Friday, November 22, 2013


It seems like the small businessman gets the shaft again when a big contractor like Sonny Bonacio wants the City to quash him.

The small businessman is the owner of the Fortunate Cup building, who for over a year has been trying to get his permanent CO for his building.  Unfortunately for him the City only grants him temporary CO’s.  He gave a reading of how the City has been treating him.

The City demanded that he plant a buffer of hedges and then gave him a credit line (a regular City practice) of $20,000.00.  The building owner wants to purchase the empty lot next door for a parking lot and will make the lot ascetically pleasing.  The City and Planning Board members beholding to Johnson & Bonacio- Cliff Van Wagner, Tom Lewis & Howard Pinsley say no way to the purchase and in fact the owner must remove 16 parking from the existing lot.  Now the kicker, who lives in the back of the empty lot?  Why, none other than Sonny Bonacio’s mother.  Also the City has recalled the credit line (something that has not been done in the last 20 years at least).

 Business in the building creates sales tax money for the City, so there must be a reason for the hard ball game.  The main players, the Planning Board members and Johnson & Sutton-Dowd cannot risk upsetting Bonacio.


  1. One needs to look where the power is. The individual that has the power is the yes men in Steve Shaw the Building/Zoning inspector for the City of Saratoga Springs. He is still a provisional employee so he does what ever Sutton wants even shredding.

  2. Wrong Cap!,He wants to purchase the land so he can build another empty building and besides that Cap dittes yep$en will change the rules for the new game in town led by coach of the year comm. franck,hell Cap I would venture to say a era of no complaints and smooth sailing lie ahead for the residents of Saralot.

    1. The rules have been changed 3 or 4 times in the last 6 years. I heard the lot was for parking but if it is a building then the City is doing a larger injustice. The Fortunate Cup's building is full of small businesses, I doubt another building will sit empty. West Avenue is becoming mostly businesses anyway, so let’s have another good one.

    2. Ms.Yep$en is pretty close to the Bonacios' Cap and if you think for one minute a different game is going to be played here you should share that smoke with Owebama------different face---same game.....francks' the new boss,at least the "insiders" know that.

  3. Hopefully when we finally have a Mayor with "open government" in office come January 1st this kind of bull-shit will stop! Johnson/Sutton has ALWAYS been in the developers pocket! Take a look around the city & see how these developers are allowed to build wherever & however they want!

  4. Who owns the building ?

    1. I don't know the fellows name. He was at the Council meeting Tuesday night telling the rest of the Council the story.

  5. It was my understanding that Alfio "Sonny" Bonacia's Mom lives with him and Julie, in their home which is located opposite the Palace Riggi.
    But maybe he wants that vacant lot too?

    1. To the best of my knowledge, shhe still lives in the family house. The fact that Bonaccio would like to buy the property wouldn't surprise.

  6. Looking forward to Mayor Yepsen. Franck is not the boss. She is. Hope she proves that. Let them know who's boss Mayor.

    1. You're right. She doesn't even take office for another month and anon 8:29 wants us to believe she already isn't doing her job. With the current administration, we gave them time but after 2 years we knew what a lousy team they were.

    2. I would tend to agree with 8:29,you have to know the dynamics' of this incoming Council and he,she or it are spot on and by the way Johnson decided not to run he has bigger fish to fry...predictions-----public saftey is about to cost the city millions.....because the saratoga democrats hate Casino revenues' the city will lose millions in lost revenues and property values will plument will boss franck reassess then???? Choice of Deputy Mayor and City Attorney will divide the already divided democratic party and cause great confusion.......the great unifyer is on a collision course with the one term and out syndrone.

  7. No one knows the dynamics of the new Council because we don't know how Yepsen will do or the role Skip will play as being the only Republican. The reason Johnson diidn't run was because he would have lost and he didn't want to go out a loser, as far as his aspirrations, his record as not working with constituants and other larger baggage he has will mean that he could never win an election to a higher post . You also assume that Democrats are opposed to having a Casino in Saratoga, you're wrong. There are as many Reublicans as Democrats opposed to keeping the Casino out and a mix of both Party members that want it here, remember the propostion was defeated in Saratoga. I can remember when the Republicans said Johnson will be one term and out Mayor. Johnson even had a nickname among Republicans during the first term "1 term Scotty".

    1. Democrat powers to be Cap don't want it here like your Yep$sen....fact Cap last election "1 term Scotty" spent less than $7,000 compared to ypur Brently Wilkes who spent close to $75,000 and won,and I don't think he would have lost either if he ran,,,to many big egos on this new council plus the town of saratoga rep will micro manage it to death not much will get done and taxes will go up big time.

    2. 11:45 AM: You need to spend a few extra minutes putting your thoughts and sentences together better. Plus some fact checks: Saratoga Springs is a city, there is a Town of Saratoga, that's east of here.
      Just so you know; Johnson won last time because the Dems were split and a large number of us voted for him, thus we gave him the win. He would have lost this time like ‘shawner.'
      Too Bad So Sad

  8. 3:38pm,you need to find out who the "inner circle" in the dem. party are,I'm a life long City Dem and 11:45am knows and you don't.

  9. Look if the McTyuge Brothers don't want some thing all they do is make a visit to City Hall. They controll the Dem's in charge. JoAnn will be a pasty for them and she won't even know it right away. They brow beat people.

    1. You sound like an angry Republican, calm down and let's see what happens.

  10. actually 1:23 sounds like a Scirocco!!! Scirocco gives the McTygues so much power just by being paranoid of them. The most interesting issue the next two years will be Scirocco & how he handles himself being the only Republican. Let's see just how much he adds to the council.



  AMANDA ELLITHORPE CONNIE WYTOWICH CHRISTINE KRASZEWSKI   This coming Tuesday May 18 th Saratogians will be voting for 3 members f...