a name, they just point out what they are doing WRONG. That's the adult way to be.

    5. I agree with everything. You are right of course, Scirocco hires out too many jobs that his own crews could do and used to do. That keeps the men busy and saves the City quite a few dollars. His old line that he doesn't have enough workers is a fairy tale, he just doesn't know what he is doing. The sign of Madigan not winning a primary going away shows that these 3 can be beaten at election. Scirocco, Kelly and Madigan are all dead weight. Also thanks for the kind words.

  23. Why is Skippy cutting down all of the trees on Beekman Street with no notice

  24. What the hell is going on with the candidates in this years election? Who taps who on the shoulder? Robin Dalton is running for office and yet she has been burning bridges wherever she goes. I did hear a funny story though. She was recently terminated from Saratoga Living Magazine but she changed the passcodes on their computers so the magazine can't even access their own website!!! The magazine is shit under the new ownership. It was wonderful when Maria and Harry owned it. Saratoga like the rest of the nation is starving for real leadership and we as voters and residents are getting shafted. My two cents.

  25. The McTygue's have left office 12 years ago and Tom's time was up, maybe a little too late but when he was Commissioner the City was clean, Broadway was pristine, the City was winning awards, our lawn debris and leaves were picked up at least twice a week. Now, well the City is a dump and Scirroco can't blame it on the McTygue's. We need to get rid of Skippy before we say 'we left him in office a little too long'

  26. The voters end up holding the bag so to speak. Very few who hold public office actually care about the taxpayers of Saratoga. Reflective of New York State in general. Sad.

  27. Is the Democratic Party racist? Courtney DeLeonardis Chairwoman of the Democratic Party said in the Spring when Finneran was going to primary Hicks that the Committee would wait and see who won the primary and endorse the winner. Ha, it doesn't look like she keeps her word, Finneran backed out leaving Hicks as the Democrat candidate. Sounds fishy to me.

  28. Everyone got sent a notice that the trees were coming down. I received one.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...