Friday, August 2, 2019


The Democrat Party in Saratoga Springs as everyone knows by now is imploding.  The culprit who is behind  the ‘rats jumping ship’ is none other than the big RAT, Commissioner Madigan and those lemmings that worship at her feet and have resigned from the Executive Committee and today the other resigning Party traitors have done the Democrats a huge disservice.  The Democrats who cast their ballots in the June primary spoke with their votes to replace Madigan, now Madigan cried foul because voter turnout was low and she only lost by a handful of votes shows what a sore loser she is and what kind of character she possess.  A primary decides which person will be the Party’s standard bearer will be in the Fall election.  The former Executive Committee after being told what to do by Madigan wouldn’t make the call to back the winner and instead took the childish way out and resigned, and then Madigan worked her magic and had her friends resign today.  This shows Party loyalty? These people should be ashamed of themselves and registered Democrat voters should be embarrassed by those that represent them.  The person they should be embarrassed by most of all is Michele Madigan who planned this show from the beginning.

Madigan as the renegades said is the only one that can run the Finance department.  This statement is a slap in the face to any qualified person, (which Morrison is)  to run for office.  Is this the way Saratogians want elections to run?  We are once again moving to the back room deal making days which ignore the voters’ wishes when those wishes don’t agree with the Party leaders.

Those who resigned most likely shouldn’t have been on the Committee in the first place, most are political hacks who cry foul if they don’t get their own way, so their jumping ship was probably coming for a long time.

This is a great time for Morrison who can use this debacle to her advantage.


  1. Yup, we're going to make the Saratoga Springs Democratic Committee much Better and Very open to discussions. It's a Great New Day!!!

  2. You can count this Democrat as leaving the party and changing to an Independent. I heard the people that resigned were not active in the party and were in the pocket of Madigan anyway. If they were really democrats they would have backed the primary winner instead of all these problems. Charley Brown is a hack and the rest of those resigning are nothing but trouble makers on the committee. Madigan has the city in a difficult position with this 30 year deal for fiber optics using a company that has no prior experience with a city as large as Saratoga and if we want out we’ll have to pay a fortune (who’s got their hand in the cookie jar). Also, by not raising taxes for 8 years she has used our surplus instead and is further putting taxpayers in a position where we will be paying for a large tax increase in the near future, another 2 year term will also guarantee her a life time of insurance benefits paid by the city (us). Morrison knows her business and as far as I can see it is Madigan and her past committee members who are running a negative campaign.

    1. You said you are changing to an Independent?
      Do you mean a "NOP" No Party Affiliation? or do you mean the Independence Party?
      I would stay away from the Independence Party with Eddy Miller the Co Chair, who's under investigation for getting a contact with the city for supply energy. Having endorsed the entire council & given them money.....
      Plus the IP is like of a branch of the Republican party.
      Hey I'm just saying.....

    2. FYI Board of Elections designates a voter without a party affiliation as: "NOP"
      Also which are you Tim Moore or Captain America? Or both?

  3. Madigan and these democratic renegades seem to think that she is the only one that can run the finance department. What the hell did we do before her? She was a librarian for crying out loud.

    1. Of course she's not the only one. Yet, compared to Patty Morrison she's damn brilliant. Tell me one qualification of Morrison - other than the fact that she's sleeping with Billy McTygue and he thinks he can run the department if she wins and she'd likely be stupid enough to let him (or maybe need to let him since she won't be able to)

      Her claim of managing budgets is BS. The school board simply approves the budget - they don't develop it. Her full time job is a project manager and that in no way handles the type of budget she keeps saying she manages. BS on that.

      So, yes, right now, based on the candidates - Madigan is the ONLY one who can run the finance department and for a "librarian" she has done a pretty good job so far - the city is in much better position than it was 8 years ago - no matter what you think of her personally.

    2. 8 years ago? Are you kidding? She has taken the City down some dark alleys. So, Morrison sleeps with Mctygue and Madigan sleeps with Matt Jones so who's the worst?

  4. The winners here? Two winners. A couple new to-the-scene types. One is an out-front type; the other is a behind the scenes chess player. Master maneuvers by master technicians. New smarts. A new way of playing. Old is out, new is in. Too bad. Toss all the old trash out. Dance on the burning bodies. The world has changed. Put Charlie Brown and Michele Madigan's pictures on the wall and scribble the words Lost to Iime underneath both. Time keeps on Slipping, Slipping, into the Future. Dinosaurs did not last forever.

  5. Don't know why I'm surprised by your disinformation (give me one actual quote where Michele cried foul - not the same as assessing why she may have lost by 33 votes). Did she say it was rigged? Did she say it as unfair? Does she have a right to stay on the ballot and campaign. Oh, right, she does and that's what she's doing. And, there are many intelligent members of the Democratic committee that CHOSE of their own free will to leave. The only one doing anyone a disservice here is you by insinuating that they are a bunch of lemmings. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your ignorance.

    Bet this never sees the light of day but at least you got my message.

    1. Madigan cried over the fact that the turnout was low, it was not bad for a primary and if more people voted she would have lost by a wider margin. Madigan does have a right to be on the ballot but she gives up her position Democrat party, as far as those who left the party they were considered by many as dead weight and I can't think of any that were intelligent members. The only hope for this city is that Madigan, Kelly and Scirocco are gone by Dec. 31st.

    2. Why would you think it wouldn't see the light of day?????

  6. I just can't believe Kendall Hicks is living with the Chairperson of the city committee and is's ok?

    1. What? Hicks is living with Chris Obstarczyk the Chairperson of the Republican party? Only in Saratoga.

  7. Must be something new to write about Captain

  8. So the comptrolers office said it closed the investigation into water connection fees. They did not issue a report. Was no report issued because it has been forwarded to the Attorney Generals office for criminal investigation?

  9. Check out my new site here:

  10. How stupid can skip be.



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