Friday, November 1, 2013


I got this information in the mail and thought it was pretty funny, so I thought I’d tinker with it a little.  Remember, Shauna Sutton-Dowd holds 2 FULL time jobs of at least 40 hours a week per job.  Yes, that’s 80 hours a week.  What kind of job can she do without overlapping one with the other?   Shauna also has been making noise about Yepsen taking money from unions.  I checked her donations on line and she has taken big money from large contractors, plumbers (who are union people), a local lumber company and the City’s outside attorney firm that Johnson and Sutton chose to represent the City in its lawsuits or other dealings.  Sutton will have to work with these donors so she is playing the blame game, when she herself could be accused of going the deed also.  Yes, that is Shauna smoking a pipe, working nights in a costume.


$120,000.00 & BENEFITS

CITY HALL - $60,000.00 &

GRAVE DIGGING - $60,000.00


  1. Captain you must be smoking something in that pipe. This is all speculation. She does not have two jobs and never has. You have no proof or documentation of this second job or anything, so just shut up. Why not post a pay stub? Oh you got nothing.

    1. I don't smoke, but I can't say the same for you, as a not for profit you can look it up on line, see the information, her name and partial salary, now go to it and see for yourself.

  2. It is widely known that Shauna has worked part time for the cemetery. It is a job that she has held for years. I, for one, certainly did not expect her to walk away from it for the Deputy position, an appointment with an indefinite timeframe. Contrary to the comment by Anonymous @ 8:50 a.m. on Nov. 2, Shauna's second job is not "speculation".

      As the only paid principle officer in a not for profit corporation with $1.5 million in assets within city limits is not a part time job.

  3. Anonymous is both uninformed and hostile. It is widely known that Shauna works part time for the cemetery and has for a number of years. I, for one, did not expect Shauna to walk away from a part time job she has held for years because of the Deputy position, an appointed job with an indefinite timeframe. Shauna herself told me of her position with the cemetery and her intention to keep it.

    1. Suzanne. Why the soft stance, did Sutton threaten you again?
      She is the only paid principle director of a non profit that makes 25% of its income from a city contract and pays her more than $18 per hour if she shows up for all of the full time hours recorded for the job of officer. The income from the city equals her pay for the year. They also have $1.5 million in assets.
      There is a big difference between being a part time employee as Sutton has reported, and a principle officer of the corporation that derives 25% of its income from the city and then pays the deputy mayor of such city the same amount.
      If she accepted the Deputy position she should give up the part time work in the city. She required the same of one of the building inspectors. What is goo for the gander is good for the goose.

  4. I have asked each candidate for Mayor one Q, "What happen to the three charging stations are were suppose to be installed in the Woodlawn parking garage ?" Deafening silence. I was curious as a vendor at the Saratoga County Fair mentioned that a Company was given a contract.

  5. I think Sutton would be the one to answer that, why would Yepsen know this? I'm sure the current administration will not give her the info. You would be better off calling Tom Roohan, the overseer of the building of the garage and the person who spoke of this at a Council meeting. Roohan's business number is 587-4500

  6. I was not aware that the cemetery is a public entity. That certainly changes things. The recent mailer is misleading, though, that implies she's received $120 per year when the amount is $120K over 6 years. Although I disagree with Shauna's politics and strongly opposed her conduct in City Hall, she is also my neighbor, and the Sutton Dowd's are good neighbors. I think it is safe to say Shauna and I have a love/hate relationship! Like anyone she has strengths and weaknesses. I look for coalition-building and community-building skills, vision, clarity and transparency in those I entrust with leadership. Coalition-building means beyond the narrow interests the current administration appears to serve, and community as inclusive rather than exclusive, and vision to prepare for the future of Saratoga Springs, driven by something other than accommodations for automobiles. I hope that answers Anonymous' Nov. 2 @ 7:52 p.m. query.

  7. Captain, I have enjoyed your election analysis, though I don't always agree with you--that is what it is all about. And I am happy you decided to return to blogging after a brief hiatus.
    Having said that, I believe that one gaping allegation that you have promised to clarify is the knowledge that Al Calucci will be Wirth's deputy... you have said this several times throughout the election period, with promises to elaborate. It is now 2 days before the election-- so i ask you point blank: where is the proof behind this statement? It's obvious you have a problem with Rick Wirth, but if you are going to be credible, you need to own up to a statement you made-- not once, but many times. Be responsible, and either respond with specifics or admit you went too far out on a limb.

    Good luck to you in the future; i will look forward to your post-election analysis.

    1. It was a discussion overheard by both parties. It may not happen, but they were discussing it on many occasions, and others have heard the same thing.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...