Tuesday, October 1, 2013


In past posts, I have alluded that Shauna Sutton, Director of the Greenridge Cemetery, that she (Sutton of the North) had hired her husband to work at the cemetery.  I would like to apologize, it is not her husband, it is her BROTHER.  The current Deputy Mayor has never taken or used her married last name of Dowd.  It is said that she tried to have her husband take her last name.  I find this quite comical, not that she would want to give  up her last name but woman usually use a hyphen between maiden and married names,  could it be that Sutton has never been married or is it because her husband is a car salesman and doesn't  fit her ‘station’ in life?

Also, why is the Republican team putting election signs on City properties?  Who the heck enforces these laws? Oh wait, it’s part of the Republican election team, now that makes sense.

One question everyone is asking themselves is : Who is John Arpei and why is he putting signs up?  It will be interesting to see how many votes he will get when no one knows who he is.

I hope that we finally have a small tax increase in this year’s budget. A City should never have a 0% budget.  Costs, wages, equipment replacement, benefits etc. rise every year and a tiny increase could add 2 or 3 jobs to the Fire and Police Departments, keeping the budget surplus there to tap when we need it.

Well, I must get ready to go to the meeting tonight, I heard there will be a ring of humanity (tonight it will be 4-5 people) protesting Super Fly who fell from the scaffolding and blamed the Police for brutality.  I heard that he broke a few laws being out that time of night and he was heard humming Johnny Cash’s “Walk the Line”.

More after the meeting tonight, that will probably go on into Wed. afternoon.

Let’s end with Curtis Mayfield’s Song Superfly, or as 
Darryl Mount likes to say, it me theme song

“Darkest of night
With the moon shining bright
There's a set goin' strong
Lotta things goin' on
The man of the hour
Has an air of great power
The dudes have envied him for so long

Oh, superfly
You're gonna make your fortune by and by
But if you lose, don't ask no questions why
The only game you know is do or die”


  1. ghost of Saratoga CitizenOctober 2, 2013 at 9:37 PM

    I'm surprised by you Pat. Pretty low to criticize a man that is brain damaged.

    1. If she can drop her husband’s last name because you say he's brain damaged, what kind of Mayor will we have if the City has a crisis, flee to her boss's condo in Fla.? It's not low Captain, just another in a list of her true 'ice woman' character

  2. Arpei is certainly out of his league, and as you say is virtually an unknown. What can you expect from a person who spent his life as a "State employee"? Living large on his six figure pension, and also the large school pension of his wife, why should he lower himself to go door to door, to the level of a common voter?
    It might be best to just withdraw from the "race" before being humiliated on election day.

  3. My understanding with Commissioner Skippy...he's paying his DPW employees, one who happens to be the VP of the CSEA union to go door to door hanging flyers on city resident's doors! Really Skippy!!! Why are you not doing this yourself? Maybe because you can't talk in complete sentences?

  4. Seems Commission Scirocco also feels above knocking door to door to speak with the voters. Either that or he's afraid he'll have to engage in an in depth conversation which he is incapable of engaging in. He has his "dpw goons" going through neighborhoods putting place cards on door knobs. If re-elected you can be sure Russell Hord & Kevin Older will be promoted to supervisors just like O'Neil & McGraw in 2008. I am so looking forward to a debate between Skippy & Bill!!

  5. Captain, I know you are a Republican Committee person trying to make the Republicans look like poor targets, admit you are a Democrat operative and start telling the truth. Johnson and Sutton are clean and sober.

  6. Word out there is that Pat Kane is Captain America.
    Hmmmm, I fail to see the resemblance !

    1. Even though I'm not Pat, it sounds you are a tad jealous that he is so toned.

  7. @9:23 AM - Johnson is sober? As far as I can tell, that is only true for a few hours on the first and third Tuesday of the month.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...