Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We all know that Shauna Sutton-Dowd is famous for being the Director of Greenridge Cemetery.   One day Shauna went over to the house of a husband and wife to seal the deal on a cemetery plot as the husband was dying.    However, John can smell his favorite chocolate nut brownies cooking downstairs.  John summons all the strength that he has left, he flops out of bed and crawls downstairs.  He sees the brownies cooling on the counter and staggers over to them.  As John reaches for one, Shauna’s wrinkled old hand reaches out, smacks his and she yells:
'No John, you can't have those!  They're for the funeral!'

‘In her younger days Shauna worked for the Dept. of Social Services until she sent this letter out to a client:
Your food stamps will be stopped effective march 1990 because we received notice that you passed away.  May God bless you.
You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances.
Shauna posted this note after she and the Mayor put up the office wall.
“As of tomorrow. employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards.  Pictures will be taken next Wednesday and employees will receive their cards in two weeks”
See, Shauna is more fun in the cemetery than she is in City Hall.

Can Skip win re-election? Could Tid-Bits Skip could be using
‘What I need is a list of specific unknown problems we will encounter’

‘This project is so important; we can’t let things that are more important interfere with it’

‘Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule’

One morning a City highway department crew reaches their job site and realize they have forgotten all their shovels.  The crew’s foreman radios the office and tells the Commissioner the situation.  The Commissioner radio’s back and says ‘don’t worry, we’ll send some shovels… just lean on each other until they arrive.

‘Skip is on the stand and the Judge asks, so Mr. Scirocco, was it you who moved a supervisor (Betty French” from a supervisor post to a clerical post and keep her supervisor pay grade’?  Skip answers the judge, who’s Betty French’?

Remember, if elected Dick Wirth’s Deputy will be Al Calucci!


  1. I walked through Greenridge Cemetery the other day and I have never seen the place look so unkempt. All the little trees around the headstones have been hastily trimmed and have been given flat-tops. Hideous. The horror.

  2. 1. As I said before in previous stories, I will not post any idiotic posts. I will not post anyone who calls people derogatory names that have nothing to do with the stories, get your facts . Some idiot is still fixated on Pat Kane and Brent Wilkes and the fact they led a Charter Change last year, forget it, it's over. The thing was defeated and you haven't heard anyone talking about it but you. You are either nuts or just got off some of the drugs you are taking and think it's October 2012. Get over it, move on.

  3. In the Saratogian Sutton states that “Sutton stepped away from politics because of the negativity, but now she can take it” That is because all of the negativity is coming from her, just ask todays random target in city hall.

  4. Great Job Captain...right on

  5. That other blogger seems to think he knows it all which is the tell-tale sign of delusional thinking. He actually believes his own lies. I guess I understand the always terrified look on his wifes face. Not only is he clearly mentally ill but I would bet money on the fact that he is impotent as well. Thank goodness he isn't a father. We already have enough deadbeats in Saratoga.

  6. Is it over with is right! Once it is over you will not post again for two years. That will be a blessing. You are pro democrat with no insight.

  7. Do you have video footage of that blogger showing up to the Mayors office everyday to get his fictional writing material? How much do they pay him to write lies or does he do it for free? What is he going to do with himself when the real authors of his blog no longer have a job?

  8. No, Skip's answer to judge: "I don't recall." "Hum, I, you know, only work part-time." "This is an extremely important job she is doing." QUESTION: How often have you been to the Tool Rm to see the kind of job she's doing? ANSWER: Hum, "I only work part time." Just answer the question Mr. Scirocco. I know you have selective memory. ANSWER: Never QUESTION: How well is she doing the job? ANSWER: Not, so good. Not so good in the last couple of months. What a VERY SAD EXCUSE for a boss, let alone a COMMISSIONER!! Skippy hates female supervisors.

    ... awaiting the Captain's response-- you've banged that Colucci drum pretty good in a few posts. So what say you?

    1. Elecyion drivel. He said "Richard Wirth (R,I,C) will announce today that, if elected, he will leave the public safety department’s Deputy Commissioner vacant at the beginning of his term." What do you consider the beginning of his term, 2 months? Wirth is a loser, he lost the position 2 years ago and he needs a gimmick so people will be in awe of the PI.
      Al Calucci will be Dick Wirth's Deputy. More on this later.

    2. Captain Wirth is defending himself against Mayor Dowd. If Mctyge, Yepson, Frank, and Madigan win Wirth will be stuck with Sutton. Wirth is a good man and Sutton would be a disaster for Public Safety, then again she is a disaster no matter where she goes. Just look at the condition of the cemetery.

    3. captain, the dictionary usage of the word shall (which is the term uused in the Charter that refers to appointing Deputies)
      "(in laws, directives, etc.) must; is or are obliged to: The meetings of the council shall be public. Gee, maybe he'll ask for a Charter change.

    4. "Al Calucci will be Dick Wirth's Deputy. More on this later."
      Until whenever 'later' is, Captain, all you have is a live person making a campaign promise and putting himself on the record vs. an anonymous 'superhero' acting very un-heroic quite frankly.

      If Wirth recants on his pledge there will be many on line (including me) to hammer him. But your idle speculation, until "later" comes, is just that-- speculation, based on nothing. Tick-tock, Captain. There's an election coming. When will 'later' come?

    5. As 10:09 says read the dictionary and my later is read the Charter. Now, if he wants to defund the Deputy's position, the salary goes back into the budget. It won't be his to use as he pleases. If he doesn't know this then why would we want him as Commissioner again? Will he give up his PI business? He has to work about 20 hours as Commissioner and at least 40 as the 'Deputy'. That is later. The current Commissioner beat Wirth on a platform that people wanted, he has followed that platform and more. Dick Wirth will always be known as being a bobblehead and never having anything on his agenda at Council meetings. If people want this again then vote for Wirth. Al Calucci will be Dick Wirth's Deputy.

  10. This idea that Rick isn't going to have deputy is pure fiction. Two weeks to two months into his new term he will be like a woman and 'change his mind'. Wait and see Sheeple. Baaaa.

  11. What's going on with JT, closing his blog for now??
    Maybe he shot his mouth off one to many times?

    1. We will be posting a story about this for those that haven't heard the news.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...