Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Well it’s a New Year and let’s hope things won’t  be getting worse before they get better.  However, we still have Scirocco & Madigan in office and that could bring big problems.  Now that we have a new Mayor, my wish is that she can gavel Madigan (which will most likely be every meeting) down and put her in place as the Finance Commissioner not the out of control ego maniac  she is. If Mayor Kelly can accomplish one thing, that is to keep the Council meetings in check and moving along instead of letting Madigan bloviate, the city might get something done.

Skip Scirocco and The DPW/Water Department had a big problem with lead in the City’s drinking water in 2017. Additionally, at the end of 2017we found out even more  troubling news, Scirocco tried to hide facts from those who drink City water.   A locational average of four quarterly samples is used to determine compliance with the New York State public drinking water standard. Samples are collected at 4 locations within our system – Louden Rd., Van Rensselaer St., South Broadway and Skidmore College.  The report that he does not want you to know!

In samples collected during August of 2017, the average level of THMs was 82 micrograms per liter (ug/l) at the Skidmore College testing site.
The DPW report is understating the issue. Each testing location has to stand on its own per the USEPA Clean Water act as of 2013. Locational averages are no longer allowed. Further each position must carry that value for a full year as each measured position carries its each own average value over the course of a year.

In essence, prior to 2013, you could have a problem (hot spot) but white wash it away by averaging it across your whole system. That is no longer allowed. Each sample position carries a rolling 12-month average so 1 bad reading will have an impact for a year.

I’ve seen how poorly DPW/Water Department is negligent in their control of chlorine usage is. This is 100% a result of that lack of control and the fact that we have a shallow, organic ladened, surface water source. And poor leadership in DPW

There is a reason that back in 1977, we decided THMs and HAAs were important enough to regulate, start to monitor and establish increasing restrictions. 

Google the Saratoga County water system and the issues they had around 2013-2014 when multiple towns (Halfmoon for sure, I think CP too) shut off supply due to this issue).
It’s bullshit to suggest this is DPW report not a big deal.

THM’s According to a University of Florida report, exposure to THMs may pose an increased risk of cancer. According to Rebekah Grossman, two THMs, chloroform and dibromochloromethane, are carcinogens; and another THM, bromodichloromethane, has been identified as a mutagen, which alters DNA.  Now how many areas in the City had this problem since DPW only checks 4 spots?  Is there anything that can be done as a preventative measure, yes but DPW does not have these in place.

 The use of chlorine to disinfect water produces various disinfection byproducts, which have been classified mainly as halogenated and non-halogenated byproducts. These primary byproducts are trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids. THMs are the byproducts of chlorination of water that contains natural organic matter.

Saratoga once had very good tasting drinking water but those days are long gone, heavy chlorination has taken that away and that’s where the problem lies especially during track season.  As I said there are inexpensive measures to keep the  disinfection byproducts in check.  They should be used.

Doesn’t anyone keep the residents of the City updated about important matters especially when we are thinking about placing our relatives in places like Wesley Health Care Center or Saratoga Hospital?

In the Fall of 2016 2 lawsuits were brought against 1) Saratoga Hospital and 2) Wesley Health Care Center in connection with an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease in these 2 institutions last fall. Saratoga Springs resident Susan Gonino has sued Saratoga Hospital, claiming she contracted Legionnaire's while admitted to the hospital for surgery in October and The son of Alice Johnson, an 86-year-old woman who died in October after contracting Legionnaire's disease at the Wesley Health Care Center, has sued the nursing home.  Come on Skip, what the hell are you doing to us?

The city’s main water source - Loughberry Lake has not been inspected for 29 Years.
Yes 29 Years!!!!

The issue was brought to the council table by Mayor Yepsen, and  DPW/Water Commisssioner Scirocco said it was not needed!!!! More BS by SS.

 A City Hall insider told me that Scirocco hired an outside firm for $60,000.00 to come up with a study on how to flush the hydrant system, (you have to do it in sequence so you keep the crap moving down the line) but I was told that the Swami (Scirocco) has never followed the the plan.  The previous Director didn’t need to spend the $60,000.00 and I can’t remember anyone dying from bad water.

Finance Office

I can already hear the excuses spewing from Commissioner Madigan’s mouth. She is up to her eyes in debt and she is hemorrhaging money!  Get ready for the blame game to start. 2016 was a 1 Million dollar deficit year, 2017 will be too. She already is borrowing money for 2018.

Let us see how long before she cries poverty.  

I will bet you we get a big property tax increase in the next budget.  There is a reason she has announced that this is her last 2 years on the Council.


  1. I knew my water tasted like crap. I have been buying bottled water for at least 8 years. Skippy is keeping the rates low by deferring maintenance.

  2. Skip is over his head and has been for years. Political Patronage jobs have hurt him.
    Mike Veitch is a hack and Ed Miller in Water Dept was a political hire and the water staff is not happy.

  3. When will the residents wake up. DPW continues to screw up.
    Fire at DPW Garage, Lead in drinking water, Bad water at Skidmore in August, Ignoring Loughberry Lake, Political jobs handed out to political cronies, water leaks, water leaks, water leaks

  4. The water rate in Saratoga is cheap. People do not care about anything else by low water rates.

    1. Sorry but the water rate is not as cheap as Scirocco makes it out to be. You have to take into consideration the quarterly fees he has added to the water and sewer rates.

  5. Really 4:43? I beg to differ with you! I believe all residents care about is CLEAN WATER. The Captain is right, our water rates have continued to raise every year and our quality of water continues to decline. Scirocco has absolutely no clue what the hell he’s doing.

  6. The poor management of DPW will be scirocco's downfall. Ms Buckley and Mike Veitch are armed guards of Skip and he is making bad decisions and poor leadership. By May 2018 Skip will be over run by issues in DPW and Water Dept. When Skidmore Students and Skidmore staff find out about the issues they will raise holy hell. The Legionela Lawsuits, no infrastructure plan, poor maintenance of Fire Hydrants, etc. etc
    The voters will not be fooled by him again.

    1. The voters will not have the choice. The parties will once again agree to a non agresion pac and run no one against Skip and Madagain. No one will primary skip because of the lies Veich and Buckley will make up as well as the threats. Jail or illness is the only way skip will get out of the way for the next generation.

  7. Madigan is the Donald Trump of Saratoga Springs. Inexperienced, unhinged, and most importantly, lacking even a minuscule amount of self-awareness in regards to how she comes off to normal people.

  8. 10:34
    Seriously, Skip has this much power???

    1. Skippy just does what the parties tell him to do. He does serve two mastwrs as in democrats and republicans.

  9. The City's water is regulated by the State of New York. The City must follow them. Has the City been in the news saying the water isn't up to par. The City can't go into private home and fix old pipes that is where the lead comes from. The water treatment plant is State of the art. The water going into the Skidmore holding tank is good, when it just sit there and not used it goes bad. And that is Skidmore problem not the City's. And the water bills haven't gone up, don't know what bill you are looking at. Instead of writing all of thses lies why don't you come forward and be come part of the solution.

    1. I can understand why you would think that the "Skidmore holding tank" is water for Skidmore. Quite the contrary. Water is pumped from the water works on Marion Ave. up to North Broadway where there is an underground (but really above ground) reservoir. The reason for this is to increase water pressure for almost the entire water system in Saratoga Springs. The water does not go bad. It is not just for Skidmore.

    2. Anon 7:47 If you think the water bills haven't gone up since Skippy took over then you must be a Scirocco and be paying your bill under Skippys "Bonacio rebate program" otherwise known as the Scirocco give away program.

  10. I want to know who got served a restraining order at City Hall and why are employees of the Inn at Saratoga getting arrested? Lots of dirt in this town Captain. Come on, we want to hear all about it. Do tell.

  11. There are two tanks at North Broadway. One for the Skidmore for the sprinkler system. The water going into them are good, it is when you don't use the water it goes bad.


  13. To the comment above.
    The NYS Department of Health does very much get involved in water issues in Saratoga Springs. How many times in the last 5 years has DOH had to put the city on notice for violations?
    Our main drink water source Loughberry Lake has not been tested or examined in 30 YEARS!!!! Last year Skippy Scirocco blocked a vote to have the city test the Loughberry Lake reservoir.
    Skip where is the infrastructure plan? No brains..No plan

  14. People aren't aware that the rt 50 arterial is sitting on an earthen dam. Has it been checked lately? If the dam goes, so does rt 50 and all buildings south of it.

  15. The City hasn't been put on notice for violations. The lead is in the pipes in your home. Loughberry lake water get tested after it goes through the water treatment plant. That is where it is treated. And I think that Skidmore College has gotten sited.

  16. Dear Anonymous 1/28/ 7:18
    What are you smoking? DPW Dope?
    Everything you posted is just not true.

    Wake Up

  17. In Saratogian Sunday....Saratoga Fireman accused of abandoning a dog, and animal abuse. Where is Tedisco on this story? Buster's Law?

    1. I saw that story and wondered the same thing. Is this being covered up?



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